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Everything posted by tonybassplayer

  1. I was in a soul funk Motown type band with a few classics thrown in and after a couple of years we ended up playing pretty much the same 26 or so songs as everyone was a sure fire dance floor winner. We played rock venues and weddings with the same set and wowed them everywhere we went. A full dance floor is a result as far as I am concerned and yes we did play mustang Sally every gig.
  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1382697885' post='2255524'] Something along the lines of 'bassist wanted - must only play root notes' [/quote] Crickey, think I might match the criteria for that band as long as they would accept my very occasional flirtation with the tricky root/octave manoeuvre !!
  3. Excellent song and love the video as well
  4. Reminds me of a sign i saw in the local wood merchants I used to visit which went something like this. "We prepare the ground, plant the seed, water it, feed it, nurture it and tend it for year after year. When the time is right we cut it down and then in to carefully pre-planned sizes. We transport it to the sawmill where we store it till fully dried then we cut it in to accurate lengths and widths. We then chamfer it, plane it, and sometimes even polish it. We then load it and dispense it to the docks where it is loaded on to a container ship that sends it overseas where it is unloaded on to the dockside. We then transport it to our stockists who store it in dry conditions until you need to use it........................................................... AND YOU WANT A FU**ING DISCOUNT !!!!!!!
  5. Like I said the first set sound was a little quiet but all in all a huge improvement from some of the arena gigs I have seen over the last few years.
  6. Well I thought it was excellent Snow Goose for the first set with the volume a little low if I am honest but a much more rocking second set with everything a little louder and with excellent clarity Lots of love for the band from the audience and vice versa All in all a very enjoyable musical evening.
  7. I know that this doesn't quite answer the question but have you considered a decent quality normal PA and giving a 4th person ( roadie, light tech, sound man ) a cut of the gig money so you dont have the lifting etc to do ?
  8. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1381936280' post='2245737'] A standard, pro rate, for a musician or Sound engineer/lighting tech, on tour is £350 per day plus £50 per per diem (for expenses). That includes rest days. [/quote] Sounds nice to me. Wish I was a better player lol
  9. Looking very nice. Very inspiring.
  10. Always tell when a band is getting older as they introduce the much needed two setter pee break lol
  11. Many thanks will have a look for that.
  12. Another blast from the past. Anyone remember Camel and going to the Harrogate gig on the 19th of October ?? Only an incidental fan and not heard anything for years but my best mate is a big fan so we have tickets and looking forward to another trip back to the seventies. Think we could be hearing some very accomplished musicians playing some pretty good stuff.
  13. Struggling to send a pm on my iPad but hope I'm the first for both the rush DVDs Many thanks Tony
  14. They have Clockwork Angels at £3.99 as well !!
  15. £4.99 !! Think I may be tempted at that price. Actually can't remember the last time I bought an album. Much as I love Rush I think the last one I bought was Moving Pictures on vinyl !!
  16. Many thanks for all the time you guys ( and girls ) must put in
  17. Due for some updates I believe
  18. Now that's how I would love to play bass like.
  19. Conan, just seen your avatar....awesome film !!
  20. I took the Mark Knopfler comment to mean something like "he does it his way which is not necessarily the orthodox way but it hasnt done him any harm" etc but could be wrong.
  21. I love the feature as it is now that remembers where you were last and is in bold if other comments have been added when you re-visit it.
  22. Just listened to the first track and it sounds brilliant to me. Going to listen to the rest when I have a spare hour.
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