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Beneath It All

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Everything posted by Beneath It All

  1. [quote name='bnt' post='82611' date='Nov 2 2007, 01:24 AM']There was a documentary about the making of [i]Aja[/i] a few years ago, with interviews with all involved, including Chuck. The story of how he had to conceal his slapped part on [i]Peg[/i] from Donald is now part of bass folklore. Hey, the bassist knows what's best for the bass! [/quote]>>>>>I remember the story but often wondered how you conceal a slapped bass line from the likes of Messrs. Fagen & Becker?!
  2. [font="Arial Black"][/font]...................Not forgetting GAUCHO - Just as good as AJA.
  3. [attachment=3213:002.JPG]Now surplus to my needs..RCF 1x12 100 watt cab..4ohms..Custom made by Paulman guitars[Huddersfield]..Built like the proverbial Shermann and measures only 13x13x12". Used by me for Big Band gigs - copes very well considering the size..Works great with guitar or keys..£45 collected from West Yorks..[attachment=3212:001.JPG]
  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' date='Oct 31 2007, 09:44 PM' post='81964'] I've moved this post to the right forum******************************************************************************************Thank s..Realised what I'd done but didn't know how to correct it!
  5. I sold one of these and bought the green carpet 150 GP7SM. Your 130 is better! Don't confuse TE 130 watts with some of the 150W weedmeisters that are knocking around (cough - Ashdown)********************Yes,I always preferred the older vinyl covered stuff to the later models
  6. Sadly,Colin is the only surviving member of Back Door..Ron Asprey was replaced by an old friend of mine,Rod Mason from Huddersfield..Not sure who the current drummer is, but I believe an album is slated for release in Dec..Check them out on the Cultural Foundation website
  7. How many watts is it? And are you interested in trade ***********************************130!!..What ya got?
  8. [attachment=3182:001.JPG]My Trace GP7SM 130 combo..single 15"...Home use only -Original vinyl type covering... NEVER gigged hence condition is extremely good..£140 collected
  9. So i've been looking for new stuff to play on the bass, and i'd like to get into more stuff like Stu Hamm. However, I don't know of any other artists like him, and while I respect people like Pastorius and Wooten, I find their playing quite dull. Can anyone recommend any artists who play solo bass and don't shred? ****************************************Maybe you should take up the spoons
  10. Just dug out my Blind Faith album - Forgotten how good Rick Grech was on da bass..Check it out
  11. Can someone explain how to change my BC log in name,as I'm no longer hip!!??
  12. [i][/i]Hi Guys[&Gals]....Getting too old for the rock & Roll lifestyle, so here's some of my toys that need moving on......Pedulla Rapture 5,SOLD.SOLD ... .....Jazz 4 USA< some very light playing marks, SOLD SOLD.........Jazz 5, USA..Black vgc..£450......Yamaha TRB6..Near mint cond..£450,SOLD SOLD Pending the usual.....P&P included on all items..Original cases[ TRB6 non original]..Pics on request..Can be viewed/tested............................................................................TRB6 now gone....Thanks to Richard[Out to playJazz].....Jazz 5 USA still up for grabs -£425 collected..
  13. [quote name='rumour6' post='77726' date='Oct 22 2007, 01:58 PM']Hi all... not strictly a sale... i'm at that point AGAIN... need a jazz bass... I've got a Trace Elliott T-Bass 5 (No 265, White with single ply shell plate).... anyone interested in a swap for a Fender USA 5 String (all five tuners on one side..clover buttons, not whale tail) PASSIVE Jazz Bass? The T-Bass electrics were designed for Trace by Status (who are now doing a Carbon neck reissue). It's in good overall nick., one or two body dents, nothing major, and has the original Trace gig bag (very rare). I've changed the tuners for Clover Button versions but the originals are included (no mods were necessary to do this). If anyone is interested i can mail you pics....I'll try and get some up anyway later in the week. If interested feel free to bell me on 07779 718 119. Andy**************************Check out my Jazz 5 in this section; Would do a deal on yours...mike[/quote]
  14. [quote name='fretmeister' post='77159' date='Oct 20 2007, 10:34 PM']bugger. I wold have had that. No logo - because on older necks / basses the logo was either on the bridge, the pickups or at the base of the neck. Neither of my 2 Energys were logod. (1 got a new fretless neck from Status - and that does have one) BTW - if you go fretless - Rob will build you a neck for about £400 ish.[/quote] *************************CHEERS!
  15. [quote name='ZPQ' post='76765' date='Oct 19 2007, 10:28 PM']Now sold. Thanks to everyone who got in touch. and thanks Mike - nice to see it back in it's hometown.[/quote] ***********************************Yeah thanks - Didn't think I'd like it to be honest; I DIDN'T[even after I fixed it!]....that was until I gigged it this afternoon - Still can't believe how it hangs in the mix..I hear/feel every note- none of that dead-spot stuff - every note sustains till you tell it not to, although that does tend to highlight one's inadequacies!.......It does feel a bit odd when soloing, due I guess to the unusual profile - Nethertheless, reckon I'll be on the lookout for the fretless variant...Was wondering why the headstock is missing the Status logo though - answers on a postcard please.....
