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Everything posted by Al.B
Thanks guys , i'm a bit new to all this so I appreciate the help. cheers Al
Hi all, does anyone have experience of using an MP3 to MIDI converter ?? I've seen a few available but thought i'd check on here first as i'm not much of a techy. Basically want to rip some drum tracks etc for practise and recording. Any info very welcome. cheers Al.
[quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1316594699' post='1379998'] Cosmetic differences, I think pre-post EQ switch changes, and DI level. I'd personally want the latest LM. [/quote] Yeah that's pretty much the way i'm going at the moment . cheers Al
Thanks for that Xgsjx. To be honest finding a place with both models in to compare will be as rare as rocking horse poo IME . The reason I posted is because both models are available from Thomann but the LM3 is £100 more and I was trying to justify the extra cost to myself. If anyone has compared/owned both models i'd love to hear about it. cheers Al.
Hi all , I've been looking to buy a Markbass CMD121H and came across a version with a LM3 unit instead. Does anyone know if this is worth the extra money or not ??? the only real difference I can see is the pre/post DI option. Any info' received very welcome. cheers Al
I'm looking to buy a cmd 121h but after trawling the net I can't seem to find anyone who keeps it in stock ?? Plenty of people will sell you one on special order but i'd like to play first. Anyone got any ideas where to try ?? cheers Al
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRhY8BY3b8Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRhY8BY3b8Y[/url] This is where I have mine. Yes i'm sitting down but the strap is set the same height when I stand. It's a matter of personal comfort for each person really. Most good players have the bass on the high side but not always. I watched some videos of TM Stevens and he has it sort of middly ?? cheers Al.
Yep i'm afraid that most of the books you come across are all "Piano,Guitar,Vocal" wonders. You can trawl through and find some "Bass recording " versions (usually Hal Leonard) where the bass player in the band is popular at the time, but otherwise forget it. A long long long while ago in the murky depths of time (26 years to be exact) I bought a Rush Anthology and couldn't figure out why the bass parts were weird. Finally I understood that they were phrased for Piano left hand and not bass guitar. Don't bother looking at most TAB sites either they are mostly wrong, or the notes are right but you have to adjust them to a better way of playing (positional) to avoid jumping up and down the neck needlessly. Similarly Youtube is a mixed bag of "watch me Play" videos. Some are excellent but some just demonstrate bad technique. check out some of these sites for a few good lines to start with; [url="http://www.thebassment.info/"]http://www.thebassment.info/[/url] [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/"]http://www.basslinepublishing.com/[/url] [url="http://playbassnow.com/"]http://playbassnow.com/[/url] You can also download software (the amazing slower downer I Think??) or buy a bass trainer (tascam) to slow down bass tracks without losing pitch and work stuff out yourself. Always trust your own ears. cheers Al.
Hi Guys, I've got a Gallien Krueger RB700-11 Bass combo for sale. It's the 1X15 model , 320 watts expandable to 480 with an extension cab (not included). I've owned it from new for 4 years. It's a great combo but now not needed as i'm gonna go straight through the PA with a sansamp or similar. Looking for £350 ONO. Any enquiries welcome. Thanks for looking. Al. PS I will add a photo as soon as I can but i've taken this photo from google images, it's exactly the same one.
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgREdUch2s4"]growler[/url] I've always thought that the bass player from the Killers gets quite a growly tone from his jazz. I think Geddy too has a growly tone. That's how I hear it anyway. Surely clank is Rickenbacker ?? do you want to see my growler ??
I've only got one bass really , a warwick streamer lx and a crappy encore p copy as emergency back up. I'd love to go out and buy an arsenal of basses but I simply cannot afford to. I have decided therefore to spend my money on a few lessons and trying to improve a bit. However if I suddenly found myself flush with cash then I wouldn't hesitate. If Marcus miller,billy sheehan,stu hamm et al only had a squier you'd still be impressed !!! cheers Al.
[quote name='Count Bassy' post='733198' date='Feb 2 2010, 05:24 PM']But most people are more interested in if a band is fun to listen to rather than if they're perfect or not. Aren't they?[/quote] I think the fact that certain bands have achieved fame despite their musical shortcomings proves your theory. I also think music is more than just the sum of its parts, it's about creativity, originality, entertainment and fun. cheers Al.
