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Everything posted by Welshbassist

  1. I much prefer the old style. Think they look classy and distinctive. This looks like a massive brewery decided to dabble in craft beer.
  2. That's a very good price IMO. Those Schroeder cabs sit brilliantly in a mix
  3. That's a gorgeous bass
  4. That's a lovely looking instrument and a lot of bass for your money, especially with those Lindy Fralin pickups. GLWTS
  5. Just wondering, are you absolutely sure the cones themselves are in in good condition? I had a similar issue where a dust cover became slightly detached, and made a horrible farting sound but it was only noticeable at high volumes when I was using a low b/with the bass turned up. Might be worth removing the grille and inspecting the speakers.
  6. The talking bass app had some good free content. I haven't sampled the paid stuff but I suspect it might have what you need
  7. "Never been gigged" Yeah right, pull the other one
  8. So did I! Wasn't until around an hour before bidding ended though
  9. Dreadful that someone who doesn't know any better has spent close to 300 quid on this.
  10. Surely this needs reporting. Can't have a naive punter spending their hard earned dosh on this. Always someone who claims ignorance in some way, yeah right.
  11. Excellent playing, big fan
  12. Personally I tend to avoid jokes based on stereotypes. They have a tendency to be interpreted in quite wildly different ways, and can often be quite a lazy and unfunny form of humour in my view anyway. It can be difficult to read the intentions of the author - from a gentle friendly ribbing to using humour some using to cover genuine prejudice. I appreciate most of us are sound on here but the very nature of online forums make mean many assume the worse so they are more trouble than they are worth in my view. On a side note, the matter at hand doesn't seem to have much to do with the concept of toxic masculinity.
  13. I believe this one was mine Can confirm this is an excellent cab!
  14. Obviously that thing has been mangled but looks like someone was willing to take a chance on what seems to be a 77/78 neck. Might be alright with a new nut as long as you don't mind two (?) holes in the headstock!
  15. Still available. If anyone wants a box give me a shout this weekend. If not it'll end up in recycling. Cheers!
  16. Had both the 310 and 410 versions of this - all excellent cabs!
  17. Hi all Got a cardboard box that will fit a bass + hard case that I no longer require. Has a bit of padding inside too - foam sheet and the like. Nearest stations are Brockley and St Johns.
  18. Not opposed to this at all! I've head loads of good things about the TI's and tbh having flats that don't feel like steel beams sound quite appealing. Think I'd just rather be in the position of making that decision out of choice and have a sense that everything is functioning as it should.
  19. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone - plenty to think about. As some have alluded to here my worry is that something is up at the anchor and and I'm compressing the wood. I really like this bass so am not opposed to forking out for having proper work done on the neck - I'd just rather avoid it. For now I think I'll take of the heavy strings and just see if i can adjust it using my old roundwounds just to see if the truss rod actually works. Will get some graphite grease and maybe try a clamp as suggested in the stewmac vid. Think I'll try and get try and get a closer look at the threads too and see if I can clean them up if needed. Will report back
  20. Hi all Got a bit of an annoying issue with the neck of an older Fender style p bass with truss rod access at the heel. Since I bought it around six months ago it's had quite light strings on and if anything it had a bit of back bow. Recently I bought some 105-45 flats that are much higher tension. After I put them on as expected the neck bowed forward a fair so I figured I'd set it up for the new strings and and went ahead and adjusted the truss rod. While I've been able to straighten the neck a fair bit - there's definitely way less relief now - what I've noticed is that A) the nut at the heel is incredibly stiff to tighten and B) the neck keeps returning to almost the same position as before I turn it within an hour or so. I'll get around half an hour of absolutely perfect action before it seems to slip back. It's definitely doing something but in comparison with my newer USA Jazz a quarter turn doesn't seem to do much. I've gone through four quarter turns over the last few days and the nut is now getting tough to turn to the point I'm a bit uneasy as I don't want to muscle it and damage anything. I'm happy to take it to a local luthier if needed, but I'd be keen to hear any suggestions about what I could try at home first. One last point is that I can't for the life of me seem to get one of the tone knobs off to remove the pickguard so I have to take off the neck to adjust the truss rod - not sure if this might be playing a part but figured it worth mentioning.
  21. I recently bough some strings from Gareth - an excellent seller no doubt. Clear communication and posted promptly. Thanks!
  22. The two other ''fender basses' look suspect to my eye. Decals and tuners all over the place https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224598165740?hash=item344b1808ec:g:OHUAAOSwte5hNKtG https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/324778307017?hash=item4b9e4badc9:g:uSAAAOSw5u1hNMed
  23. Slightly unusual https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/762768994398441/?ref=facebook_story_share
  24. Great price for an what is practically an industry standard set of pickups
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