  16. [quote name='ZPQ' post='70493' date='Oct 7 2007, 02:10 AM']Hi all, I recently bought this Status Energy 5 string - it has been owned by a couple of BC members. Dr Dave added the graphite neck and did a great job of it. I think Beedster then had it and followed by Garbev and then myself. I love the sound of it so much I've been converted to the whole active thing and am looking at ways to get a similar tone out of my Jazz. If it was a 4 string I would keep it - 100%. But I bought it thinking it would be good way to get into 5 string playing and I'm not really adapting as quickly as I'd hoped so it isn't getting used. If anyone is interested in being the next owner - please pm me. Thanks John[/quote]*****************************************PM'd
  17. [u][/u][quote name='low note lee' post='74395' date='Oct 15 2007, 07:19 AM']The poles in the neck PUP of my Squier Jazz Bass fell down, and when I opened it up, the glue holding it to the cover has lost its grip. I wouldn't mind trying out new PUPs, so does anyone have any recommendations for some relatively cheap (>£50) Jazz Bass style PUPs? I don't really have any particular sound in mind, and i'm open for a bit of experimentation.[/quote]*****************************Schallers..Excellent and cheap
  18. [quote name='cris the man' date='Oct 18 2007, 08:30 AM' post='75892'] found out a kool technique today **********************************Most people seem under the impression that Jaco always played by the bridge/back pickup...In reality, some of his sweetest sounds came via the technique you mention....Another great technique[for me anyway],and I figured it out all by myself! - If you're playing upstrokes with your right hand, finger the note with your left hand with a slight downwards motion[i.e. in an opposing direction].. If playing downstrokes,then the left hand is fingered with an upward motion..It really does help the string to 'sing'.......Stumbling across this technique was like a quantum leap for me in terms of my fretless sound....It works on fretted as well!
  19. How 'bout this...On same show with Rush..Kansas..Lynyrd Skynyrd..Rory Gallagher..Pure prairie League..Heart[as 2nd guitarist with be bop deluxe - see you tube]]..Q -Tips...Kilburn & the high Roads....Susan 'twilight cafe'Fassbender-see youtube....Stutz Bear Catz...Drifters & just about every other UK cabaret act around in the 80's/90's....They're the ones I remember!!...Also met Macca,JJ from the Stranglers - If I remember correctly, He needed a strap for his bass and I needed a spliff...Phil Collins etc.etc..TV wise I've done TOTP,Saturday superstore..Cheggers goes pop..In Concert..OGWT..Chasing Rainbows-see youtube....DOES ALL THIS QUALIFY ME AS A FAMOUS PERSON?? MB1. NO! [/quote]**********************************Sh*t, I'd better change my business card
  20. [quote name='colda' post='75082' date='Oct 16 2007, 02:55 PM']Hmmm, budget is limited so the really sweet stuff will have to wait a while, I've also been offered a Trace Elliot GP7 Series 6 1x15 combo with 1x15 extention cab for a very good price - would this be a better option?[/quote]....................The series 6 or earlier were to me, the best Trace gear made; however, be sure that you can use an extension cab as they were often fitted with a 4ohm speaker [as is mine]..Good luck
  21. [quote name='ZPQ' post='71357' date='Oct 8 2007, 11:35 PM']Is this the one that was on the bay last week? I was really close to putting in an offer and then it was gone.... If you want a 4 string version it might be easier to sell this (to me ;-) ) and then buy the 4. (I suspect you want to keep this until a 4 string comes along rather than have a gap while you look for a 4). Cheers John[/quote]********************************OR ME
  22. How 'bout this...On same show with Rush..Kansas..Lynyrd Skynyrd..Rory Gallagher..Pure prairie League..Heart.[as 2nd guitarist with Be Bop Deluxe - see you tube]].Q -Tips...Kilburn & the high Roads....Susan 'twilight cafe'Fassbender-see youtube....Stutz Bear Catz...Drifters & just about every other UK cabaret act around in the 80's/90's....They're the ones I remember!!...Also met Macca,JJ from the Stranglers - If I remember correctly, He needed a strap for his bass and I needed a spliff...Phil Collins etc.etc..TV wise I've done TOTP,Saturday superstore..Cheggers goes pop..In Concert..OGWT..Chasing Rainbows-see youtube....DOES ALL THIS QUALIFY ME AS A FAMOUS PERSON??
  23. [quote name='hipbass' post='69624' date='Oct 4 2007, 06:36 PM']...Interesting article although I never subscribed to the view that speakers should be able to handle more power than the amp can deliver....If,for example you're using an amp rated at 800 watts but only use 300 watts of that [plenty loud],then your 1000 watt speaker[s],aren't being driven efficiently and your amp has to work harder..Obviously, at the other extreme if you use a 100 watt head driven hard,then it may be advisable to use more than 100 watts of speaker capacity!...Maybe some tech head will tell me I'm wrong,although I've been doing this most of my life and arrived at these conclusions via trial and error...My general rule of thumb is 50% more speaker capacity than my ACTUAL PLAYING LEVEL....[/quote]**********************p.s. I 'aint blown a speaker since the 70's
  24. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='896' date='May 17 2007, 10:14 PM'][attachment=58:Infomation_O_1_.htm][/quote]...Interesting article although I never subscribed to the view that speakers should be able to handle more power than the amp can deliver....If,for example you're using an amp rated at 800 watts but only use 300 watts of that [plenty loud],then your 1000 watt speaker[s],aren't being driven efficiently and your amp has to work harder..Obviously, at the other extreme if you use a 100 watt head driven hard,then it may be advisable to use more than 100 watts of speaker capacity!...Maybe some tech head will tell me I'm wrong,although I've been doing this most of my life and arrived at these conclusions via trial and error...My general rule of thumb is 50% more speaker capacity than my ACTUAL PLAYING LEVEL....
  25. [quote name='BassManKev' post='69598' date='Oct 4 2007, 05:38 PM']how many strings? pics? price?[/quote]....40p5 pups = 5 string
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