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Everything posted by spencer.b

  1. Those Peavey's are great for the money but do bare in mind they're huge and heavy and if you wanted to spend more you could get something way lighter and smaller
  2. A lot of my rythmic approach has come from these Tommy Cogbill on Elvis in Memphis album ( especially Gentle on my mind, you gotta check this out) Jameson on Bernadette Rainey on Peg Steely Dan Willie Weeks solo on Donny Hathaway live
  3. That's Alison Brown on banjo who was in the first lineup of Alison Krauss Union Station and I think that's the amazing Trey Hensley on guitar
  4. Make an effort to dig in when you practice and play soft and relax when you gig, you'll still probably play harder on the gig than at home but thinking of it like this helps me
  5. 9kgs???? you mean 9lbs right?
  6. I had a TH500 for a bit , for me it was all snarling mids and really lacked proper oomph down low and any sparkle at the top, I moved it on pretty quickly, I wondered if it was the cabs I was using but I've since used a TH500 a few times when they.ve been house amps or festival backline and I felt the same, I'd try a different amp mate, last time I was in bassdirect I tried most of the class Ds and for me the Genzler and Mesa Subways were the best, I thought genzler was really versatile and the mesa had an openess and clarity to the tone . I've since got a subway D800 and now I'm really tempted by the WD800 I liked the berg CN but the ceramic bergs are for me the best cabs ever( why did I sell them???) and as good as neo cabs have got they don't quite match up, but like you say weight plays it part I'd go for option 2 change the amp
  7. I get asked 15ish times a year, mainly hotels, they always want the cert. emailed in advance and I've never had anyone look at the gear on the day so I'm not sure getting stickers would help
  8. A really good tech once told me that it's a bad idea to move a valve amp while the valves are still warm, anyone else heard this?
  9. Gorgeous, what's the weight and where are you?
  10. I am now, thanks for the heads up
  11. Steve bought my Mesa mpulse , pleasure to deal with, lovely guy
  12. I sometimes dep in a band where during the band intros the bandleader will introduce a musician as the musical liason officer and suggest that anyone who plays an instrument or perhaps has a child who plays comes and chats to them about their experiences during the break!
  13. "You have created water on a new planet, mate. And from that life will grow" Absolutely priceless TV
  14. Listening to the album on headphones last night and Love is a beautiful thing sounds like a P to me, does Joe ever play one? Definitely doesn't sound like the musicman
  15. Dodgy varnish job and not an ebony board by the look of it. Looks like Spiro weichs possibly? If the action seems okay and it sounds okay with no rattles give it a go mate
  16. Excuse my ignorance guys but what's the deal with switchable voltage then , I couldn't see an external switch on any pics so does it mean it can just run at either voltage automatically?
  17. How about the US voltage though? Would Mesa charge a different amount wholesale for the UK voltage ones?
  18. Love the new record , on the fence before thought they were too self aware ,pastiche ,muso but I'm listening to them more and more Joe Dart's amazing, when I learn his lines I think oh simple pentatonic stuff but his rhythmic articulation sound and feel are amongst the best I've heard Inspiring bass playing
  19. I absolutely love pyramid golds, old school thump but still resonant, less clanky than some, stiffer than TIs , looser thanks labella The trouble with inexpensive flats is they're not as good the pricey one's in my experience Cobalts not one thing or the other for me
  20. I like zyex , fairly bright but not too zingy,bit less tension than Spiro mittels and evahs
  21. Anyone know when the WD will be out in UK?
  22. I've got pro17s and I find the opposite , I'm often a bit overwhelmed with low end and struggle to hear enough guitar , I'd say persevere a bit it took me while to get used to them
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