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Everything posted by Coilte

  1. All the suggestions given so far are worth checking out. Here is one more. Does your bass have neck dive ? If it does, you could be unknowingly propping up the neck when you play. Over time, this may cause the problems you describe.
  2. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1473887400' post='3133966'] Pretty much this for me ,as the band member with a "proper " job , I funded the EV cabs , all mics, power amp , and leads / cables / stands . A Allen + Heath mixer seemed to come from somewhere ?? After I had poured hundreds of pounds into the sound system , the guitarist and singer left ,so I was left with 3/4 of a PA system. Thanks to eBay ,I have recouped most of my outlay, but valuable lesson learnt , SINGER PROVIDES PA . And drummer provides his own kit (and transport ) [/quote] While I salute your generosity, it seems wrong to me that simply because you happen to to have a "proper" job, that you should be the one to fork out the cash on a P.A. If people can't afford the equipment needed to run a band, then they are in the wrong "job" IMO. It also begs the question as to what happens if no none has a proper job ?
  3. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1473879786' post='3133865'] I thought you meant that the band split and everyone went off with different bits of kit! [/quote] Now..that [i]would [/i]be a rubbish solution !!!
  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1473873596' post='3133776'] That sounds like a rubbish solution. A speaker on its own isn't worth anything. [/quote] I agree, a speaker on it's own isn't worth anything, but neither is it worth anything being in a band where a little honesty and common sense does not prevail. It worked a treat in that band I was in. If you can't trust your band mates .....!!! Just to be clear...when I talk about splitting the P.A., I mean for transport purposes only...not selling.
  5. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1473872408' post='3133757'] Compared to what folks spend on guitars, amps and general flim flam, PA suitable for most pub type bands like ours is relatively inexpensive. [/quote] Fair point. This is what I thought when I saw the advertisement. After the bassist who owned the P.A. was gone, it left three people (excluding the drummer). So, it seems a bit pathetic to be advertising for a bassist..."with a P.A."
  6. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1473870512' post='3133732'] Oh yeah if one person owns it guess who gets to cart it around to gigs? [/quote] Depending on the size of the P.A. (the speaker stands alone can take up a lot of room, both on stage, and in the car), it could be split up among the band. A previous band I was in split it up....I took the speaker stands, and each guitarist took a speaker (with one opting to also take the mixing desk). Granted, we all shared the vocals, but in the end it boils down to people adopting some common sense.
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1473867436' post='3133704'] That's just ridiculous looking for a bass player with PA. They need to buy one. [/quote] That was my initial thought, but [i]WHO[/i] is the one who is going to buy it ? By your own admission ( with which I agree makes sense), it's not a good idea for everyone to own the P.A. I suppose it depends on the situation (how many singers, D.I. users etc).
  8. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1473859236' post='3133624'] Our vocalist came with a PA which seems logical. Geerally we dont DI the instruments so PA is essentially to support VOX only. [/quote] Yeah, that's another interesting point, i.e. if the band don't DI the instruments, and they have gone and spent money on amps, drums, guitars, etc., should not the vocalist do the same and come supplied with his/her "instrument' ?
  9. While browsing a "Musicians Wanted' forum I came across the following... [i]"Bassist required, preferably one with a P.A. Our bassist is leaving the band, and as he owns the P.A., it is going with him. Gigs[/i] [i]lined up."[/i] Judging by the music links they gave, they seemed like a good professional band. I got to wondering how such a "professional" band could leave themselves vunerable like this. What do you think is the best/fairest arrangement regarding the band's P.A. ?
  10. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1473774841' post='3133010'] If the tone of a bass is simply determined by strings vibrating in the magnetic flux of a pickup; and that's it. Nothing more to it... [/quote] .....except..the tone is all in the fingers.
  11. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1473419405' post='3130029'] Regarding the obstruction of the audience subject. Here's a pic of a gig i was dep'ing last weekend. There's no need to have the stand in front of me, i just use it to take a look at the chords or tab before a song. It's not in the way of anything. BTW, that was a Rock band. [/quote] What a beautiful setting for a gig...music stand or no...
