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Everything posted by tonybassplayer

  1. Clip on tuner and one of the Neil Peart books.....lovely stuff !!
  2. [quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1355743447' post='1901977'] I'm privileged to play with a group of awesome musicians who are also really close friends. [/quote] Think you may just have found the holy grail !!
  3. Yes I think if I had heard it in total isolation I wouldn't be quite sure what it was but then in the song it fits perfectly. Not the easiest of songs to replicate well although easy enough to get a passable version up to speed.
  4. Very pleased this thread has stayed positive or over an hour already. I thought it could quickly get in to a seventies pop band thrashing. The songs were products of the time and yes they may have aged a little but their shelf life is still going strong At long last the seventies can be proud of what they gave us "the Xmas hit single" !!
  5. I know that most of those old seventies Xmas may seem a little cheesy but with the exception of the darkness one a few years ago they just don't seem to be able to hit that winning formula of the XMAS SONG that once was the staple of the English pop charts. We had an afternoon of wrapping etc so put on a sky Xmas song channel and it was packed with the same old songs that seem naff by Boxing Day but at the moment seem sing a long able and cheery for a 50 something guy. I know plenty will want to critiscise but I bet some of those guys are still getting a nice little yearly earner from that top 5 hit at Xmas yesteryear.
  6. Really loving this thread. You two guys are talking about my childhood heroes so casually lol Next time you are on the same bill as them you may just have got yourself a free roadie for the gig.
  7. Initially got to be Slades Jim Lea then a few years after it was Geddy.
  8. Dr Dave must be out gigging tonight letting this slip off the first page Think we should make a huge effort in the month of December to keep it up there as there can't be many people of any age in the uk that won't sing parts of at least one slade song in the next two weeks !!
  9. That looks good. Think this type of pressie is making a late addition to my Xmas list.
  10. Yes me too. Rehearsal room now provides back line etc so just taking bass and a clip on tuner makes life easy On another note ( pun very definitely intended ) if the low E struggles can't I just check that it is accurate at the fifth fret as an A or third as a G etc ??
  11. Great thread and will be a good record of how things happened a few years down the line when the band are established with maybe a slightly edited version for the website perhaps ?
  12. I love that time when all the rushing about has been done and the stage is set. A quiet drink with a few friends and band members prior to making loads of noise is just perfect.
  13. Very disappointed !! Thought it was going to be a thread about drills !!
  14. I like the fact that its pretty cool to like slade again. I was ( and am ) a huge fan and its nice to know there are many more bassists out there that were influenced by the noizy boys from Wolverhampton !!
  15. Looking forward to being able to contribute to this thread again from next Sunday morning onwards
  16. Slade were at their very best live but sadly there seems very little proper live gig footage available of the many many gigs they did unless someone on here can amazingly ( and very gratefully ) prove me wrong.
  17. All sorted, many thanks. I had accidentally clicked on one of the filters and changed it ( never noticed them before lol )
  18. Hi when I press view new content it doesn't show anything and as no one else has mentioned it I guess I have pressed a wrong button or something. Anyone have any ideas what I may have done to disturb it ? Many thanks Tony
  19. Never really had a proper go at learning how to slap but decided to make it happen starting now !!
  20. Mushy peas....always gives me that sound
  21. I think I remember our drummer using the same machine ( for smoke and haze ) but just changing the chemical he put in but i could be wrong as at set up time I always had another thousand things to do as usual lol
  22. Rehearsing tonight with the old band and actually really excited about it !!
  23. By no means an expert ( our drummer was so left it to him ) when we played hotels etc we were ok with "haze" machines but very definitely NOT with smoke machines. subtle difference in look but massive in setting of alarms etc I believe.
  24. I find a"reasonaable" approximation suffices lol
  25. "Holy crap. I might be the bass player in a MOD Band. Now what?" Some great Who and Jam songs to play so could be much worse
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