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Total Watts

  1. Think it's a bit weird that people have such strong opinions on the guy. Seems like a bit of jealousy to be frank. Good bassist and anyone who says otherwise is simply lying. Comes across well anytime I've seen him interviewed. Haven't seen his routine but I imagine it's like most comedy routines; you like it or you don't. Strange tone to this thread.
  2. Donald Byrd's albums Stepping Into Tommorrow and Places and Spaces have some great stuff from the bold Chuck.
  3. Just wanted to say thanks. Much appreciated.
  4. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1325635066' post='1485621'] A friend of mine has a few expensive acoustic guitars, some of which are modern and some vintage. He explained to me that as the wood ages the sap/resin crystallises, hence why older acoustics grow darker in shade. He said this means more sustain and warmth. And when he played his newly acquired 1954 Martin you could really hear it. The sound resonates for flipping ages, and there's so much more warmth and body to it, compared to his modern models (we're talking acoustics worth about 5-10k each here) That's a short paraphrased version of what he said in less complicated terms anyway - I don't much about it myself. But I could definitely hear a difference between his warm vintage guitars and his bright modern guitars. [b]I don't know how much difference the wood would make on an old Precision, bearing in the mind the different lacquers and pick-ups too.[/b] I reckon acoustically you might be able to tell - but put through an amp, into a cabinet, into a microphone, mastered on a DAW, and finally compressed into an mp3 file I doubt you'd be able to tell. Ultimately though I reckon Jake's got it in one [/quote] Yeah, acoustic instruments are a completely different kettle of fish to electric ones. The defining factor in the sound of a bass or electric guitar will be the electronics. It stands to reason that the wood would be such a big factor in an acoustic instrument.
  5. I'm always [i]far[/i] more impressed when I see a good musician on a budget instrument. Definitely makes you feel a bit of an imposter.
  6. The relic thing has to be the biggest lot of nonsense ever. Paying extra for an artificially aged instrument! Try explaining that to the Vera Lynn/tuppence ha'penny/Down t' pit generation. They'd box yer ears for ya! That aside, it's good to see Marlow DK getting it. All the stuff he's done for free makes him a good 'un in my book.
  7. I noticed the listing you're talking about. I live in Spain and I'm going to take a guess that Italy has quite a similar 2nd hand market. It's quite typical here for people to ask quite a lot for second hand stuff. 2nd hand cars really hold their value and the local classifieds are full of 2nd hand stuff which is about 15- 20% cheaper than the shop price. The prices in Cash Converters here are hilarious. It's quite typical to see Stagg or no-name P-basses going for 150€ or more in the one next to my office. Charity shops are also quite expensive. I actually bought a 2nd hand P-bass from a guy in London a while back and could almost certainly sell it at a profit here. The prices on Basschat classified are much lower than on bajistas.org (a Spanish bass forum I'm on).
  8. Run through a couple of scales in 2 octaves then usually play Rhythm Stick up to the 1st chorus. This guy sounds great just noodling around. www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zqV2ymf4-k
  9. [quote name='Kelso' timestamp='1318470009' post='1402655'] When I first bought strap locks my girlfriend at the time kept calling them 'strap ons'! . . . Yeah, I have a new girlfriend now . . . [/quote] ...meanwhile on some woman's forum (maybe a fashion or cookery one ) your ex is posting something like [quote name=''Kelso's ex'] yeah' date=' the one who played the big guitar. Just straight up missionary all the time. I tried to drop some hints but he just wasn't interested in experimenting[/quote']
  10. Big man's a Jehovas Witness these days. He might be going door to door during the day. He toured with Prince years back and I'm sure there's an interview on YouTube of them talking about going door to door between shows. I may have dreamt it, right enough.
  11. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1317828102' post='1395079'] Watch out for customs who will charge import duty and V.A.T. which will double the price you paid for it. I'm told that if the item you want to bring into the U.K. is 'second hand' then you get away with it. Never tried it though. Good luck. [/quote] [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1317832155' post='1395167'] You don't get away with it at all, rule of thumb is to add 25% (pounds) to the original cost of purchase to cover vat,duty and delivery. [/quote] I think I'll get away with it. Spanish airports aren't as hellishly pedantic as they are in the UK. A few mates have brought laptops over and if I get one that I can carry in a laptop bag as hand luggage I think I should be OK. Maybe declare some daft wee things and maintain the head is mine. I'm going to chance it.
  12. Cheers for the answers. I was also wondering if it would be possible to change the US plug for a Euro one (I live in Spain). I Imagine they have the same wires. If there's a voltage switch then I should just be able to change the plug without any worries, shouldn't I? That said, it's no big hassle just to use an adaptor.
  13. ...and bringing it back. Anyone done it? Been looking at all these Class D amps and want to pick one up while on holiday next month. Most appear to have a voltage switch so there shouldn't be any problem in that regard. After that, is it a case of just using an adaptor all the time or is it easy enough to change plugs/buy new power cable? Stupid as the question may be I am actually capable of changing a plug.
  14. Man up. Tell him you don't think it will work. You've only just started talking to him and already you think he's a bit of a tool (don't say that bit). Thank him for his time and keep looking. Guitarrists are ten a penny. Worry about finding a good drummer.
  15. Ruud Gullit I believe. Can't seem to find a pic online though.
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