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Everything posted by Beefyeggo

  1. I have the new Squier Jaguar short scale bass. I got it from DV247.com for £160 delivered, just before Xmas. The strings it came fitted with were absolute sh*te but I changed them for a set of flatwounds and it's much, much nicer to play. Intonation was almost spot on and the action needed no adjustment at all. The only criticism I would make is that the black guitar I bought has a black pickguard fitted. I would like to change that for a tortoiseshell finish pickguard at some stage. I fully concede my lack of experience on the bass (like the OP I've played guitr for many a year) but this one seems fine to me and good value for £160 Rob
  2. Thanks, guys... Looks like I'll try the Status graphites. The strings fitted to the guitar as new just feel 'rough'.... unfinished, somehow (don't know if that makes any sense to you....) and left black marks on my fingers. Totally [u]not[/u] happy with these strings so will get them changed. Again, thanks to all who have helped me with advice through this period of acquisition. Now all I need is to learn how to play the damn thing a little better!!! Having just about nailed 'Tulsa Time' in G, I feel ready to move onto something that has a third chord in it somewhere!! Rob
  3. I post regularly on a couple of watch and clock interest forums and it's exactly the same there. If the guy has been around a long while and has a history of trading with the other guys there I have no worries about sending a watch out on approval, or paying by BT before I see a watch coming in. One useful thing they have there is a 'Heroes and Villains' sticky. Here members can post brief recommendations of really exceptional service they get from dealers, good deals they've done with other members and equally name people/dealers who have given shoddy service, ripped them off etc. Obviously there's a fine line between criticism and libel but if somebody says 'I wouldn't deal with that person again as long as I have a hole in my arse' you kind of get the message. Just a thought... Rob
  4. Finally..... the reprise. thank you to all for your various suggestions. I have finally bought the Squier Jaguar SS bass in black - got it from DV247.com for £160 delivered which is exactly £89 less than a local music shop quoted me....... I've given it a try and rather like the guitar. The scale suits me better than the 34" scale of my Cort action bass and it certainly seems well put together. It's difficult to comment on the tone as I am only using it through a small practice amp and my limited experience is a factor, but it's acceptable to me, anyway. The strings, however, are poor quality. I think some cost-sutting has gone on here...... I also think the black pick guard would look much better replaced by a tortoiseshell finish jobbie, which I might just do in future if I can find a supplier.... So... Can anyone recommend some reasonably priced strings? - I rather fancy tryiing flatwound strings and on that point do I really need to buy strings specifically for short scale basses? Is there really that much of a difference? - they are certainly more expensive than 34" scale strings.... Pleased to hear Rob
  5. I'm not really likely to make use of it myself, but hats off to the OP for providing such a useful service for free. Rob
  6. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1323782647' post='1466928'] There's Crane's, GM and Gamlins, all more or less on the same street. All pretty much the same. [b]RhysP[/b] describes them accurately... [/quote] Yes, he does. I tried for a short scale bass recently and not one of them had anything in stock - Ideally I would have liked to try an Epihphone Eb0 and a Squier Jaguar against each other but it was all 'on order only' at each shop. Even Nobles (and I've been buying stuff from 'Nutty' Noble's since 1972) had just one in stock - a child's bass that looked like it was something from 'Hello Kitty'. There is a dealer down in the docks area called Cardiff Guitar Co. I haven't been there - one phone call was enough. No, forget bass shopping in Cardiff. Rob
  7. Hi.. Further to my earlier 'Short Scale' post I am pretty sure I'll have to buy new. I've been doing a trawl of the internet looking at stock levels and prices and two suppliers interest me. Has anyone ever bought from Thomann or Gear4music? Pleased to hear any positive or negative comments - like all the rest of you I can't afford to make any mistakes... Obviously don't say anything libellous but if there is a supplier you feel I would do well to not use I'd be pleased to hear. Equally if you've had good service and would buy again from them I would also like to know. Rob
