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Posts posted by tonybassplayer

  1. Hi Jon

    Thanks for the response about the Forresters gig on the ROTN site. We need to get a replacement sorted for that night.

    Just been on your website. Excellent set list and will definitely get to a future gig.


  2. Years ago I read "Diary of a Rock and Roll Star" by Ian Hunter from Mott the Hoople and it is highly recommended.

    He made the diary predominantly during Mott's of America just after All the young dudes had been a hit and is pretty much a tour diary filled with loads of brilliant stories about life on the road.

    I loaned mine out about ten years ago and think I need to get it back as I want to read it again now.

    Go get a copy, you will not be dissapointed.

  3. Anyone had chance to try out one of these yet ??

    It is brilliant for when you crank up the bass for automatically giving you some very high pitched sounds to compliment it.

    Easy to use at home but a little more difficult when gigging however I have found that a six inch piece of velcro works well to ensure stability of sound throughout the night.

    Go on why not give it a try, in my opinion everyone should have a M.O.G.1

  4. I bought a budget amp and two cabs and had a problem with one of the cabs.

    They arranged to exchange it, collected it as promised and left me a new cab.

    I always think a sign of a good company is how they handle a problem and they get top marks from me.

    Price was excellent as well.


  5. Really pleased to see Jim Lea get several mentions as without Slade entering in to my teenage life I don't know where my musical direction would have gone.

    Always remember the story ( after they had fallen from favour ) when they turned up as a late replacement at Reading to play low down the bill carrying their own guitars from the car park and went on to win over the sceptical rock audience and blew all the "top" bands of the day of the stage.

    Anybody there that day ??

  6. Yes I would also like to just be able to slip a few bars of relatively easy to play but sounds bloody impressive slap in to a song or two per gig ( perhaps when we do our "introduce the band bit".....hate it but the guitarist always does it at some point in the night )

  7. Black tie charity function at a lovely hotel. Set up and clear stage for 8 so guests can sit down. Adjourn to hotel bar for two hour plus wait till meal etc finished only to be told by member of hotel staff " you can't sit here, it's residents only" where can we sit then ?? " you will have to sit on the stage " we can't do that " well you will have to go sit in your cars"

    You can just imagine the response this got from us !!! a word with the management followed by free coffee, sandwiches and a nice apology swiftly followed and we went on and played a cracking gig to a brilliant audience.

  8. Fountain Head Inn at Halifax

    Felt s**t all week with flu so was dreading last nights gig but turned out to be a cracker at a new pub for us with brilliant landlady ( bought us all drinks after the first set !! ) and hugely enthusiastic audience who sang and danced to every song.

    Roll on tomorrow night when we get to do it all again and then twice again next week !!

  9. Bloody Hell !!!!

    Strat sold for over £600 only to get an email from ebay saying they had to withdraw it as their was a problem with the purchaser !!

    I was gutted as I wanted to buy my Jazz Bass this week but the good news is that it is now back up to £400 so hopefully just have to be patient.

  10. I feel I have to register a complaint to the fine ladies and gentleman of this website forum.

    Until I recently joined I was more than happy with my Yamaha TRB that had been my main bass ( just have a cheap 5 string spare for gigs ) for over 6 years. I also have a Fender USA Strat that has sat happily virtually unused in my wardrobe for the last twelve years and as a little family we were happy.

    UNTIL NOW !!!

    I now spend half my life on this forum and the other on Ebay looking for bargain Precision's, Jazz's, Geddy Lee's, uprated pickup's, SX's ( never even heard of them three months ago )

    The Strat ends tonight on Ebay ( currently £331 but more would good ) to try to feed this GAS frenzy

    Where will it all end ?? Not sure but one thing it has done has rejuvenated my playing and enthusiasm for improving as a player.

    Keep up the good work



  11. Getting close to a decision on a decent Jazz Bass and slightly tempted in to a used Geddy Lee model.

    Any thoughts about them etc ??

    I must admit before I checked I thought that they might be more to purchase new but they are going for just over £600 at most places, what should I pay used ?? ( depending on condition etc )

    Many thanks and apologies for asking so many questions over the last few days but I need to spend the money from the sale of my strat quickly or it will just get wasted on things like food and clothing etc ( I know you will all understand )


  12. Bought my cheap precision and now getting close to buying a decent Jazz. My USA strat on ebay finishes tonight so it will be dependant on that as to what Jazz I get. It is currently on £331 but I hope it will go for more in a late bidding frenzy !!!

    Thanks for all the info and advice


  13. Thanks for the advice. I have just been looking at the pickups you recommended and various others and I was amazed at what is out their as I have always bought a guitar or bass and left it as standard. We have a gig tonight so I will try the bass with my full rig and see what it sounds like as I am also on the verge of buying a MIJ, MIA Jazz Bass ( selling my strat on ebay to fund all this gear ) so I may just leave the precision as a low level practice bass for around the house.



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