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Everything posted by Coilte

  1. [quote name='Rocker' timestamp='1485863370' post='3227232'] I struggle with tab but usually get there in the end. One of my problems with this tune is that I only have it online, which is poor sound quality and hard to hear what is going on. [/quote] If you instead, were to persevere (and struggle ) with playing by ear, it would pay more dividends in the long run than using tabs. Sorry, did not intend for the above to sound like a lecture. In the meantime.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dla5ZiqVW5g
  2. This might help : http://www.thebassment.info/transcriptions.html
  3. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1483271063' post='3205731'] The Engineer in me says an anchor is essential, [/quote] The injury awareness in me says it's not. While the moveable anchor does not involve bending the wrist, anchoring on the pick up does... Over time, this can result in CTS or similar injury problems. For the floating thumb doubters, here it is in action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnbUWWW1Abg
  4. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1484946187' post='3220008'] General consensus is that getting it checked by my GP is paramount. Thanks for all the input guys [/quote] When you get the word from your GP or physiotherapist that it's OK to play again, then revisit your technique.
  5. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1484921087' post='3219738'] I think the key here is "both thumbs"... Which probably rules out anything to do with playing technique...[/quote] Yes...possibly, though the OP could be pressing down on the fretboard too hard using his thumb on the back of the neck. Likewise, he could be pressing down too hard with his thumb on the pick up when plucking. I do agree with seeking medical advice.
  6. It might be prudent to have it checked by a medical expert first. Assuming it is a technique problem...check out the clips below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRkSsapYYsA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIYuqTsUlyM
  7. This thread has got me reaching for my old JVC turntable and setting it up, in order to play my large collection of vinyl again. BTW....while doing some research for a new stylus, I came across a site which had accessaries for... a record player... and a turntable. It got me thinking...what's the difference ?
  8. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1484590700' post='3216602'] For the band, maybe, but audiences still love it. [/quote] I agree. I would think that the crowd would like a lot of the songs listed so far. So...if you hate the crowd...why give them what they enjoy ?
  9. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1484321619' post='3214694'] . The other 99 are in our bands preventing us from the same success. [/quote] ....and not being challenged about their selfish ways.
  10. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1484304905' post='3214471']I will get myself a...[/quote] ...new band...
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1484049860' post='3212175'] Take the youtube link and remove the "s" in "https" [/quote] Thank you.
  12. The band "Aka Moon" has been "speaking" to me for a long time. Their latest conduit for doing so, is their album ..."The Scarlatti Book". Here is a track from the album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDxBSul2ii4
  13. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the "Fat Albert Rotunda" album yet. Sorry...I forget how to imbed... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42wNF5kjWAU
  14. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1483868864' post='3210666'] Who cares what he thinks [/quote] I agree 100%. However, it does seem to bother some people. Why...?...is beyond me.
  15. Does it [i]really [/i]matter what music a given artist likes or dislikes ? Once you have decided (or not) whether you like his/her's music, this should be what matters ?
  16. So what..(pardon the pun ).. if he does not like jazz ? It's his loss. I'm sure both he... jazz..and maybe your good self... will get over it.
  17. Don't use a pick. They are for wimps. Use your fingers to pluck.
  18. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1483468507' post='3207405'] I'd say it's a matter of personal taste and it's best to try before you buy if you can. [/quote] I agree. Everyone hears things differently. Don't rely on other people's opinions or definitions. If you can't try before you buy, at least try to find demo clip, and judge for yourself.
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1483283234' post='3205886'] You didn't play Moondance. Everything else, I can forgive. [/quote] No he did not...as it was not a... JAZZ gig !!!!!!
  20. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1483015701' post='3204116'] No, but people on internet forums telling people in bands what to do do. [/quote] I don't see anyone [i]telling[/i] anyone else what to do. What I see, are people giving their opinions on whether or not they agree that certain "accessaries" are to be used on stage.
  21. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1483004644' post='3203987'] Where do you stand on using tablets onstage for words/chord changes? [/quote] I thought that rehearsal rooms were made for learning and working out material, along with doing your "home work". I too, am old school, and believe that if you are not gig ready, you should not be on stage.
  22. Not sure if they have been mentioned already in the thread, but I have been a long time fan of the Belgian band "Aka Moon". It is hard to categorise their music. This is one of the reasons why I like them. They draw inspiration from a lot of sources, and then put their own unique interpretation on it. I recently bought their CD "The Scarlatti Book" and was blown away by the album. It is their interpretation of some of Sclarlatti's sonatas. They have quite a large output of albums, each uniquely different from one another. Here is a live version of a track from "The Scarlatti Book".... jazz meets classical !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPAo9M_lBTI
  23. Laurel and Hardy.
  24. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1481305358' post='3191415'] I then played with some older muso,s ,who didn't read music or do theory these guys were real good and I got put in my place [/quote] I can only imagine how "good" those guys would have been if they [i]did [/i]know some theory, and could read.
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