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Everything posted by spencer.b

  1. Yep still for sale
  2. Got it out to weigh this morning and played it all day , sounds too good to sell, anyone got any wide strap recommendations!
  3. I'm rarely happy with my gear for long and I have some nice stuff, pre cbs fender, Wal, alembic etc etc maybe I'm the problem Saying that I've got a sweet 77p I'll never part with
  4. Fair enough mate, it's an interesting point, I'm certainly guilty of it with some things, I was recently riding 2 different MX bikes and the one I was smitten with basically cos it had the graphics like the one's I coveted as teenager felt faster yet the lap times proved otherwise P basses though I feel like I'm pretty forensic about, but maybe that's just my perception!
  5. So hard to say, I've had an old German for nearly 20 years and done very little to it other than a soundpost tweak every few years however old basses can be a nightmare, my mate's bass has a sunken front and sounds like it might be a write off and he's put best part of 2k in repairs into it in the last 5 years Sorry not a very helpful answer I know but I'd say get any potential purchase looked over by someone knowledgeable
  6. Are you saying I think my bass sounds good cos it was expensive and it actually doesn't sound good? I can honestly say I couldn't care less how expensive or prestigious an instrument is I'm solely interested in how they play and sound, I've got an old upright which as uprights go is cheap but it sounds great and cuts through and I use it all the time I don't doubt you've heard mij basses that are as good CS, I have too and I've had some great bitsas, squiers etc as good as anything I've played , you can say there are other factors at play for your with your perception of instruments but there aren't for me
  7. I've had in excess of 25 p basses I reckon, new and old fenders, tokai, squier JV and SQ , maruscyck , Lakland, Nash etc I bought my CS cos it's really resonant and sounds amazing
  8. Sorry Dave nothing that far up north in the diary I'm afraid Not sure of age sorry
  9. Cordes lambert GT47 got these on a bass i bought so no idea of age but they don't have any damage or unwinding, I think these are popular strings with slap/rockabilly players £50 posted
  10. Efrano plain gut A and D strings, I bought these new and played them for no more than 8 bars £40 posted
  11. Deluxe gut a like strings I bought these as hardly used I seem to remember and I never got round to trying them( think i'd settled on lenzners at that time) they've got a weird oily feel which apparently goes when they're played in so this suggests they are hardly used, I think thomas from Duke has these made to his spec, maybe someone can verify this? here's a link to them new on thomann https://www.thomann.de/gb/gut_a_like_deluxe_double_bass_strings.htm?glp=1 £75 posted
  12. I've got a CS pbass and when I play it along side my JV and 76 I actually think the CS has the more detailed complex woody tone closer to hallowed pre cbs, fret work is flawless ,balance and weight is best I've seen I wouldn't argue they're worth the money but for me they are a cut above a standard one,not three times better but it's diminishing returns with these things isn't it That said if I had 3k I'd be looking for a refin pre cbs over CS but 2nd hand at 2k think they're an okay deal, in that price bracket I tried a lull, not for me and I had a refin 66 which sounded great but had a slight twist in the neck , I had a sweet 72 jazz but the bridge pup died one day devaluing it a fair bit so I do see why people like new instruments, 3k does seem a bit OTT for any solid body bass guitar though
  13. You can get an ivory hiscox too, very cool
  14. 79 Peavey T40 Absolutely immaculate, I've had a handful of these basses and this is the best one I've seen by a mile, it's even got the thumb rest and bridge mute with untouched adhesive strip Beautiful maple board, great player great sound Period hardcase No trades I'm afraid I'm in Crystal Palace but I travel loads for gigs and am up for a detour
  15. Wow this guy's amazing, been listening to him all evening, so musical , totally original , mad chops without sounding slick and flashy, I guess the upside down thing gives you a different approach and changes what falls under the fingers But mate why the comparisons, Sharay Reed is burning but totally different, mononeon is coming out of pfunk, jdilla glitchy hip-hop thing and Sharay is a gospel player and why put a negative spin on sharing beautiful music with fellow bass players?
  16. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't
  17. ?? I just went through the first 4 pages of ads on here and I counted more precisions
  18. location?
  19. I've had to do a fair bit of odd time stuff and I found I was okay when sticking to ostinato but when I tried to deviate from it I'd mess up or at least doubt myself so I worked out another rythm that fit the time sig first just tapping it against a metronome then working out a phrase on the bass using it, gradually I added more phrases and eventually they became part of my vocabulary and I was able to feel more free in that time sig For me just feeling it didn't work because 4/4 is so indelibly ingrained , it took a lot of specific practice Try transcribing some Larry Grenadier with Brad Mehldau trio, they sound so free in odd times yet it's unerringly strong and accurate
  20. I think 2 12s work really well together (especially 8ohm ones)and is enough oomph for any stage and I bought one first and it was a nightmare finding another blue one at the time so I think it would be harder to sell the remaining cab if one went first for that reason I've seen stuff on TB saying pairs of 12s are more than twice as good as one on it's own and I know what they mean I'm not generally against splitting rigs up as you can see I put my Mesa head in a separate thread but a pair of 12s in a limited edition colour I think are better together
  21. Mesa Boogie m-pulse 600 Now £450 Hybrid head, valve pre, MOSFET power stage, this thing has loads of power and my favourite EQ ever Really good condition , no crackles I'm in crystal palace but I travel loads for gigs so try me for a motorway meet up of drop off
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