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About 99mustang

  • Birthday 07/05/1968

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Rookie (2/14)


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  1. That's handy to know, I live near Blackpool, cheer.
  2. Looking at pics on the internet, it looks like the connector is directly soldered to pads on the circuit boards. Assuming the pads aren't damaged then it should be possible to either reflow the original back in place or fit a new connect in same way. Unless you have a hot air soldering station, you will probably have to find someone who can repair boards with SMD components. Maybe try reaching out to some of the guys on youtube that fix retro stuff. Try this guy, he has a mate who fixes old computers. https://www.youtube.com/@RMCRetro Good luck.
  3. Welcome, I was 42 when I started. 99% self taught, very slow learner and still progressing. Most of all still having fun with it Sent you a PM.
  4. Hi guys, I've not been on the forum in a long time. This thread has caught my attention! Hope it comes off, Manc not far from Blackpool, and a damn good Pakistani café , with amazing food in Piccadilly to boot
  5. That's an excellent video, better than than other one I feel as it appears to address the problem, in that unlike the guy in this video, my thumb has been parralell to the neck, not at 90 degress as in the video. When my hand is as the 9th fret. with a bit of a stretch I can reach the E string with my little finger. So hopefully it's just a case of modifying my playing technique until I "learn" it. Thanks very much to all who responded and mega thanks to Coilte for finding that video, you've cheered me up no end buddy John.
  6. Okies, got the missus to take another pic. http://s1235.photobucket.com/user/mustang_john/media/Squier%20Pbass/20140517_104219.jpg.html When this was taken, the bass was in its normal position when I stand, and my thumb was dead centre to the back of the neck. So, is it looking like I'm holding my left hand in the wrong place? And if so, any ideas how program my brain to alter this? Thanks, John.
  7. I think the pic is misleading? I took it with my phone whilst holding the neck with the other hand. Normally there's quite a bit of room behind the neck to my palm, a good 2 inches i'd say. As for paying to low, I'm fairly confident I don't do it. When stood, the body of the bass is above my waist, left hand roughly bent about 90 degrees to my torso. Not sure what you mean JapanAxe about getting my elbow forwards? Cheers upto now guys.
  8. http://s1235.photobucket.com/user/mustang_john/media/Squier%20Pbass/20140516_203854.jpg.html Hope this helps to explain what i mean.
  9. Guys, I am at my whits end I have developed the flying finger syndrome on my left hand, and was gratified to find a video on how to cure it. http://www.scottsbasslessons.com/technique/fretting-hand-technique-exercise.html The thing is, I have a confidence problem. I have have what I think are small hands for a man, and since taking up bass four years ago I have "coped" by developing a sloppy technique. Hence the flying fingers. When I watch Scott in the video, he's sat down, comfortably, left hand relaxed with his little finger easily able to reach the E string. When I try the same, my little finger will only just reach the D string with out either raising the neck so it sits like an upright bass, or by bending my wrist 90 degress to my forearm and twisting it slightly, which is painful to say the least. I am finding now, that this is inhibiting my playing quite noticably, to the point that I am struggling to learn the songs I want to play, that in turn is making me not want to play anymore. Please forgive my negativity, part of me is making excuses to quit, and yet, another part of me knows there are one handed bass players out there that are a darn sight better than I am and they aint moaning! So I guess I am hoping that someone can give me some suggestions and possible workarounds, to A: my flying fingers, and B: having only 3.5 fingers on my left hand!!! "Not litterally" Thanks everyone in advance. Hope some of you can cheer me up! John.
  10. Have you tried your setup in a different room? I had recent experience of having no earth wire in the wall socket!! Long story Good luck.
  11. Now that is just too sexy ;-)
  12. Amen to that, I enjoy what I do, and I do it for enjoyment
  13. Hi Loula, just noticed this thread, welcome Just throw in my suggestion, try an Ibanez SR600, mine is very light indeed. Good luck.
  14. Hi all, I've just mastered playing Metallica's For Whom the Bell Tolls, and have spent a while trying to decide which effect to use with this song. It sounds to me like a combination of fuzz and wah, but just guessing. If anyone has any suggestions on what settings to try I'd welcome your input. Cheers, John.
  15. Solved & Final update, Got my room back together again this evening, hooked up my squire, full volume on the bass, full tone and quite a bit of loud on the amp Yippee, not a hint of noise from my bass, and only the slightest click if you keep tapping the bridge to earth it and I can live with that. So a lesson learned there guys, the fault is not always your gear! Once again many thanks to all who responded, especially KiOogon. Best regards, John.
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