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Everything posted by Coilte

  1. Perhaps you'd like to download this from the "Talk Bass" forum. Scroll down to the bottom of post #1. http://www.talkbass.com/threads/music-theory-book-free-download.790165/
  2. Make sure that your timing and technique are up to par. If they are not, everything else will suffer.
  3. You may find some useful information here ; http://www.talkbass.com/threads/health-related-issues-to-playing.593009/ The poster Fergie Fulton received serious hand injuries a long time ago and recovered as well as is possible under the circumstances. Perhaps you could post a similar thread on "Talkbass" under "Technique", and hopefully Fergie will respond. He is very generous with his time in offering advice, and as he has been there and come out the far end relatively well, IMO his advice is worth seeking out.
  4. A sticky along the lines of "TalkBass's" [i]"How to get Started"[/i]would be a good idea IMO . http://www.talkbass.com/threads/how-to-get-started.1098564/
  5. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1455467238' post='2979327'] Boiling the strings may clean them, It won't fix the strings where they've got hammered and ground against the frets. [/quote] Agreed..plus as the inner core is steel, even if you [i]think[/i] you have allowed them ample time to dry off, they are still prone to rust.
  6. You could start right here on "Bass Chat". http://basschat.co.uk/cp/2-shop/
  7. [quote name='Urban Bassman' timestamp='1454668170' post='2971791'] Nickles are a bit quieter on the finger noise front and usually kinder to the fingers and the frets too. GHS boomers a worth looking at. [/quote] ...as are DR Sunbeams.
  8. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1454364682' post='2969103'] Are you tensing up without realising it when playing these repetitive parts? [/quote] +1. You could also be gripping the neck too hard. The fact that your thumb is cramping would seem to support this assumption. I would also recommend getting a medical opinion, as obviously everyone here is simply guessing.
  9. I am 61.
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1453921556' post='2964303'] Thanks, I stop when it gets painful...today that was two songs. The next gig I'm scheduled to play is March 12th, so plenty of time to get the fingers fit. [/quote] Yeah, build up to normal playing [i]very[/i] gradually, otherwise you run the risk of going back to square one. Time is on your side, considering the date of your upcoming gig.
  11. I'm sure that your money situation will change for the better at some stage, but once you sell your bass... this cant be changed.
  12. It would seem like you are well on the road to recovery, but I'd be careful about overdoing the playing. Hope you are back rockin' full time soon.
  13. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1453649508' post='2961370'] I personally don't like the roadworn look [/quote] Never really "got" the road worn thing myself.
  14. Situations change and life moves on. There are times when people may take a long break from playing. In which case there is not much point (or interest) in having a "bass chat".
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1453165994' post='2957119'] Did I miss anything? [/quote] Yep....[i]hammer on's and pull off's..!!!!!!!!![/i][i] [/i]
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1452812470' post='2953829'] This is my take on stands....My bass will stay put resting against my cab unless other forces come into play. If other forces do interfere, I don't think the Stage Legend or others of its ilk will prevent it from going to ground. I've tried many and can't fault Hercules. [/quote] I agree about the Hercules "hang stands". Personally I'd always prefer using a stand to leaving the bass against the cab. Granted, if "other forces" come into play, the stand wont be much good. However, when leaning the bass against the cab..it has the potential (for no particular reason) to simply slip, depending on the surface.
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452685995' post='2952348'] I could be wrong [/quote] Blue ???....Wrong !!!!.???... Nah.
  18. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1451996354' post='2945278'] This is what I did, works a treat: - [url="http://www.studybass.com/gear/bass-strings/bass-string-cleaning-tube/"]http://www.studybass...-cleaning-tube/[/url] [/quote] Agreed. This is the best way to clean strings. I never really favoured boiling strings.
  19. Make sure to warm up (and down afterwards) before a gig, or practice session. At a gig, five to ten minutes before you are due to play, take yourself off to a quite corner and do some gentle hand/finger stretches. If you wish, take your unplugged bass with you and after the stretches, do some chromatic scales [u]SLOWLY[/u] on the higher ( fret 5 or above) frets. Also make sure you are not fretting or plucking too hard. The atmosphere at a gig could have you doing this without realising it. Here are some clips on hand/finger stretches : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_FZichHw1w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_0aVxFxBa0
  20. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1451489148' post='2940909'] Remember, its not the best bass line the thread asks for, its the most recognisable bass line.... Two very different things there... [/quote] Agreed. I think we are getting a bit carried away with some of the suggestions. They are all excellent...but..."the world's most recognizable...!!!!!.." I would have my doubts.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1451470628' post='2940662'] Those two tunes are just doubling the guitar, though. Are people recognising the bass part, or the guitar part..? [/quote] My apologies if I got it wrong.. the thread title does not stipulate an [i]intro. [/i]Plus, in both songs the bass plays the line (albeit along with the guitar), so I suppose it is a matter of opinion whether it's a bass line or not. If you were asked to play the bass line to either song, what would you play ? [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1451472087' post='2940692'] I've never considered Day Tripper to be a bass intro [/quote]
  22. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1451453499' post='2940568'] Sunshine Of Your Love... [/quote] This would get my vote, along with possibly the Beatles "Day Tripper". IMO "The Chain" would be a fair bit down the list.
  23. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1451388606' post='2940015'] I'll be 75 in Feb and I just hope my constitution will be up to another year of gigs. [/quote] I was thinking the same thing, but at a mere 62 years old, you certainly give me inspiration. Good on ya...!!!..to be still gigging at 75. Long may you continue.
  24. A Happy Christmas and New Year to all on BC !! I've enjoyed checking in regularly, and look forward to continuing in the same way throughout 2016.
  25. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1450546304' post='2933826'] If you are good, anything you play on will sound good. Fact. [/quote] + 1
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