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Everything posted by davehux

  1. I've got 3 of these, and find them really comfortable and well made http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/hypnotic_straps_and_aluminium_art_design/m.html?item=251196614742&pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3a7c7c2856&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  2. Sold Alan my Squier VM Jazz. Quick payment and no messing about - just what a Basschat sale should be like - thank you
  3. I tried Tru Bass flats on mine, when I had it. Couldn't get enough contact on the piezo saddles to make them work, as they are quite thick. Had to go back to the originals that it came with (no idea of make)
  4. Our guitard has a habit of starting Long Train Running in the wrong key so when I do my massive powerslide up to the top E (D string - correct key) and then a run down to bottom E, it sounds like[b] I've[/b] had a visit from the f*ckup fairies, not him. Attractive dancing girls in front of us are my downfall when it comes to playing 'differently correct' notes
  5. davehux


    Cheers - it's a lovely thing, but in order to remain married (and with no other wife on the horizon) the plankery need to be trimmed slightly, so it has to go :-( I've just found the original receipt from guitarguitar, and I actually bought it in February this year, not Jan as I thought
  6. davehux


    The perfect Xmas present for yourself - put the other crap you get, straight onto eBay
  7. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1353687275' post='1877502'] Just vocals through the PA? I'm biased because I used to work for them, but I really like the old Studiomaster powered mixing desks - [/quote] Yes, just vocals (3 mics) We have a Studiomaster at the moment, but will lose the use of it shortly. I would prefer a more boxy unit than the flat, desk type, jobbies, as we are normally pushed for space with 5 of us in a tiny Cornish pub. As we don't have a sound-guy, it's a case of soundcheck to get the basic levels right, a spot of fine tuning during the first number and then LTBA (leave the bugger alone) for the rest of the night
  8. Well as we're a generic British-made underpowered cack band, they seem perfect OK then - suggestions for a powered mixer amp for under/near £500 - we need it to power 2 main speakers and 3 floor monitors. We play small pubs for £200 a time, so please don't suggest something that would take the top off the O2.
  9. I'm looking around for a new PA mixer amp and am quite taken with the Peavey XR8600D However, there seems to be almost identical units available under the Samson and Alto brands at significantly lower prices Anyone know if they're all made in the same place, and are they the same units apart from very minor cosmetic changes? Cheers
  10. You stick a pre-amp in there as well, and you'll have to stand in the next county from the rest of the band
  11. Got a Blueburst one delivered yesterday, as a result of some comments on here. Played it at a full on band practice last night - main PA, monitors, everything - through my Ashdown LB30 and LB212 cab. Firstly, the colour is so much better in real life than the photo. The blue is darker, and seems much 'deeper' if that makes sense. More of a Royal Blue than plain Blue. Everything seems to be screwed together well. The controls and pup switch are smooth and work perfectly. Tuners are a bit cheap, but they do the job with no slipping. The neck is straight and the action out of the box is decently low, so all I needed/wanted to do was tune it and get playing. As mcnach says above, the neck pickup is a bit weak and thin and got lost in our 5 piece covers band. Even in songs that needed a lighter touch, I found myself flicking on the bridge pup to cut through. However.......that massive humbucking bridge pickup is a total monster Rich, deep, tones with a side helping of growl. The other guys asked me to turn down, as I was punching straight through the lot of them. I had to knock off the bass shift on the amp, to sit back in the mix more - my Jazzes, certainly need the shift switched on to beat their way through. I'm sure I'll find little niggles with it, but as someone who has Fenders and used to have Rics, this thing certainly punches above its weight. It looks brilliant (I think) with its Rickenfenderman styling, and on the back pup it sounds massive. Might not be the best £1000 you've ever spent, but it really is worth the £240 it actually costs
  12. Our problem is slightly reversed. We have a guy who is keen, dedicated, always on time and wants the band to do well, but can play like Les Paul one minute and Les Dawson the next.
  13. Our current band PA is owned by the guitard, but he is leaving shortly and taking it with him. I own the band lighting rig. Neither of us charges the band for their purchase or use. We are currently gigging 2 or 3 times a month and this is unlikely to increase. Just trying to work out the pros and cons of the new PA that we will need Someone buys another and it remains their property. Someone buys it and the band pays it back over a number of gigs. Everyone stumps up cash up front for a share. Just rent one each time As usual, your Basschat experiences and helpful advice would be gratefully received
  14. I think you just need to read the description to realise that the seller is thicker than a whale omelette. At least it's not a Fendur
  15. Sold an Ashdown MAG300 to Conrad. Easy sale, with quick payment - just what we all hope for Cheers
  16. Have ordered several over the years, including for an Ashdown 410 Fit like a glove, look great, never managed to rip one yet
  17. davehux


    Price now includes 48hr delivery
  18. Just got the USA Jazz off spongebob and she's a beauty [attachment=123756:usa and aerodyne.JPG]
  19. Big + for the G30 from me as well Not found any problem with the battery door or the belt clip. Latency is non-existent and I can keep the band amused during rehearsals by playing out in the car park, so long as I have line of sight to the receiver through a window!!! I normally walk out into the audience during the first number, to double check the levels. Plus, I don't have anyone tripping over or pulling out my lead on a cramped stage. The receiver sits on my pedal board and takes its power from the normal daisychain. I did replace the supplied lead for one with a right-angled plug at the bass end - it's a standard 1/4" socket on the transmitter, not a proprietary one like a lot of others.
  20. Not only sold a Ricky to Iain earlier in the year, but just bought a USA Jazz off him Perfect guitar, perfect delivery, perfect transaction Did I say everything was perfect? Well it was
  21. davehux


    Bumpage for some minty Squiery goodness
  22. davehux


    Pictures now the right way up
  23. davehux


    [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1352404702' post='1862725'] Very nice. Excuse the dumbness,maybe other people might wonder too but what's a paper-in-oil tone capacitor? Bump [/quote] Replaces the standard ceramic capacitor on the tone control. Gives a smoother, more vintage, tone
  24. davehux


    I always use Interparcel and that's what a decently wrapped, insured, bass costs to post. I'm more than happy for you to arrange your own courier, at your own risk.
  25. davehux


    Gone to a good home
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