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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Well that's what I typed into eBay & amongst some others, this came up: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330547890211?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648"]http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1438.l2648[/url] Has anyone tried these? The problem I have is many fold...in short: I spend much of my time playing along to albums I have on CD, some with relative success some with less. I'm playing by ear & having picked the bass up again after a (very) long break, can feel myself getting back into bad habits...mainly harmonising & improvising. I do enjoy just doing [i]that[/i], but want to try to nip it in the bud this time round. When I first played bass no one had thought of the internets as a viable commercial system. Now with this invention at my fingertips I thought I'd better make use of it! I've tried half-heartedly looking for TABs but (for example) New Years Day by U2; there are several versions none of which seem quite right to me. So I thought perhaps I'd better get a book with a CD which will tell me how to do it properly! So, short of taking lessons (I'm a bit out in the sticks) would this be a good idea...? BTW - initially the idea I did have was to get a CD of some description that just has different kinds of drum beats on it, so I could make my own stuff up as I go. I'd still be interested if someone knows where I should look. TIA
  2. I'm not [i]really[/i] a massive fan of live albums, but you'd have to go a looooong way to beat "LIve And Dangerous" by Lizzy IMHO etc... 2nd would come "If You Want Blood" by ACDC Both tick all my boxes
  3. That's real shame. Bought my little 'Rumble' practice amp from you when I re-started playing in August. The last one you had in store...it was put aside for me without mention of a deposit too. Had it not been for your web site I may not have got the itch again either! I wish you both the best for the future.
  4. Yoda

    Suzi Q

    [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1320354651' post='1425873'] Her ex (Len Tuckey) used to play in Maldon with Bill Legend and I believe, the bassplayer from Eddie and the hot-rods (The White Swan I think) Don't know if that's what you're thinking about. Think she'd turn up there occaisionally. Met her a few times for various reasons over the years and she always comes across as a nice balanced individual who's not up her own backside. My mate Glenn took over her bass duties a while back when she was touring with a broken arm. [/quote] That actually does add up. The village pub I used to frequent was in Goldhanger (The Chequers), some 6-7 miles from Maldon. So if she/he/they lived nearby...etc, etc...not completely outside the realms of possibility.
  5. Yoda

    Suzi Q

    Never been keen on any of her stuff apart from her first 3 singles (schoolboy crush) 48 Crash is my favourite and still cuts it with me today for pure energy! I used to frequent a village pub years ago in east coast Essex. They had a cover band that played there every Tuesday night ('Pray') which was always a crowd puller from the surrounding countryside. Rumour has it (allegedly) that Suzi Q used to pop in on occasions...alas I was never there when she was (very early 80's). I'd have loved to have met her! Made a nice story back then...I've no idea whether it was actually true or not...perhaps just a little rumour put out to fill the pub...
  6. A question... I went to see Alice Cooper in London last weekend. Never seen him before & only remember a few of his oldies such as 'Schools Out'. So, with that tune in mind & the bass line pretty much committed to memory (if not yet being able to master it)...I have to say that I was a little surprised to feel trouser-flapping bass about 2 octaves lower than what I was expecting. I was trying to watch the bass player intently initially to see if I could get a few tips as to what he was doing, but the few glimpses I got made me wonder if he was in fact playing the instrument at all. His playing didn't appear to produce [i]any[/i] of the notes I was expecting! So...what actually does happen at these gigs. What was the bassist doing...what's the magic? It's been some years since I last went to a concert, and things appear to have moved on a bit... TIA
  7. Yes, he was great in Pil. I have a feeling he also played bass on 4 be 2's "One Of The Lads" (sadly lost on 12" many years ago!) I have dabbled in [i]some[/i] of his later work (mid 90's), but it proved not to be a 'stayer'...perhaps I should have another look...?
  8. Two that have always stuck in my mind...forgive me if these are reposts! Patrice Russian: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2XhhuM9GZo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2XhhuM9GZo[/url] Teena Marie: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6nzSNWTU5Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6nzSNWTU5Q[/url]
  9. Bought a bass off Herbsley on Sunday (7/8/11) Great to deal with. Guitar packed very well & delivered with lightening speed (received 9/8/11). 5 gold stars all round from me
  10. Yoda

    Newbie :)

    This just landed on the doormat. I am no longer bass-less...oh happy days [attachment=86612:IMG_2685.JPG]
  11. The link works fine for me. Another vote for Unite. I like it muchly
  12. Fantastic! I couldn't [i]really[/i] hear the bass enough...but...soon became lost in the guitars. Hands & feet tapping all the way along. Great
  13. I'd need to dig out Rio to have a listen... From memory I'd say the whole damn album! The bass was the main reason I liked a lot of Duran stuff...and still do
  14. Another vote for Mick Khan No mention of John Entwhistle ...? Not cool (perhaps), but still up there.
  15. Yoda

    Newbie :)

    Morning all, and hello. I was recommended to come here for ideas and to have a look around. My dilemma is that I'm a returning player (absent for some 17 years). I have my sights set on a Washburn T24 which seem to get good reviews as a kind of 'do everything well' instrument. I thought I'd find at least some reference to one here, but it seems not...is that because they aren't actually that good? Anyway, I'm unlikely to gig, it's just for fun & enjoyment as playing is something I have missed for a long time. I used to play pretty much anything that I was able to with my ability being the limiting factor...as ever! Any pointers would be welcome [edit] Currently living in Essex
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