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Everything posted by Coilte

  1. Below are some clips on safe bass technique. In addition, I would recommend that before you start to play, spend a few minutes doing some gentle hand stretches. Search Youtube for..."hand stretches for bass/guitar...". Play for short periods of time to start with (half an hour or so). Take regular breaks. Little and often (with breaks in between) is the way to go.
  2. Well.. thank you..😉 It would be a sad old world if we all liked the same type of music.
  3. I'd like to put in a shout for "Chicago". I am talking about their first album CTA which came out in 1969. To my ears, it sounds as fresh and exiting today as when I first placed the LP on the turntable back in '69. 😎
  4. Dug out some old CD's last night and took a trip down memory lane. Among these CD's was the amazing band Blodwyn Pig with Andy on bass. Could not help listening in awe to his great playing and how it was a driving force behind the band. Have not seen him mentioned much these days, and thought I'd do so. 😎
  5. What happened to..."the funk is in the gunk..?" 🤔 Wonder what type of gunk he used ? 😀
  6. "You're The One That I Want" - John Travolta And Olivia Newton John. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e__Pp4FxsjU
  7. V is for Velvet Underground.
  8. U is for U2.
  9. R.I.P.
  10. There was a big debate a while back (see link below) on this subject on Talkbass. Like you, I would have thought it was a pick. Seemingly one of the guys on TB was able to contact Felder, (see post number 40 in the link) who said he never used a pick. Still, there are lots of people who don't believe this and insist that he did. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/wilton-felder-tone.1012078/
  11. Another vote for this book. I agree with getting the spiral bound three volume edition. Great book. 👍
  12. Happy Birthday Jack !!! 🎂
  13. A lot of nitpicking and hair splitting going on in this thread. 😁 People are entitled to their opinions, but at least give credit where it is due. I liked it. As has been said already, it is good in small doses.
  14. I Want To Hug You - John Lee Hooker. Stay Away - Elvis Presely
  15. Also..if you want to stay with G&L you could consider their jazz bass (JB2) or the SB2 which has a jazz neck.
  16. "Be My Baby" - The Ronettes.
  17. An excellent book....BUT... IMO not suitable for someone starting from scratch like the OP. Perhaps later...when he knows the string names, knows the notes on the fretboard...has a grasp of scales and chord tones...etc. You have to crawl before you can walk. 😉
  18. I would be curious to hear how you found it less than useless. It certainly helped me when I picked up the bass for the first time. Also, it gets lots of recommendations over on "Talkbass". Anyway...to each their own. 😎
  19. +1. OP : For someone like yourself who is starting from ground zero, you can't beat "Bass Guitar for Dummies". 🤙 Also, if you can afford a few lessons from a good teacher (even half a dozen) it will get you off to a flying start. Ideally you could ask the teacher to work through the book (or maybe the early chapters ) with you.
  20. Any early Crusaders album should fit the bill. Wilton Felder, one of the greats on bass is on most of these early albums. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqNo204GK8w
  21. 😄 Perhaps in some cases, but not all. Here is another early John Mayall album..Blues from Laural Canyon".. complete with track listings and key. "Vacation" – 2:47 E "Walking on Sunset" – 2:50 Ab "Laurel Canyon Home" – 4:33 C "2401" – 3:42 A "Ready to Ride" – 3:32 E "Medicine Man" – 2:43 G "Somebody's Acting Like a Child" – 3:27 Db "The Bear" – 4:40 Bb "Miss James" – 2:30 F "First Time Alone" – 4:49 B "Long Gone Midnight" – 3:27 Eb "Fly Tomorrow" – 8:59 D
  22. I'm surprised no one has so far mentioned the "Godfather of British Blues..." John Mayall. Although he plays a range of instruments, I would say that keys is his main one. Here is a track from an early album of his where he plays all the instruments except drums... "The Blues Alone". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6pSWlcjOkk
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