Bloody hell yelees, are you me?! KoL's bassist has the most amazing tone, but like you, the rig just isn't practical! The only problem with TBird>SVT is that it's probably one of the least versatile rigs you could get. I mean it isn't exactly coffee shop material!
I use a Ashdown ABM>Epifani UL410, and I get some pretty good results (the ABM's good for this sort of stuff!), although I don't really have anything to compare it with, the only other rigs I've used were £200 laneys and beat up old Traces, and I didn't find them too appealing really!
I've always been under the impression that Schroeder make a good 810 impression, but obviously smaller. Am I right in thinking this? I'd also have a look at Mesa, and maybe even Markbass with all those filters! I think a clean amp (markbass, EBS etc) with a pedal would work too. Could anyone give me any input on this?
So yeah, my dilemma is just the same as Yelees, so could anyone help us out?