I've recently put this together to allow me to switch between double bass (using the EDB1) and bass guitar (the DHA VT1 Pro). The strange blue lump is a box with 3 momentary switches and one locking switch which I built for a Roland AC60. I'm using half of it to change channel and mute the amp, an EA Doubler. I really need to build a 2-switch box in a 1590A to get the size down a bit. I could use both amp channels, but I only want one tuner, compressor, and high pass filter. EDB1 runs on internal batteries since the power bank only has one 12V output, though I guess I could run the DHA at 9V.
Cables are a mess. What do people recommend for a more compact solution with the right lengths? I'm wary about the solderless ones because we have a guitarist who has no end of trouble with them, but maybe that's because he is a guitarist.
The Becos is an amazing compressor but I'm having a tough time finding a power cable with a long enough plug. Most are too short to work at all. I have a Maplin one but it falls out occasionally and I've taped it in place.
Also, if anyone has a flip-flop circuit to fit an LED to a momentary switch I'd be very glad of it.