[quote name='Delberthot' post='729801' date='Jan 30 2010, 04:55 PM']+1 on Moondance - we put a CD on at breaks and when we were outside the hall, all you could hear was the bass line and its all over the place. surely every note of the guitar solo at the end of Layla is a mistake? sounds like someone strangling a cat towards the end of Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith, Tom Hamilton goes up to the next note early - its so good that I play it that way as well. I'm sure there's one in Born to Be Wild that's like the Jean Genie one where the bass goes for the chorus slightly early.[/quote] Finally at last someone who dares speak the truth about that bloody awful solo at the end of Layla. It has made me cringe for years and yet no-one will slate it. On the flip side of the argument I kind of like things not to be too perfect. Nobody wants to be too mechanical and sterile in their playing do they ?? If everything was faultless we'd all sound the same !! However some mistakes are just too sloppy to excuse. cheers Al.
[quote name='[al]' post='489539' date='May 16 2009, 08:29 AM'] New batteries ? Sorry, I'll get me coat.[/quote] Thanks , but all leads,jack sockets and batteries tested first and foremost. cheers Al.
Hi all , my Warwick streamer LX has developed a fault. When in active mode there is no signal but when you put it into passive mode it has a signal but very distorted. Any ideas or suggestions ??? Thanks to everyone in advance. cheers Al.
Hi all, i have owned my warwick for about 8/9 years and thought i'd see 1)If it's possible to put inlays/dots on the fret board ? 2) how much it is ? I've never dealt with any custom work or luthiers so any advice greatly received. cheers Al.
What's the weight like ??? and whats the neck profile fat/skinny etc ????? cheers Al.
[quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='129580' date='Jan 28 2008, 09:17 PM']One day, I will find time to make a DVD of my Ultimate Slap Bass book... thanks for the mention! Until then, if you want a book+CD with over 200 exercises, covering EVERYTHING, it's worth a look ;-) Stu[/quote] No problem Stuart, a genuine recommendation on my part. If you can't slap after following the exercises in the book then you never will. Lots of advanced stuff too once you've got the basics. cheers Al.
Hi there, check out the Ed friedland DVD it's very informative. What i really would recommend is Stuart claytons slap bass book with accompanying cd. Obviously no pictures to watch but far more useful imho !!. cheers Al.
Hi all, i've been looking at p and j bass copies. Those made by sandberg and lakland both look really good to me. Can anyone who owns one possibly do a comparison against their usa fender counterparts. Or should i just go for the Fender option. The reason i ask is that i always see everyone playing Fender and i would just like to put a slightly different slant on things. Any info greatly appreciated . cheers Al.
Does anyone actually own or play one of the new models ??? it would be interesting to hear their opinion. I agree they're expensive but i still want a MIA P bass de luxe in black with gold s/plate gas gas gas !!!!! cheers Al.
In an odd way i kinda like it too !! I quite like the jazz in sunset orange too though !! oh and the p bass in candy cola with gold scratch plate so theres no accounting for taste ......
Just to make it really simple for those who haven't any knowledge of Electrical technology. If you're looking to buy a new amp have a look at the spec' given for it. It will probably say something like 500watts rms at 4 ohms. All you need to do is make sure that you plug in one 4 ohm cab or two 8 ohm cabs to get your full 500 watts. If you plug in one 8 ohm cab you'll get something like 250-350 watts. if you use one 8 ohm and one 4 ohm you'll need to check the spec' on your amp as you will lower the impedance to 2.66ohms. This is obviously all assuming parallel connection. don't worry about how or why it works this way it just does !!. For a full technical explanation read the "sticky" info. cheers Al.
hi all, sorry if this has been done to death already but i am in the market for a combo and i'm in two minds as to get the Warwick sweet 25.1 or the ccl (the 15" model). Does anyone have any knowledge of these combo's ? Specifically does the ccl have enough mid and top range ?? which one would you buy ?? to make matters worse i'm still considering the wild card of the Ampeg BA115hp. A town the size of Reading and no-one stocks this stuff, still any info greatly received. cheers Al.