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About spencer.b

  • Birthday 19/06/1979

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  1. Yeah you'll be fine , personally I'd find swapping basses or using tech more off putting than learning a few tunes a semitone up , odds on playing it a semitone up on the detuned bass will end up as a horn key like F, Bb, Ab , Eb and that's great practice for us bass players!
  2. Sorry I assumed they were in E , what key are the original key ones in?
  3. I'd play it all tuned down a semitone, being a rock band I wouldn't use a 5 cos there's something about that low open string for riffing with the guitar and I play alot of jazz so I like playing in F , annoying though that the band do that , out of interest what are the tunes they play in E with the guitar tuned to Eb?
  4. It does seem inevitable that the old fenders will drop off but I've thought that for years and they keep creeping up and up I wonder if Sei and Shukers will go up a lot in years to come , they're mad cheap 2nd hand at the moment for what they are
  5. A bad setup on a new bass is rubbish but I don't see the link to postage costs , I'd imagine the big companies that offer it "free" must be building in that cost to the price , £15 to send a bass sounds cheap to me I've always had great customer service (except once when Mark was on holiday) and they've really gone above and beyond a few times for me and Mark has given me great advice, he has opinions and I don't always agree but I like that and I'm pleased there making it work , I would say I'd be willing to pay a bit more to support an independent but TBF I find their prices really good
  6. Just watched it , brilliant, thanks for posting
  7. Green day "When I come Around" off the record and Cream "Badge" from a transcription in bassist magazine ( I could read a bit from playing the trumpet) Both really great inventive lines that taught me loads
  8. You'll be spending nearly as much as the bass is worth to devalue it if you get it defrettted , I'd get a fretless sire on here and if you don't like it you can get your money back
  9. Yeah , I'm interested to know if the mij ones are hand built by one person like the US ones or is it more of a factory set up?
  10. I must admit having now done a deep dive on Ken Smith basses the US one in the classifieds at £4500 is tempting me too !
  11. Thanks for that mate , great info
  12. That's lovely mate , what's the difference with the e series? Are they the solid colour ones?
  13. Thanks for that mate , are the US ones brighter then ? I guess I'm looking for more the jazz bass end of things , more punchy mids than sparkly highs
  14. Great aren't they , yeah built in Japan and I understand that burners always have been although there a few early US ones apparently
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