Well that's what I typed into eBay & amongst some others, this came up:
Has anyone tried these?
The problem I have is many fold...in short:
I spend much of my time playing along to albums I have on CD, some with relative success some with less. I'm playing by ear & having picked the bass up again after a (very) long break, can feel myself getting back into bad habits...mainly harmonising & improvising. I do enjoy just doing [i]that[/i], but want to try to nip it in the bud this time round.
When I first played bass no one had thought of the internets as a viable commercial system. Now with this invention at my fingertips I thought I'd better make use of it! I've tried half-heartedly looking for TABs but (for example) New Years Day by U2; there are several versions none of which seem quite right to me. So I thought perhaps I'd better get a book with a CD which will tell me how to do it properly!
So, short of taking lessons (I'm a bit out in the sticks) would this be a good idea...?
BTW - initially the idea I did have was to get a CD of some description that just has different kinds of drum beats on it, so I could make my own stuff up as I go. I'd still be interested if someone knows where I should look.