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Everything posted by Coilte

  1. Try rubbing the strings with a cotton cloth or cotton wool moistened with methylated spirits. Then clean off with a dry cloth, before it evaporites. Be careful to protect the fretboard by putting something like plastic paper under the strings.
  2. A great all round site is : [url="http://www.studybass.com"]www.studybass.com[/url] I have no personal experience with the book "Edly's Music Theory for Practical People", but I know that it is always highly recommended over on "Talk Bass".
  3. [quote name='BassMan94' timestamp='1340624073' post='1707081'] would anyone have a chart of chord tones rolling about anywhere ? Just want to keep it a reference so I know that Im playing the right notes. Cheers [/quote] Here you go !! Courtesy of the same Jeff Berlin. [url="http://www.scribd.com/doc/387695/Jeff-Berlin-A-Comprehensive-Chord-Tone-System-for-Mastering-the-Bass-1987"]http://www.scribd.com/doc/387695/Jeff-Berlin-A-Comprehensive-Chord-Tone-System-for-Mastering-the-Bass-1987[/url]
  4. Whatever other opinions people have on Jeff Berlin, there is no denying his knowledge and great articulation when conveying a lesson. Good stuff !!!
  5. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1340289508' post='1702361'] Mcvie - 20 years old, using a Fender Precision through a Marshall 50W head and small cab. Lucky enough to see him live many, many times right through from Clapton era Bluesbreakers to post Green Fleetwood Mac. My major inspiration (if you hadn't gathered that already). [/quote] Great stuff alright. Another interesting thing about the "Beano" album is that it featured the first time Clapton's voice was heard on record on "Ramblin' on my Mind".
  6. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1340283361' post='1702256'] What, no Rory Gallagher? A wealth of stuff there. [/quote] Good point. Shame on me for forgetting a fellow Irishman.
  7. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1340282103' post='1702213'] I cant believe that on a British forum, talking about the blues, that the name John Mayall has not come up yet. [/quote] I stand corrected. He and the "Beano" album were mentioned in post #11. Good for you JazzNeck.
  8. I cant believe that on a British forum, talking about the blues, that the name John Mayall has not come up yet. He played a big part in reviving the blues, and brought it to a bigger audience, especially it it's country of origin. His "Beano" album with Eric Clapton, has become iconic, and is a "must have" in any blues collection IMO. Below is a track from the album, with the very under rated John McVie on bass. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvI0P6o_H8k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvI0P6o_H8k[/url]
  9. Good lesson Scott, and as usual...well presented. Thanks !!
  10. I found this to be a great help : [url="http://www.tunemybass.com/bass_amps/how_to_hook_up_heads_and_cabinets.html"]http://www.tunemybass.com/bass_amps/how_to_hook_up_heads_and_cabinets.html[/url]
  11. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1339670201' post='1692269'] Someone posted an interesting clip on the "Discussions" forum, a while back ( I did a search for the thread with no luck). The clip consisted of an experimental recording done on three different woods, using the same pups and strings on each. The thing was that one of the "basses" was made from bits and pieces of planks that the guy had found in his shed. A surprising amount of people could not pick out the "Frankenstein" bass. [/quote] Found the clip in question : [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/scrap-lumber-bass-vs-alder-bass-can-you-tell-difference-743932/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/scrap-lumber-bass-vs-alder-bass-can-you-tell-difference-743932/[/url]
  12. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1340023449' post='1697719'] Apologies Coilte, not singling you out on purpose to make that point. Wouldn't be the first time my sense of humour didn't come across well. My genuine opinion is that playing any instrument in any way is valid as long as it makes the sound that's desired. As for who is more important in a band- every role is important and should be respected as such. My feeling is that folks who think bass should have four strings and be played with fingers in a subordinant role are missing the point of music in general. Music (and instruments) are in a constant state of evolution. To have the progress of that evolution stop at a certain point seems redundant to me and shows up a particular characteristic about someone that I really don't like. Like Frank Zappa said - a mind is like a parachute. It only works if it's open. [/quote] No offence taken Gareth. I agree 100% with your post.
  13. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1340013839' post='1697484'] Jeez guys, is my sarcasm THAT subtle? Do we really need the smiley face icon to tell when someone is joking? [/quote] My apologies for taking you up wrongly. I would generally not consider myself to be naive. However, I have come across people who actually have the the views you "jokingly" related. So, as I dont know you from Adam, then yes, maybe the smiley may have been necessary. That's what they're for.
  14. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1339853614' post='1695425'] It's not just that bass players that use picks are inferior - it's that bass players in general are inferior. I mean, come on - don't we all secretly wish we could play lead guitar (as opposed to rhythm guitar, which is almost as inferior as bass) ? Sometimes I feel so inferior playing behind a guitar solo, swooning over every flourish of wildly exaggerated notes, that I crumble inside and forget to play - but then the song falls apart and the guitarist screams at me to keep playing because now, all of a sudden, HIS playing is irrelevant and he actually seems to NEED me to keep playing. Can we really be worthless and irreplaceable at the same time? As a closet guitarist, I am so confused as to what to do with the bass - do I play? When do I play? What do I play? Less is more? Pick or fingers? Lock in with the kick drum? Don't lock in with the kick drum? Meticulously plot the cruel and agonising death of everyone not in the rhythm section whilst playing a repetitive bass line ad nauseum between yet another heart breaking guitar solo? Oh, cruel life - why can't I be as fluid as Jeff Beck? And as irony would have, Jeff Beck plays guitar with his fingers............. [/quote] Thankfully, I have never felt inferior (unconfident at times...yes) as a bassist, and no, I never had the wish to play anything other the bass, though it is good to be able to play more than one instrument. You are correct when you say that when the bassist stops playing, then the whole shebang falls apart. So why think you'r inferior ? As for what/when/how to play, this is where the "musician" (rather than the bassist) kicks in. A good rule of thumb is let your ears dictate. Generally, if it sounds good, then it is good.
