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Posts posted by tonybassplayer

  1. Hubrad has been in contact with me and if possible I would like to try it at this weekends gigs if he has finished with it by then.

    I am based a few miles west of Leeds and work in Wakefield if that fits with anyone else on the list for collection etc and I am more than happy to drop off/meet half way etc


  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='609323' date='Sep 26 2009, 03:52 PM']So what is the 'most live' live album?

    I've got to say that I remember [i]Slade Alive[/i] sounded exactly like Slade live.[/quote]

    Brilliant live album and I am sure that it is "how it was on the night" as there are many bits left in that would probably be taken out these days :)

  3. Keep talking myself in to going then out again (tickets available on ebay ) as I would love to get to one of the gigs ( brilliant trip down memory lane ) but lots of juggling required with regard to work etc to do it.......decisions decisions......

  4. Not quite sure how it happened but we decided to try out Survivor's mid eighties chart hit Eye of the Tiger ( the one from the Rocky film ) and it went down a storm in both our rocky pub set and our party/function set but is it a "mid eighties rock classic" or "total cheese" ??

    I was definitely in the "total cheese" camp until I saw the audience reactions the last two nights and I think it is going to be in the set for a long time although I think it may have the potential to be a future "Mustang Sally" in the playing stakes :)

    Any thoughts ??

  5. An ex work colleague who was a pro drummer in the seventies ( even made new faces !! ) told me a story of the worst gig they played in a south Yorkshire wmc mid seventies. They were waiting in the wings as the con sec went up to the mic and said "we've got four lads on next for you, not my cup of tea but the commitee out voted me" he then turned to the band and said "your on" as they walked on to a packed but silent club !!

  6. I would like to add my name down to the list if possible

    I live in the middle of Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield just off J26 on the M62 and more than happy to collect and deliver within reasonable distance either way.

    Looking to go lightweight and up in quality later in the year when funds permit



  7. Hi from a fellow Yorkshire bassist also playing in a few bands ( SOUL7, EMPRESS, THE REPROBATES )

    This is an excellent forum and I am sure you will get many tips etc from the many people who contribute

    What bands do you play in ??


  8. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='547323' date='Jul 22 2009, 09:22 AM']We can't play them. We had a go at Sex on Fire and it was a disaster. Then it got worse every time we played it. When you can't even get the introduction right you know you're in big trouble.[/quote]

    We play it and it goes down a storm but I'm damned if I know how we manage to get in to it as it seems to be different everytime we play it :)

  9. [quote name='acidbass' post='544846' date='Jul 19 2009, 06:56 PM']Great tune! Played it last night myself and it went down a storm! Actually, I wonder how many players on BC played that song last night - that would be an interesting statistic :rolleyes:[/quote]

    I played it Saturday night, the audience loved it again as usual :)

  10. That is a very touching story and I really wish I lived nearer so that I could help.

    Perhaps there is a fellow basschatter who would to invite you to perhaps stand in for one easy to play song at a very low key gig ?? Trust me it is VERY scary the first time but you will be completely hooked.

    C'mon guys, we need to help this fellow bassist realise his dreams

    PS I was also "the fat guy" at school and know what it is like

    PPS I now play in three bands ( and I can't slap !! )

  11. Good idea however I was in my early forties and following three years of playing wanted to play "live" for the first time. The group of guys I was practising with were all in the same boat and we were very unsure ( and quite frankly petrified ) as to how we could do our first gig. Along came a really nice guy on guitar with years of experience who nurtured us and two months later we played at a jam night followed by out first gig the week after.

    Having just one experienced guy in the band made all the difference :)

  12. I have to admit that I was not really aware of this ( heard they were different but not THAT different )

    Can someone please advise me as to how to tell one from the other ( i have two boxes of leads that I use at gigs, home etc and not entirely sure which are which )

    On a similar note ( and this is good timing ) I want to give all my leads a good check over to see what is working and what may be faulty and wonder if a simple test by an avo meter would do ( I am assuming that some form of resistance/comtinuity test will determine possible internal problems )

    Many thanks

  13. Arrived at 3.15 today at the Woolpack at Almondbury to a virtually empty pub but by 4.30 start time the place was packed and stayed that way all night.

    What a cracking gig with a brilliant audience who sang and danced along to every song.

    Our drummer has been mentioning that he has a pa and decided to bring it along today and bloody hell this thing would take on the Albert Hall with the bass cabs having two 18' speakers !! Lovely to have so much in reserve.

    Managed to be able to take the kids along as well and they loved it.

    Roll on next gig !!

  14. [quote name='12stringbassist' post='504881' date='Jun 3 2009, 05:29 PM']I have been sacked from bands twice in my life. Both times because the group wanted someone else in. No names - no pack drill

    Once was when I couldn't make a last minute gig at Blackrod Labour Club (Oh, big deal) because three months earlier I had booked a coach and concert ticket deal to go and watch Bowie in Germany. The singer - whose band it effectively was - got this bloke in who was about 9 feet tall who only played root notes on every song. The rest of the band asked me what I was doing next as they wanted to go with me. He later organised some dates in America without consulting the others about whether they could go or not because of their day jobs and so the group broke up in a little pink huff. No-one at all went to America. Hence no second wave of the British Invasion. By that time I was playing with another band full time.

    The other time was a shock because I was getting the band approaching half the gigs we did (and we were BUSY). The guitarist rang me up and said I had to go because the drummer 'didn't like my harmonies'. 'B*ll*cks', said I and then immediately rang the drummer up. He said their old bass player (who had frequently let them down) simply wanted his job back and the guitarist just said yes, as they were great mates.

    I got over it. Both times. sh*t happens.[/quote]

    Just been looking on your bands website and I notice you have a guy called Ed playing with you. Was he playing in an ABBA tribute band last year ?? if so he depped for us last summer and he was absolutely brilliant.

  15. My new rock band have played a couple of gigs using my function bands mixer amp etc but time has come to purchase our own and I was just about to purchase a second hand mixer amp when the singer informs me that she has a Yamaha MG16/6FX mixer from a previous band so we have decided to add a power amp that will give us the opportunity to "grow in to" when we can eventually afford higher power speakers etc

    We have a budget that is around £200 to £300 and would appreciate some advice as to what we should be looking for ( and what to avoid etc ) many thanks

  16. Another wedding gig last night, same band and same set but hard work to get them up and when they were up most wanted to be sat down but the singer worked very hard and the dance floor was full in the second set.

    You just never know what sort of audience it will be !!

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