  12. Forget how to imbed....but here goes.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DqfX6PJZQE&list=RD5DqfX6PJZQE
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472889027' post='3125018'] My dad is the same age as blue,he considers himself too young for the Beatles. Turning 16 in 1970 just as the fun ended. [/quote] I'm the same age as your dad....and Blue. While I loved the Beatles at the time, it was only when I got into my twenties that I realised how seminal they were. In my teens, I was more of a Stones and Beefheart fan.
  14. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1472897475' post='3125147'] Rehearsals are an absolute nightmare; he's so blinkered, frustrating and unproductive, but by and large when we gig, generally he does seem to be able to pull things together [/quote] Rehearsals are supposed to be where the [i]entire[/i] band gets together to fine tune what each has (or should have..) ...learned at home. If this guy renders rehearsals as you describe, then he is holding back the band. Not much good in [i]him[/i] getting it together at a gig, if the rest of the band are not, due to his effect on rehearsals.
  15. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1472887428' post='3124998'] Drummer has zero flair, regularly forgets the songs and can't keep time; [/quote] This would make it a no brainer for me....especially the last three words. Find a new drummer who CAN keep time.
  16. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1472833339' post='3124661'] More like 10 metres! [/quote] So, unless your "lost/stolen" bass is within 10 metres of you, it can't be located ?
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1472813506' post='3124438'] I'm sure Blue will have an opinion on this... [/quote] Let me take a wild guess...the 60's ?
  18. I always thought that "the bug" came first, [u]THEN[/u] you went and bought a bass. Ten weeks should be just enough to get you past knowing how to name the different parts of the bass. Anyway, hope it works out for you.
  19. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1472399744' post='3120825'] Funny, I was dealing with this yesterday in a hot and humid pub. Apart from always trying to make sure my hands are clean and dry before I go on (not always possible, I know), I wear a towelling wrist band on each hand and give my fingers a wipe between songs. [/quote] +1 to all the above. Also, try to combat the nervousness itself by concentrating on breathing deeply when playing. Granted, it's easier said than done. Often times, we are concentrating on playing so much, that we "forget" to breathe. Five or ten minutes before you are due to start, take yourself off to a quiet corner (again..easier said than done in some venues) and spend a few minutes slowly breathing deeply.
  20. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1472268548' post='3119942'] every great sounding guitar player ive heard (not including big stage gigs etc) has had modest amps. [/quote] The amps themselves are not the problem...just how they are used.
  21. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1472239672' post='3119796'] The camera is behind the PA speakers. [/quote] True, but as luckydog says...it's not behind the cymbals. They're barley audible too. All I can hear is guitar and bass. You solve one problem (the bass) and create more. @ gareth....Sorry, it's not my intention to be mean. Just saying it as I see/hear it.
  22. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1472233859' post='3119732'] Said rig in operation[/quote] Nice...but...unless it's just how the camera mike picked things up.... I can just barely hear the vocalist. So, no doubt the bassist can be heard , but the vocals can not.
  23. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1472203251' post='3119355'] i was in the exact same position as you some 15 years ago Guitar band drums, bass, singer and two guitarists Both guitarists had 100 watt messa boogie dual rectifier 4x12 rigs I had 4x10 and 1x15 cabs with a trace 300 watt head. On full power I could not compete The solution? I got a trace V6 giving me 400 watts of full valve power. This enabled me to be heard/compete Of course I had to wear proper moulded earplugs bought from an audiologist Try it! [/quote] Fair enough. I'll keep all that in mind.
  24. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1472201586' post='3119324'] Just a post to emphasize the importance of well fitting earplugs. If your ear plugs don't fit properly, then they are not doing their job properly. Ear canals can vary in size, and ear plugs come in different sizes. I use Elacin Frosted Greys, as the regular ER20s are too big for my ears and therefore very uncomfortable. I used the wax ones (mentioned in the OP) many years ago, but found them uncomfortable, and compromising the sound too much. [/quote] Originally I was using the special musician's earplugs. These were 15's and I found them ...not uncomfortable..but inadequate. I started using wax plugs for a while, and am now after ordering new musician's plugs (27db), as the filters on the other ones, are not interchangable.
  25. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1472153759' post='3118987'] Get yourself a valve amp [/quote] ...and give the guitarists an excuse to up their volume to compensate...? I don't think any gear change is required. What does need to change... (downwards...) is the volume knob on said gear.
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