  15. [quote name='Voodoosnake' timestamp='1339850951' post='1695382'] Just play and sound the best you can. Job done [/quote] +100. "Real" bass players pay no attention to what others think about the silly "pick v fingers" arguement. They just play what's most comfortable to them, what is most pleasing to the ear, and what they think suits the music. Job done !!
  16. [quote name='Jeverson28' timestamp='1339805998' post='1694883'] Recently I've been finding that I've been having a lot of problems with my back, shoulders and neck even when I'm not playing my bass. I've only been playing about 3 years so I thought it was a bit strange that I was getting a lot of pain already? [/quote] Have you considered that this problem might not be bass related ? The fact that you have being playing for three years, and the pain is only happening recently, does indeed seem strange. If your posture or strap height was the problem, then you would have felt like this from the start. If any of the advice given here does not work for you, then IMO it would be prudent to see a doctor or physiotherapist. Assuming it [b]is [/b]bass related, then the advice so far is good. You could also look at yourself in a mirror when you play to see if you are stooping etc. Try to be aware of your whole body when playing. Sometimes we are concentrating on the music so much, that we dont realise we are tensing up. Try to breath deeply and slowly when playing. This helps to relax the body. Also, try warming up and down ( the latter is especially important) with some yoga exercises ( see link below). Finally, to use the cliche, "if symptoms persist, see a professional". Hope things work out for you. [url="http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yoga+for+neck+and+shoulders&oq=yoga+for+neck+and+shoulders&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&gs_l=youtube-reduced.12..0.21639.39432.0.41578."]http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yoga+for+neck+and+shoulders&oq=yoga+for+neck+and+shoulders&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&gs_l=youtube-reduced.12..0.21639.39432.0.41578.[/url]
  17. I dont think there are any hard and fast rules about what type of bass is "suitable" to any particular type of music. Strings and pick ups play as important a part, as does technique, in the over all tone. Having said that, one of the most versatile sounding basses is the G&L L2000.
  18. IMO, it's not so important what you actually play. Stamina comes from building up your playing time gradually. With regards playing fast, as "OliverBlackman" says above, start slowly and build up the tempo gradually. Make sure to warm up and down either side of a practice session also.
  19. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1339701087' post='1693081'] There should be a bend, only slight of course. I'm sure if there was a bad bend you would know about it. [/quote] +1. If you are having no problems with the bass, e,g. fret buzz, then I would not worry. As quoted above, it is normal to have slight relief ( bend) in the neck. Take a look at this link : [url="http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/relief.html"]http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/relief.html[/url]
  20. No scientific facts in this post, I'm afraid, just a general observation, from your average Joe. [b]If[/b] indeed the wood used, makes a difference to the tone, the in my humble opinion, this difference is minimal. There are too many other components in the sound chain from fingers/pick to what comes out of the cab, for it to be otherwise. IMO, strings, pre amp, active/passive, amp, cab, and the players technique, play a far bigger role in the tone, than the wood used in construction.
  21. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1339665868' post='1692124'] While it's not possible to accurately measure (or even accurately define) the effect that a certain type of wood will have on the final sound of an electric bass, I'd be surprised if it amounted to 10% - and I'm being generous because it is an unknown quantity and I don't want to put anyone's nose out of joint. Far be it from me to say that anyone is wrong to do so but personally speaking I do not care for the endless, cyclic "discussions" about the minute details of the effects that different woods may or may not have on the sound of a bass. It is as much background noise to me as the effects would be statistical noise, if they ever could be measured - especially when one considers the fact that different cuts of wood even from the same tree never mind the same species won't be exactly the same at a molecular level. It's like nailing jelly to a wall. [/quote] I'm inclined to agree with this. Someone posted an interesting clip on the "Discussions" forum, a while back ( I did a search for the thread with no luck). The clip consisted of an experimental recording done on three different woods, using the same pups and strings on each. The thing was that one of the "basses" was made from bits and pieces of planks that the guy had found in his shed. A surprising amount of people could not pick out the "Frankenstein" bass. I know there can be a lot of counter arguments to this. Still....food for thought.
  22. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1339600963' post='1691293'] I guess that was directed at the OP not me? [/quote] Correct. The OP is not offering anything, but selling. Take a look here : [url="http://dromusicshed.com/"]http://dromusicshed.com/[/url]
  23. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1339600442' post='1691271'] I wonder how many people signed up on a bass forum would have any interest in a lesson that takes you from holding your bass up to your first song... [/quote] There are 1000's of similar type lessons on the net. No need to SPAM a discussion forum, especially with your very first post.
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1339599907' post='1691254'] I bet he feels welcome.. [/quote] Whatever about "welcome", he wants to be "liked".......but only on his Face Book page.
  25. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1339599608' post='1691244'] Let's discuss [/quote] The only thing to discuss in this thread.....are you going to buy the OP's DVD. That's all he seems to be interested in.
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