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Everything posted by Johnnyc

  1. Ah fair enough. Cheers Shep! I was hoping you weren't gonna say that
  2. Hey guys, So just wondering about these pedals that require 12V power supplies; Diago do an 18V adaptor that you can use with your 9V daisy chain, is there something similar for 12V? Was googling it earlier but couldn't find much, anyone know much about this? Or do you just have to deal with using a separate PSU wall wart? Cheers Johnny
  3. Would you happen to teach at The Institute in Kilburn? Btw is this pedal still for sale?
  4. Cheers mate! yeah did take a while, still haven't got it out of the house to put it through it's paces and give it a good thrashing! Got some upcoming gigs though so I'll be able to test it soon! Still loving the NV610?
  5. Yeah I think the first way is better in that it allows you personally to be far more creative, and is super fun. It worked for us, but we were a pop punk band and musically it's not that hard to play or write parts for. Btw the band split up because my brother moved to California and he was the lead vox, rhythm guitar and main songwriter so it couldn't work without him. I still feel as strong a musical connection to him now as I did then and playing with other people is never quite the same; we always seem to jam it out when I go and visit, which isn't often My current band however play alot more technical hardcore/metal music and all the parts really have to fit together well otherwise it'll sound like mush. Thats why it helps to write on guitar pro, although maybe a progression in the writing process would be for the guitarist to write only his part on there, and send it round for the rest of us to program in our parts. I find myself just playing what I'm told alot of the time so would be nice to be able to write my own parts Yes they've written sections I'm not keen on and I find constructive criticism and encouragement essential in those cases. Funnily enough I don't listen to much metal music although I was quite into it a few yrs ago. The others in the band are into far heavier stuff than I'll ever like.
  6. Thats really cool looking at it from that point of view. Very interesting post Jack I'll be working out who's filling what role in the coming weeks I imagine. More often than not I'm filling the joker role
  7. Being in a band can indeed be hard, though I've never been in bands with complete strangers, and definately the best band I've been in was when I was 16, with my older brother and 2 of our best mates. I've never gelled with anyone else as well, songwriting just seemed so easy and we all knew what each other would do before it happened. Yeah we had our arguments but as we were such good mates we'd get over it pretty quick and carry on as normal. It's so different to the band I'm in now, in terms of the writing process. Back then we'd rock up at practice and my bro would start playing a riff he'd written earlier and we'd all join in and write our parts as we played. Now I'm in a metal/hardcore band, and either the drummer or guitarist will write the entire song (on all instruments) by himself on guitar pro and send it round for us to listen to. Then we say what we do and don't like and get him to change it. Then we learn it at home and play it together at practice. Feels a bit alien to me.
  8. hmm now thats interesting, what kind of problems have you been having with them? Would have thought considering the price that they'd be top quality. Andy I'm also tempted by the Diago patch cable kit simply because I'm struggling to find any other decent patch cables that are in stock. They do look really good just pricey! I did have a larger board but it was very untidy and my pedals didn't fill it anyway! love the Pedaltrain Mini, got all my core setup on there and can have my volume pedal sat next to it if needs be, though if I do end up with more pedals I'll have to start thinking about other options, maybe another Mini
  9. hehe, got a Diago Micropower 9 due this week Just wondering whether those cable kits are worth it, they work out something like £10 - £15 per patch cable.
  10. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1344893994' post='1770884'] new addition squeezed onto the end of my board... i wish pedaltrain made a slightly wider mini, it's just not quite wide enough for me and my clumsy feet! liking the tremorslo so far [/quote] Mate I'm liking this, btw, what patch cables & power are you using? Proper nice and tidy
  11. Hmm just checked out the M2 system, looks pretty decent, although forgot to check price haha. I noticed that as an optional accessory you can have a lavalier mic so you can hear whats going on around you, so your band mates don't need to scream at you to no avail on stage to get your attention Ever tried using it? Also, one thing I'm a little aprehensive about with all these IEM Wireless systems is that the receiver packs all share the same flimsy antennas! Used to have a Sennheiser instrument wireless and the antenna has a big kink in it where it got bent. Not sure if there are any brands without that or whether it's just something I'll have to deal with =/ Yeah figured if I'm gonna spend that much on customs I may as well go the whole 9 yards Quads ftw!
  12. I use Fender 7250's on both my basses, just different gauges. I probably should experiment a bit more with different brands but I like the sound I've got, so really can't be bothered
  13. Well I figured this is my chance to brush up on my piano skills so probably a fair bit of 2 handed playing, although live there will probably be slightly more 1 handed playing than two!
