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Everything posted by Welshbassist

  1. [quote name='Sibob' post='198999' date='May 14 2008, 07:38 PM']I use my EVO II 500 pretty much flat with my passive USA Jazz bass through my 4x8 & 1x15 and i get a bright but full, growly sound. The only slight EQ I use on the amp is to compensate for the room/stage, but its never anything extreme. Si[/quote] Do you "push flat" or not? You've got great tone on the recent FSOF record!
  2. Falling over stuff - cables, guitarists etc. And forgetting to tune to standard after being in drop d - but that's easily fixed!
  3. Yeah - the DI's great!
  4. Oooh, this is lovely. I want it!
  5. Finbar - my EB 12 has coped great to light gigging and relatively loud band practices, as has my mate's EB 15. Maybe it's just yours? Or we've both (my mate and I) gotten used to the "new" tone!
  6. I'd go for the 15 - it's louder!
  7. Crowded Elevator by Incubus - what a groove!
  8. What's the current speaker configuration of your amp?
  9. Yeah, I tried one, didn't mix that well with an active at the shop I tried. Worked better with passives!
  10. Viridian by Between The Buried and Me - what a song!
  11. I learned two really, Lovecats by the Cure, and Scarified by Racer X (not at full tempo though, oh well I'll get there eventually!)
  12. Care to upload the video on youtube or something? I'd love to see how it sounded! Thanks.
  13. Used to have one of these before I found the spare cash to upgrade to a UL410, it's an amazing cab!
  14. Lovecats by The Cure!
  15. Welshbassist


    Aah Veils are ace! I've been listening to that song on your myspace for ages now!
  16. Haha, I've got those speakers too, they're pretty good for the money, and even better when you EQ some low low low mids out!
  17. Oh, that's lovely!
  18. Just buy some earplugs. Sure, maybe the experience isn't the same, but I'm pretty sure I'll be regretting it down the road if I don't wear them!
  19. If you don't have transport for gigs outside London, maybe you should reconsider getting a 410. Not many gigs require a cab that big, and the ones that do would involve you going through the PA one way or another, right? I have the UL410, and it's great, never let me down, and it's crystal clear! So I'm not saying that the cab's not good, just giving you a bit of food for thought!
  20. I'd say your best bet for crystal clear slap stuff would be the Epifani UL310, which really beats quite a lot of 410s volume wise, despite one less speaker! You'd have to go used, but it would definitely be worth it! I use a UL410, and used to own a UL310, and they definitely deserve all the hype!
  21. I hate mine with a passion! It's more useful as a racklight!
  22. Do you use an active bass? Check your batteries. Also check the volume level on the bass!
  23. Nah he's just got a tiny Marshall solid state thing at the moment. I'll ask him when I see him (Monday) if he has cash spare. Until then I can't promise anything. I'll get you an answer Monday!
  24. I can - my ABM overheated once in a practice. I sent it to a tech and apparently some of the components were spaced oddly on the board, therefore not allowing the fan to turn on! The tech sorted it out and it's great now!
  25. What IS the amp?
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