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Everything posted by tonybassplayer

  1. Hi, this band are looking for a bassist https://www.facebook.com/fiery.biscuits.54?fref=ts
  2. Hi, this band are looking for a bassist Called Fiery Biscuits, never seen them but heard good reports, Huddersfield based I believe. https://www.facebook.com/fiery.biscuits.54?fref=ts
  3. Stick a nice and easy 12 bar rock and roll song in ( Johnny be Goode etc ) and play some loud and rocky verses and then some quiet verses etc with a bit of band intros and that will easily give you another 6 or 7 mins of music.
  4. We were all sat round as a band enjoying that post great gig feeling when a guy I assumed was the brides father came up and bought us all a drink. Don't think he appreciated me thanking him as such as it turned out he was the groom !! Wondered why the band had gone a little silent as I said it lol
  5. Would you consider bands that do pub gigs as well as functions etc as many do both up this way and not sure how many bands just exclusively do functions etc
  6. Last Saturday night at the Swann at Addingham near Ilkley Lovely traditional pub with very receptive and friendly crowd. Lead guitarist brought his wife and two daughters ( early twenties ) who hadn't seen the band in its current guise ( since I joined ) and they were well impressed how much better we are than last time. We play it pretty safe with the set but try to do it well which seems to work with the traditional Saturday night pub audience.
  7. Hi, if you are on facebook then I suggest you join the Rock of the North page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/14055660842/ as many local musicians and bands refer to it when looking for band members. The actual Rock of the North website was very much the place to frequent until the guy who ran it sadly died last year but by then facebook with its immediacy was already starting to take precedence. I am living in Lancashire now but if you friend request me on facebook I may be able to forward info as and when it arises which is pretty frequently https://www.facebook.com/tony.keogh.75 Tony
  8. Wouldn't the tax implication only apply to new items purchased in a shop ? If so buy used in a private sale
  9. I saw a lovely Ricky that actually looked quite cheap compared to the USA Precisions and Jazz's that were on display compared to a few years ago
  10. To be fair to Rush every tour typically has a much changed set list to previous ones and they have a huge worldwide audience who are passionate about the band and the music and the DVD will be much awaited by thousands of fans. Yes they will make money out of it but who can blame them. I may even put it on my xmas list ( although I much preferred the Time Machine set list )
  11. There were several very nice looking Les Paul's at £4K plus !! Now I know they are a superb guitar but you can get a lot of kit for that money.
  12. Many years ago like many of you I guess I used to be a regular visitor to the likes of Sound Control and various other music shops in the area but not really been in a shop for a while as I have little time or money and I am more than happy with my Geddy Jazz but we were in Manchester last week and I decided to just call in for a browse round a music shop and was staggered just how much the asking price was for USA Jazz's, Precisions, Strats, Teles, Les Pauls etc I had no idea that what I would describe as standard run of the mill guitar and basses were going for so much money. I know its all about supply and demand and I can only assume that people buy these things but when will it reach a point where no one will buy new anymore ?? I am sure that like me many other people treasure a quality musical instrument and rarely will one get damaged beyond repair and putting that along with the desirability to purchase quality older equipment I fear that eventually the major manufacturers like Fender and Gibson will see a huge drop off of sales. I can understand the pricing of niche and unique basses etc from the smaller places but not sure how the major companies can sustain those sale prices when there are so many quality used guitars and basses still in the market.
  13. Did some cracking songs them Wishbone guys. Twin lead guitars many years before Lizzy "invented" it.
  14. Last Saturday night at the New Inn at Wilsden near Bradford. Landlord is a an ex drummer in a band and really working hard on making the pub a success which seems to be working as we had a good crowd in who danced a lot. Half way through the first set he noticed my glass was empty ( I was playing against the side of the bar ) and he not only gave me another he actually remembered what I had and hung a little note over it to check I was ok with it. Little things like that make you want to return and keep bringing bigger crowds in. Excellent pub with a brilliant landlord.
  15. Commercial decision ?? no, never Never really got in to the album. Think I need to go buy it to hear the difference when the remastered one comes out lol
  16. Perhaps we could crack out a flip chart and brainstorm it first then put the ideas together into a PowerPoint presentation ?? Apologies to the OP as its probably a pretty good idea but I just got so fed up with the whole corporate thing a few years ago.
  17. Also at the Zeppelin gig in 79 but can't remember much these days apart from Chas and Dave opening it and falling asleep in my Austin Maxi at the service station on the way back as we were so tired after a very long day. From memory I believe he also had a huge input in to Bat out of Hell playing guitar and producing etc.
  18. Guessing the cocktail dress comment was a typo ??
  19. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1372631650' post='2128007'] ... and yet there you go, not nearly as bad as I feared. Still think we're dragging too much sh1t to gigs and should let backline handle more of the light & shade (if that is something we can achieve with the set) and not have the PA roaring quite so much [/quote] Surely the opposite is true. If you have a good PA set up with bass bins etc why not all scale down the back line and let the FOH handle the volume and dynamics and keep the on stage sound lower.
  20. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1372475663' post='2126253'] Last night at the latest local venue to be closing in the next couple of weeks an ours for just after it's due was pulled forward. Packed night ... so WTF have you been previously? Not out supporting your local venue that's for sure!. Ah well you never know what you've lost 'til it's gone. Gig went OK I suppose and ended well but I am getting really pissed off with the sh*te sound we are getting out front. Last meeting we had I'm sure we agreed (at last) to stop relying on FOH for levels , drive the backline better and get light & shade from there,not expect Mr Sound to deal with it just leaving FOH to handle vox & some enhancement of acoustiv things like the kit. Tonight? The first set was IMV a feckin embarassment. Bass rig was running as intended and sounded good & punchy, but the guitars backline was down, going through the PA, and again IMVwith a sound that was all over the place You might have said 'why no soundcheck?' Well we did line checks and a quick run through and it's not as if it's the first time we've played there, but by the time the first set started the sound was not right and stayed that way, or worse, it seemed for the whole of set 1. Drummer was muttering in the break that all the backline was too loud and I had to say 'NO IT ISN'T' in fact if anything the guitars were to low. What he was getting & moaning about was what was coming through the PA and off the back wall. Set 2 got better and ended with plenty of crowd participation and people coming uop asking where we are next. The answer to that is a couple of gigs mid/ end August and that is now it for the year. I ought to try to find new gigs, but really canot drag myself to do so knowing what the sound will be like if / when we do get new places & show up fot the first one. It frustrates & embarasses me at the moment and I sadly donbt the band will continue much longer unless we can get something to change For tonight crowd reaction to the gig would be 8/10 my satisfaction with the gig and where we are 'at' , however, struggles to even make 1/10 [/quote] Are you really sure the FOH is bad ?? It's not easy to know that when you are on stage and I have played plenty gigs that sound poor on stage due to room dynamics etc that people out front said sounded superb and really well balanced.
  21. Vista print as well from me. Loads of offers and choice of quality etc Like others have said spend a little more and get good ones, first impressions and all that
  22. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1372177635' post='2122536'] Yep, and can't (iirc) transfer from one MBNA to another. [/quote] Yes this is very true. For example Virgin is under the MBNA brand so there are not as many possible cards out there as may first seem.
  23. No reason why that is not possible however the balance transfer bit does incurr a handling fee which I believe is about 2 to 3% of the amount moved.
  24. Seem to remember when Slade were topping the charts I paid £2.10 to see them at St George's Hall in Bradford and £2.10 for their latest album. Wow how far has that gap widened now between album and concert ticket !!!!
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