  8. Black with a tortoiseshell pickguard is an attractive combination. I am considering a Squier Jaguar reissue in this combination - take a look at some of the dealers websites who offer this model. Rob
  9. Thanks all for yr input. I did look at Hofner, but they're out of my price league... they seem to start at 450 - 500 GBP. There's a Tanglewood available at about 100 GBP cheaper but again, too much money for me - I'm new to the bass and am a 'bedroon plonker' so I don't really want to go past the £200 mark. So far the Squier seems to be getting to the top of the list, but what about the Danelectro? Anyone use one of these? Rob
  10. Unfortunately I am having no luck in my search for a used short scale bass. The wanted section here has come up blank and even the Bay of Evil is showing no promise. So it looks like I'm going to have to buy new.... Now I know that the best way to do this is to trot along to the local dealer and try them all out, have a think then make my decision. Unfortunately it's not an ideal world - the local dealers just don't stock them, they are order only so if I want one it's necessary to buy blind. So I'm looking for a little guidance and advice from those of you with experience with short scale bass playing. I did, briefly, try an Epiphone EB-0 and quite liked it (I think I prefer the black finish to the cherry red) so that one must go onto the short list at apporox 150 quid although it did seem a little heavy. I was also considering the new Squier Jaguar reissue either in black with a tortoiseshell scratch plate or even Candy red, at a little over 200 quid. Sorry, but the Bronco doesn't do it for me - I have to like the way it looks, no matter how worthy an instrument it is. So having said that can anyone make any solid recommendations? Is there anything else I should think about? I see the Danelectro reissue is available at approx 150 notes so would any of you consider that one? Pleased to hear Rob
  11. [list] [*]Thanks, all. Some very comprehensive info there. [/list]
  12. In Mexico recently I spotted a guy playing an elderly Jazz with a piece of what appeared to be a piece of upholstery foam underneath the strings near the bridge. I couldn't get close enough to take a proper look or ask the guy about it.. Does anyone know the purpose of this? Rob p.s. My profile says [u]no longer[/u] a newbie but that's bollocks...
  13. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' timestamp='1320273115' post='1424802'] Learning to read proper music would be a much more useful endeavour [/quote] Yeah... hadn't thought of that....... thanks for that nugget of wisdom.... duh..... but genuine thanks to those who answered in a more positive vibe, especially mep and mornats Rob
  14. Hi... First off apologies if I´ve posted this to the wrong section of the site... on holiday in Mexico and too many tequila sunrises last night..... I note the sticky showing various sites for bass score... Is there a similar source of sites for free bass tab pls?? There are a few songs that I´d like to try to learn and the tab would make life a lot easier. Pleased to hear Rob
  15. Anyone will tell you that daily practice is best - twenty minutes every day is far better than just 2 hours every Sunday. That's certainly true for keyboards and guitar and I can't believe it's any different for bass. Rob
  16. I've never shipped a bass by courier, but over the years have shipped out dozens of watches, including some very expensive pieces indeed. Im my experience 'Arrange Your Own Courier' means that seller doesn't want to have any part in getting after-sale claims for loss, damage etc. I'm not passing any inference here, I'm just saying that in such cases the seller wants the item off his doorstep and have an end ot it there and then. I would always walk away from any such deal - just my two pence worth.... Rob
  17. Hi... even though I have large hands I have short, stumpy fingers and finding it a bit of a strecth on my current (34" bridge to nut scale) bass. I think a shorter scale would make life easier for me. I have been offered a Westone Thunder 1A active bass in a trade deal for a watch. I've done what research I can and they seem to be very well regarded basses in the £100 price bracket so that's not an issue - however I am unable to find out the scale. Can anyone help please? Rob ps - Second time trying to post this thread. If it's a duplicate please bear with me... I am hopeless with computers.
