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Everything posted by Coilte

  1. I have read lots of good reports about Dunlop strings. Unfortunately that was not my experience with the one set that I tried. They died within a week or two. Perhaps I got a dud set. Even before they died, I did not think they were anything worth getting that exited about. I use DR Sunbeams. They are not that much dearer than the Dunlops, (at least not on E Bay where I get my DR's) and I prefer the feel and tone. So I'll stay with the DR's.
  2. There is an acoustic version of this bass too. Here it is demonstrated : [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8H-67ILaqc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8H-67ILaqc[/url]
  3. There is no hard and fast answer as there are too many things dictating the EQ. Quite apart from the bass and rig, you have to consider the acoustics of where you are playing, the stage (is it hollow underneath for example), how close to a wall will the cab be, etc. One place will require a completely different EQ than another. Also, the type of strings used will play a part in the over all tone.
  4. Brings a whole new dimension to the oft use phrase about playing the bass....[i]"little is more". [/i]
  5. I have this one and found it very good. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blues-Bass-Essential-Techniques-Leonard/dp/0634089358/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1391032502&sr=1-1&keywords=ed+friedland+blues+bass"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blues-Bass-Essential-Techniques-Leonard/dp/0634089358/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1391032502&sr=1-1&keywords=ed+friedland+blues+bass[/url] While I dont have this actual book, I do have three others by Jon Liebman, and they are great. Cant see why this one wont be likewise. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blues-Bass-Complete-Full-Band-Builders/dp/0793586682/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1391032719&sr=1-1&keywords=jon+liebman+blues+bass"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blues-Bass-Complete-Full-Band-Builders/dp/0793586682/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1391032719&sr=1-1&keywords=jon+liebman+blues+bass[/url]
  6. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1390830491' post='2349946'] Nice link. Thanks. [/quote] Here's another more generalised one : [url="http://www.thebassment.info/transcriptions.html"]http://www.thebassment.info/transcriptions.html[/url]
  7. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1390821417' post='2349791'] I am learning to read music, hence the reason i wanted the notation. I have a book that teaches me how to read in a formulaic fashion, and very good it is too. However, it doesn`t show me how to play anything tangible, so wanted to learn a couple of songs that i know, to see if i am indeed learning anything. Thanks for the suggestion though.Learning by ear woiuld be good . That will be something i will need to explore. The trouble being, when you are learning, there is only so much i can take in [/quote] Learning music is also a very worthwhile pursuit. I am actually doing so myself at present. I will probably never use it, but I am enjoying learning it. Here is a link to some bass notation. The music may not be to your taste, but it should help with your reading. Best of luck. [url="http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/Bass_Players.htm"]http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/Bass_Players.htm[/url]
  8. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1390774421' post='2349439'] I am looking for [u]relatively easy [/u]songs to play. [/quote] I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but why dont you try working things out for yourself by ear ? Developing your ear is a great asset for playing bass. Any effort and time spent on this, will pay dividends in the long run. Sorry I cant be of help with your actual question.
  9. Here is my contribution. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuFScoO4tb0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuFScoO4tb0[/url]
  10. I suppose "cheap" is the key word here. OP, perhaps you could give an idea of your budget ?
  11. IMO, a great bass for the price is the G&L Tribute JB2. I'd prefer it over the others you mention. [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/TributeSeries/basses/JB-2_new/index.asp"]http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/TributeSeries/basses/JB-2_new/index.asp[/url]
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1390343626' post='2344428'] i find it difficult to understand getting an uncomfortable hand while playing any neck [/quote] +1. Granted, people have their preferences, but neither should cause any pain.
  13. As others have said, eight months is a short time to be playing. Try to relax and enjoy the learning process. Take things in small bite size chunks. At one time, we were all where you are now. As far as stretching is concerned, it can cause injury if you force it. Try using the thumb as a pivot, especially on the lower (1-5) frets.
  14. [quote name='Marc1t' timestamp='1390147481' post='2341925'] will people have the patience with me as a beginner.. [/quote] I dont see why not, as we were all beginners at one time.
  15. You'd wonder how these "surveys" are compiled, and even if true (which I doubt), that someone would admit to attracting zero women.
  16. I'll second the advice to try to get a teacher if possible. Having said that, here is my 2c worth. The first thing I will say is.....[b]LISTEN[/b] [b]CLOSLEY...[/b] to the bass lines in lots of different types of music. Even if you dont care much for it, blues music is great for learning bass lines and how the bass "fits into" the music. Try to figure things out for yourself. Tabs are OK up to a point, but dont become over dependent on them. Dont be too concerned about how long anything takes to learn. Learning an instrument is a life long pursuit, and everyone learns at their own pace, so relax and enjoy the learning journey, otherwise you will become frustrated, leading to the possibility of wanting to quit. Take things in small bite size chunks. Practice every day, if only for half an hour. Regularity is better than spending a lot of time, say once a week. As mentioned, Scott Devine and Mark Smith are great teachers. A great on line site is [url="http://www.studybass.com"]www.studybass.com[/url] The good thing about this site IMO is that the lessons are in chronilogical order, i.e. each lessons builds on what went before, so there are no gaps in the learning process. Start at the beginning and work your way [i]slowly[/i] through it. Check out some local forums or music shops for adverts looking for people to jam with. The quickest and most enjoyable way to learn is to play with others. Best of luck with it.
  17. I found this to be very helpful. [url="http://www.talkingbass.net/learn-notes-bass-fingerboard-3-parts/"]http://www.talkingbass.net/learn-notes-bass-fingerboard-3-parts/[/url]
  18. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1389726624' post='2337292'] I was taught that your thumb should be opposite your second finger [/quote] That's how it is taught by a lot of teachers......and also how some of their pupils end up with CTS.
  19. [quote name='Absolute Beginner' timestamp='1388825760' post='2326416'] Hi all. I'm new to the world of bass playing [/quote] Dont become too dependant on tab. Yes, it is useful up to a point, but it is far more beneficial to develop your ear by listening to a simple song and then trying to play along. You love the Beatles. Their early songs have some bass lines that should be reasonably easy to figure out by ear, with a little time and patience. This time and patience will pay dividends in the long run. Being fully dependant on tabs will only lead to a dead end. I realise that this is not what you asked for, but IMO the advice is valid.
  20. OP you are not the first... and won't be the last.... who has been pleasantly surprised by them.
  21. Many Happy Returns.....and all the best in 2014.
  22. Season's Greetings to all at "Bass Chat".
  23. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1387887800' post='2316840'] It was keyboards I meant [/quote] In that case...... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHUP527txeg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHUP527txeg[/url]
  24. [quote name='Eko 4' timestamp='1387463733' post='2312250'] I have the music in piano and guitar and would like either the bass partor a standard system to transpose the exisiting music. [/quote] Why not make up [i]your own [/i](or at least try to..) bass lines to the music, if you have a way to listen to the music. IMO this would make much better for ear training, even if you just played root notes to start. If you use the links I gave earlier, along with looking up the songs on You Tube, you should have what you require.
  25. Obviously a rare bass....three knobs at the front, and one at the back !
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