  14. Hey guys, So I need a midi keyboard which I can use to play some piano/synth parts live, & control software etc on my laptop. Haven't played piano in many years so I'm not really sure how many keys to go for, would you recommend 61 or 49? Cheers Johnny
  15. I was gonna go for some Alien Ears G8's, then my brother told me about the 1964Ears, think I'm gonna go for their quad driver ones. Their website seems alot better than Alien Ears, and heard nothing but good things about their customer service. Freddy, I see from your sig you're using an Audio Technica system, is that wireless? If so, how good is it? Not really sure what to do about wireless for IEM... Kinda hoping Line6 will unveil a digital wireless IEM system at NAMM 2013!
  16. lol practice on sunday... but the drummer can't make it so he's sending the drum tracks from the records mixed into the tracks we play along to! I decided to go without the tweeter. Didn't want the extra cost or weight, and I don't do any slap so I don't really need the ultra highs. Tweeterless seems to go more than high enough, and if I ever do wanna slap I just push the 'bright' button on my amp and it gives you plenty of high end.
  17. Nice one man! it's a great rig! It's so annoying I'm trying to arrange a band practice so I can actually try it out loud, nobody is replying!! argghh!
  18. Hahaha! Just forget you ordered it, then it will be an awesome surprise when it turns up in a few weeks The Traynor is ridiculously loud, sounds so good! Silver grille is defo the way to go!
  19. Yeah I figured it would be cool to use the sine first so I can hear the proper sound of the cab when I get it to practice. cheers for the links!! The weight is really good actually, its about 8kg lighter than the ashdown, and the shape and location of the handles make it a way better lift regardless of weight, tbh i could carry the ashdown one handed, it was just an awkward shape! I think I waited around 14 weeks, cba to work it out but May 3rd till today. I don't think you should have to wait too much longer as Alex said there was a delay the last few weeks from getting all the Midgets onto the production line. Maybe another, oh lets say.... 16 weeks? Its definitely worth the wait. The only annoying thing is expecting it to get it at a certain time and then keep getting delays. you asked for pics... here you go, straight off the iPhone [attachment=115245:Super Twelve 2.JPG] [attachment=115246:Super Twelve 1.JPG] looks a little weird with the amp being wider than the cab, but if the sound is killer then I don't particularly care all that much. Johnny
  20. Yeah I set the master at half way and use the gain to adjust the volume. Super clean, and goes ridiculously loud!! of course then I put a bit of overdrive from my pedals on it I'm so glad that Eddie told me about this amp last year and then sold me his!! cheers mate!
  21. So my long wait for a new cab is finally at an end, and I have received my Barefaced Super Twelve!!! All I can say is, how the heck did I get used to the muddy disgrace emanating from my Ashdown Mag 1x15 since I sold my Berg?? Fantastic sound so far from the S12, seems really punchy and getting a pretty even freq response. Does anyone know where I can get hold of that sine wave to start breaking in the woofers? Can't wait to get this thing to a band practice! Cheers Johnny
  22. Hey mate I own a Traynor YBA-300 (bought it off Eddie) it sounds fantastic, granted I do use 2 preamp pedals in front of it but it sounds great by itself! Just tested it a minute ago and it starts to break up at around 6.5 on the gain. Hope that helps. Ps I can carry it in one hand and my cab in the other, that's pretty good going for a valve amp!! No way you could do that with an SVT! Hope this helps! Johnny
  23. I just bought a Mono M-80 and its the best gig bag I've ever seen or owned. They do a double version which you could check out, not had any experience with Harvest ones though. Johnny
  24. I've been waiting for my Super Twelve since May... due date keeps getting pushed back but I was expecting it last week... now I'm wondering if I'll ever get it =/
  25. Arrgh those cables from effectspowersupplies are [i]still[/i] out of stock!! I'm tempted by the Diago Patchfactory cables even though they cost more than twice as much as regular cables... I got my Pedaltrain Mini yesterday by the way, and I've ordered the Diago Micropower9... although I got a call the day after I ordered to tell me that the 18v adapter and daisy chain were out of stock... Why not show it as out of stock on the website then!? Hate it when companies do that. Have to wait 1 - 2 weeks for it now. Any longer than that and I'm cancelling and buying elsewhere. Added to that, my Sansamp has just turned faulty so I can't complete my board till it's fixed anyways This is turning out to be more of a pain in the arse than I'd imagined!!
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