  18. Hi... despite having large hands I have short (stumpy??) fingers and think a shorter scale neck would suit me. My current bass (Cort) has a 34" bridge to nut scale. I have been offered a Westone Thunder 1A active bass with case which seems in good condition. Can anyone advise if these basses were indeed short scale, and if so what the scale is? I have done what homework I can and they seem to be very well regarded for the price bracket (£100) but I can'tr find the scale listed anywhere. Grateful for your help. Rob
  19. The answer to the OP's question, of course, is ....... possibly. It all depends on how you define 'the vibe' and how important it is to you. My opinion, for what that is worth, is that guitars that go out of tune are a total pain in the arse. And what will happen when we have guitars that have in-built automatic tuning, with small motors linked to an inbuilt digital tuner? Personally I'd like to see that, but I know that a lot of folk wouldn't... but vive la difference, as the man once said. Rob
  20. I've seen the clip on type tuners advertised for just a few quid. Does anyone use them? Are they OK? I can't quite make it out... I can see how they would work on an acoustic, but was wondering just how effective they are on an electric bass..
  21. Always wanted to learn the sax but I just can't make the embrouchure - so I'll never be Clarance Clemons... except perhaps in bodyweight.... Two saxes as follows: Tenor Stagg in as new condition. 3 years old but basically unplayed - especially by me!! Comes with fibreglass case, mouthpiece, reeds etc. I reckon £150 or a decent offer. Alto - German instrument from (I am told) the 1970's. It has had a new crook otherwise all original and in good condition. Again comes with fibreglass case, mouthpiece, reeds etc. £100 or a decent offer. Also willing to listen to trades... what have you??? Can always add a little cash from my side if there's something out there that the values don't match up on... Prefer F2F so buyer can pronounce him/herself happy with condition but can travel to a certain degree. PM me if interested. Rob
  22. Whatever courier you use, make sure you take out some bloody good insurance. Rob
  23. Bozzie..... Top person to deal with. Just bought a Cort Action (my first bass) and a practice amp from Sam. Sam did a very generous deal for me and travelled to meet me half way on a Saturday afternoon. If anyone ever considers doing a deal with Sam don't think twice about it! Cheers, Sam!! p.s. Nice Mini Cooper... I prefer the one I had in 1971, though....
  24. There is a simple answer... You must know your bottom line price.. that's the price at which you think to yourself... "Bollocks, I'll keep it rather than sell it for that"... And the top price is the new price of the instrument plus a premium for the signature. Let's say you hope to get an extra £50 due to the signature.. Simply put it up for sale here at the new price plus £50 but make sure you say you will accept a close offer. That way you stand a chance of getting a good price. If there's no interest at all it's obvious that you've overpriced it, so you can easily repost it at a lower price saying you were over-optimistic the first time around. That way you stay within the site rules and still maximise your chances of getting a good offer.
  25. Hi... as the heading says... raw newbie. So raw, in fact, that I haven't yet bought my first bass. A few words of explanation might do well here.... I'm in my mid-50's and always loved music. I've played guitar for years (reasonable standard rhythm - I've never wanted to make it cry or sing, if you get my drift). I've also played keyboards to a certain standard although a lot better when I was a teenager and got as far as Level 6 before I changed to the guitar. I stopped knocking about with local bands in my twenties and for many years was happy just to occasionally play the guitar at home, then decided I would learn to play the saxophone... Big Mistake! - I simply can't make the embrochure so I'm never going to be Clarence Clemons (except, perhaps, in body weight.... ) And to compound things, I made the classic newbie mistake of not realising my limitations early enough... I managed to persuade myself that the Alto I had bought to learn on was no good and it was the instrument that was holding me back, so I got a better Tenor sax...... You will not be surprised to learn that I've now got two saxophones at home that I can't play. The other instrument I always fancied learning was the bass. Now I'm warming to the idea of getting a bass and a little practice amp but the saxophone debacle has made me wary of spending too much cash. I was thinking of getting one of the el-cheapo beginners kits you see on ebay for a ton or so and if it doesn't pan out for me I'll donate it all to the local school. Does anyone think this would be a good way to start? I don't want to play like John Entwhistle or Mark King - I just want to get to the level where I can play along with a few country, rock& roll and blues tracks so my aspirations are reasonably modest. One thing, though, I learned with the guitar is that a beginner will find a decent quality instrument much easier to learn on than a poor quality instrument with a high action. Is this equally true of the bass, please? Grateful for any thoughts/advice.
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