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Posts posted by tonybassplayer

  1. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='279269' date='Sep 7 2008, 07:05 PM']We played the Cross Keys in Morley on Friday and it was a good gig with the pub about half full, with a bit of dancing going on. Our drummer Ian had a bad back but struggled on. Yesterday we played the Shay in Halifax to about 5 people! Ian still had a stiff back and Vikki our singer was ill - she had to run off after the first set and upchuck.
    Second set went okay and we still put on a decent show which is difficult without much response![/quote]

    Same happened to us at the Shay eighteen months ago. I think the punk bands that play it get bigger crowds. A drummer friend of mine's band are playing it later this year so I am sure he will tell me how it goes. We are at the Key's later this month so hope we manage to draw a good crowd as we are going to video the gig.

  2. I recently attended the bass bass in Bingley and was a bit restricted for time but I heard a couple of guys playing a bass that sounded just like a keyboard ( I am assuming it was midi but i am a complete novice with regard to this )

    At the time I was playing soul/funk and rock but I have recently joined up with a singer/guitarist and there are many songs where a little bit of keyboard type sounds would sound better ( and fuller ) rather than just a low bass note.

    Can someone point me in the direction of what i would need etc ( probably from a budget point of view to start....true Yorkshireman !! )

    Many thanks


  3. Good luck for the gig. I remember my first one, I was petrified as we went on, it went like a flash then I spent the next two weeks ( till next gig ) absolutely desperate to get up there and play again.

    Only thing I can add to other comments is to be prepared for everything to sound different to rehearsal. The room accoustic's, set up places etc that you get used to at rehearsal change dramatically when you are playing live.

    Have fun, smile lots ( when i watch our vids back I always seem to be "too serious" with my concentration ) and I look forward to the review when I log on tomorrow ( I bet you come straight home and post the review as you will be absolutely buzzing and unable to sleep )


  4. Just back home from playing at my first ever outdoor charity gig and it was awesome.

    We played at the Jolly Sailor in Wakefield. I am not sure what size the pa etc was but it was very loud and clear and I am looking forward to seeing the dvd that one of the guitarist's partner took.

    I must admit that it was a totally different feeling playing rock classics on a proper stage with a big rig than playing in my function band with vocals only pa !!

    Not many pics until they are emailed over but this one for now


  5. A return to gigging after a seven week break for the function band I play in ( SOUL7 ) at a local hotel playing an early evening ( 4pm start ) wedding gig.

    We had two deps ( guitar and drums ) who we had never played with before but we managed to get a 30 minute soundcheck to run through the starts etc which made it less scary.

    We played really well but with the nice weather combined with the early gig most of the guests were outside where the hotel had set up a BBQ but better than not playing at all.

    A charity gig with my other band ( Chasing Amy ) tomorrow and just need to learn a busking version of the intro to Sweet Child of Mine as they want to play it.

    Hope the weather stays nice as it is an outside gig !!

  6. I just have to say that I think you're all naughty boys ( and girls ) on this website.

    Before I joined I was more than happy with my Yamaha TRB playing through my budget conscious Behringer amp and twin cab set up but now now !!!

    My first acquisition ( after following all the debates about the relative merits of MIJ, MIA etc ) was a Geddy Lee Jazz ( lovely to play and sounds great )

    Then I just had to give these much talked about Wizard Thumper pickups a try so I bought an ebay special Squire Precision, bought the Wizards and fit them and yes, they do dramatically, alter the sound !!

    Now I spend all my time researching the relative merits of the Mark Bass amps and cabs as I have become obsessed with ditching the Behringer stuff for some light weight, cool looking loud gear !! Going to make the purchase soon.

    Now ( and this has just started ) I have got really in to following the custom built threads and I have fallen in love with some of the bass's I see being built and have convinced myself that I now desperately need one !!

    When will it all end ?? or does it ??

  7. Due to holidays, losing a drummer and cancellations I have not had a gig for seven weeks !! but all that comes to an end this weekend with SOUL7 playing a wedding on Sunday ( with a dep drummer AND guitarist that we have never played with !! ) and my other band Chasing Amy playing our debut gig together at a charity outdoor gig in Wakefield on the bank hol Monday.......so excited about playing again !!

  8. Hi, thanks for the idea. I must admit that all this is new to me but by some miracle I managed to import a midi file of Valerie in to GP5 and it worked !!

    Just need to find one for The Riverboat Song now which seems a little more elusive.

    Once again thanks for the help. I am really impressed how GP5 is helping me hear bass lines in isolation and assisting the learning process


  9. [quote name='budget bassist' post='257557' date='Aug 7 2008, 08:26 PM']Only SLIGHTLY modified mind - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1976-GIBSON-RIPPER-BASS-slightly-modified_W0QQitemZ180271797591QQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116"]here[/url][/quote]

    Can't quite see the bit that has been modified !!! :)

    How to destroy the value of a nice guitar !!

  10. Hi, along with my other two bands I am just forming a trio with an excellent guitarist singer and before we recruit a drummer we want to get twenty or so songs together so we have the basis of a couple of sets.

    I have a zoom rhythm track drum machine that we used at first rehearsal but without lots of programming and just using the loops it was ok but not as we move forward. I also have garageband on my apple and that is potentially excellent but also quite time consuming to build up some tracks.

    I suppose what I am asking for is the route to a quick fix with drum tracks that are already complete. Anyone know where I can source them ?? preferably free ?? I just don't want to spend a lot of time or money as the drummer will be on board in the next few weeks and then they will just sit unused.

    Anyone help point me in the right direction ??

    Many thanks


  11. Almost like I wrote the first post myself about six months ago !!

    I love playing in the soul/funk I have been in for the last three years band but no matter how hard I try we just seem to cap out at about 35/40 gigs a year. It was frustrating the hell out of me ( and a couple of the other members ) so eventually I joined another band ( totally different music ) to give me more playing and it is now quite nice to have two bands with totally different members, music, work ethos, rehearsals etc

    Try it, I can definitely recommend it


    PS Just starting to form a trio as well to fill in a few more gaps and once again keeping the music different

  12. Hi Paul, welcome to the forum.

    I also play in a function band and then fill the gaps in another with a bit of loud ACDC, Thin Lizzy etc

    It's a great forum with lots of info to be picked up on and some pretty funny threads. Unlike most other forums it is also very active in particular on a weekend when we are all "post gig" chilling

    My favourite thread is the "my gig last night" so make sure you put your comments on so we can all read them ( got a three week break now between gigs so quite sad LOL ) we are looking for a drummer for one band a guitarist for the other.


  13. Unfortunately we had to pull out of last nights gig as our singer has lost her voice. We managed to organise a suitable replacement for the pub and all was well until I got a call from our sax player at 9.30 last night who had decided to go watch the replacement band ( The Harry Coffey Band .... thank you guys ) to say that a bunch of my friends, including one that I hadn't seen for over a year and had travelled 60 miles, had pitched up at the gig as a surprise to see me !!!

    To say I was gutted was an understatement !! They had been surprisingly quiet on the texting/emailing front this week and now I know why !!

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