I bought this earlier this year from Molan on this forum and it has been fantastic. Light - 8lbs and loud - 600w @ 4 Ohms.
Just fancy a change at the mo' as I get bored easily
It is currently racked in a 2U case and is in excellent condition.
The manual can be found here:
and here's a stock pic except mine has black knobs:
I will get some more pics up later if there's any interest.
Cash wise I'm looking for £600 posted which is pretty much what I paid for it and the case. Paypal OK if you're willing to pay the fees but would prefer bank transfer.
I'm looking for the following trade bait but might consider something else light(ish), loud (500w+ish @ 4 Ohm) and/or interesting. However, due to current skintness I can't add any cash to a deal. Try me!
Markbass TA501 (straight swap), F1, LMII/III, LMK (+ some cash from you for these)
TC Electronic RH450
Maybe a nice Eden head.