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Everything posted by argm

  1. Do you have a Fretless and/or an acoustic bass and how often do you use them? Just curious.
  2. I'd direct you to this thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135[/url] for information about how watts/impedance affects what you can plug into what. Generally, watts you can ignore, as long as the cab is the same or higher rated in watts. Infact its generally good to have a cab that has a higher watt rating, so you can have more 'headroom' when you turn up the gain on your amp, without doing any damage to the cab speaker(s). Its the impedance you need to look out for. This head can support a minimum of 4 ohms, so you can either plug in an cab at 4 ohms or above, or plug in two 8 ohm cabs. Generally Ohms is a quarter of what you put in when you have 2 cabs (must always 2 cabs of the same Ohm rating!) e.g. 8 + 8 = 4 any of the ashdown 4x10 cabs would be fine for your amp.
  3. After listening to the song - (awesome chilled out tune this!) I'm pretty sure you are correct with it being in A. Chords are A, Csharp7, D & E7, I believe?
  4. Fanastic! Congrats I have to say, giving very scruffy & inaccurate handwritten scores for other players is very unporfessional. If your friend does have sibelius, was it jus out of laziness that he didn't transcibe it? Sibelius is certainly an invaluable tool- even if the midi ound set isn't very good!
  5. Have you had High Rise play there? Or was it just some kids from Kingston College? The bassist in HighRise is my sister's boyfriend, and I attended some gigs of the Kingston college students a while ago at the Grey Horse.
  6. argm

    A-Level pieces.

    I studied Music Technology as an a-level, AS & A2. Here are the two recording projects that I was required to do (one per year). These are prety much my first two pieces I've ever recorded/played in a studio & mixed. Guitar, bass, vocals (played/sung by me) & Cajon (courtesy of my Music Tech Teacher Mr Ben Love, played by him). First year I chose the song 'Never Too Late' by Three Days Grace - as an acoustic version, because my school didn't have a drumkit, but a fully euipped studio... werd, eh? Guitar, bass, vocals (played/sung by me) & Cajon (courtesy of my Music Tech Teacher Mr Ben Love, played by him). [url="http://soundcloud.com/alecrgmills/alec-1b-retake-songbird"]http://soundcloud.com/alecrgmills/alec-1b-retake-songbird[/url] Second Year, I learned from mistakes, and I think, I made an overall good mix with the song 'Songbird' by Oasis. Guitar/bass/percussion (played by myself) & vocals (sung by 'Frank', a friend of my teacher). [url="http://soundcloud.com/alecrgmills/3b-alec-mills-never-too-late"]http://soundcloud.com/alecrgmills/3b-alec-...-never-too-late[/url] Anyway, how much of a disaster were they? Obviously here to learn. I can give some good idea as to why the first year was so crappy. A very steep learning curve! I had a little over 3 hours to record everything. Which is why vocals are out of time - not to mention we did have trouble with our patch-bay short circuiting and totally missing out the desk and going straight the the computer. 2nd year sounds a lot better, but I kinda think it sounds a little 'dead' as a whole song. I don't know what it is. However, percussion too loud. but hey maybe my speakers at home, it sounded fine at 'school'. However, I still do realise that these are still very crappy mixes! xD
  7. Finger Eleven - Living in a Dream. Don't know why, I just love the bass lines they have. Along with 'Paralyzer' & 'Lost My Way' are good examples of just 4-to-the-floor(so to speak) basslines.
  8. argm

    Hi all.

    Hello all. Just signed up to the forum yesterday, after a week or so of browsing through the sections I have to say this forums seems to be a fantastic tool and stream of information and inspiration. Just turned 18, and been playing for roughly 1 & 1/2 years now. Like jazz, rock, metal, alternative.
  9. Well I've just turned 18 & been playing bass for just about 1 & half years, now. This was my first bass, off ebay £45. Not sure what it is, tbh. just labelled as an SX Bass, from the SX Bass Collection. To be honest I haven't done much researching, but its lasted me very well. [attachment=85890:PICT1529.JPG] It says SX, licensed by Bass Collection [attachment=85891:PICT1522.JPG] Got this bass for my birthday, Ibanez GSR200 [attachment=85889:PICT1521.JPG] Also in above picture my Pre-2004 Ashdown Blue Electric 180w combo. Another buy from about a year ago off ebay. Also on top of the amp is my Zoom B1X Bass effects pedal, £25 new off ebay aswell. Its done me well for school concerts in a jazz band and a few gigs in and around my area. Been wanting to upgrade rigs for a while, but unsure of manufacturer/model/etc.
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