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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I am a possible for this: have a gig at a beer festival the night before but assuming I can manage to wake up on Sunday, what would people like to see? Fender CIJ '70s precision, Nordstrand pickup and P-Retro, maple fingerboard, and Yamaha BB800, rosewood fingerboard for the comparison? Yamaha BBNe2 Nathan East Sig? MTD Kingston Artist 5? Duesenberg Star Bass? Various Bass Collections, fretted and fretless? '70's Double Bass?
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1433941208' post='2795276'] Drum machine - they don't talk back!! [/quote] And you only have to punch the information into them once :-)
  3. I have one you can try if you don't mind coming over to Ipswich.
  4. We built a pedal parts kit called a blue fool, not sure what it's a clone of but it works really well and wasnt expensive.
  5. There's some great clips on youtube featuring the awesome Guthrie Govan demonstrating his Vigier fretless guitar.
  6. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1433418487' post='2790880'] I'm with Bilbo on this. Back in the 70s and 80s, at the beginning of the time when we saw massive growth in the Japanese economy through their investment in manufacturing the Japanese lead the world in reverse engineering. Yamaha have their fingers in an incredible number of pies. What they do have an impressive skill in is copying. [/quote] I think Yamaha started making basses in 1961 and the Samurai series were certainly not copies of anything that ever came out of Fullerton.
  7. [quote name='vailbass' timestamp='1433249093' post='2789342'] does the tone change if you leave the beer in the crate? How about just empty bottles? :-) [/quote] Good question. I think we need to do some more research.
  8. It should have been me. There may be trouble ahead ..
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1432656122' post='2783659'] what's this saturday night performance I've missed? On TV? I was well into muse up until Absolution. They seemed to lose their "edge" whatever that was. Anyway, yes, he's a monster player! [/quote] It was the Radio 1 Big Weekendlast weekend, in Norwich, and shown on BBC3 . Muse headlined the Saturday night . Still available on iPlayer, and i'd say worth a look even if you're not a fan.
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1432558359' post='2782610'] He is great in Muse... depends what he could play outside of that band. Many many bass players ( and other players, come to that ) that find their perfect niche in a successful band may be pretty one dimensional outside it. Maybe they wont care as they have more money than they could ever spend but their skill may not transfer at all... just sayin' [/quote] You're not being very consistent here JTUK. Chris is a great player and a top top professional at the height of his powers, there's no evidence to suggest that he is one-dimensional. It's hard to reconcile your criticism in this thread with your fawning over Vailbass elsewhere. I'm not a fan of Muse's more recent stuff, but the performance on Saturday night was exactly what the event needed from a bona-fide headliner, and they made all the other Saturday acts look third-rate.
  11. [quote name='Modman' timestamp='1432454370' post='2781507'] I'd reccomend an Ibanez SR series basses, especially the premium ranges and upwards. They're light, small and thin with great hardware and pickups. [/quote] This is a good shout. I played a 1205 recently and the body was very small and ergonomic. Didn't like the string spacing but that's another story.
  12. I've never seen one like it, but it does remind me of early Watkins .
  13. I went to the one he did in Brighton last year. Get there early, think about any questions you want to ask beforehand and enjoy. Are you prepared to tell us when and where so we can also try for an invitation? I haven't seen any announcements for this year.
  14. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1430822083' post='2764816'] It can't do a solo octave though (OP stated no dry signal) It is a bargainous unit (the B1on doubly so) but there is a slight delay between what you play and the octave coming through which is enough to put me off using the Zoom as an octaver full stop. [/quote] Sorry, I missed that bit about the no dry signal. I agree with you about the octave on the ms60b, I think the pitch shifter is more convincing than the bass octave but neither is great. The EBS is a great octave pedal, but not cheap even second hand..
  15. Digitech Bass Synth Wah has a good octave down ( better than the synth!)
  16. Just done a little more digging - it appears that this pedal is 18VDC centre positive - can you check that? If so it might explain why it doesn't power up from the power brick, which will almost certainly be 9V centre negative. If so you need to make sure you get either a centre positive power supply, or buy an polarity reverser. The red cable probably has that built-in.
  17. An 18V power adaptor will work, effectspowersupplies.com have them. There are two kinds of Y cable. A voltage doubler will the way you suggest. A current doubler will give you twice the current that you would get from an isolated supply at the same voltage. Its possible that the power supply isn't delivering enough current for the pedal and that's why you are seeing issues.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-32547474 Another of the great voices I remember from my childhood , at least he had a good innings and will be remembered as a great writer and singer for Stand By Me and many others.
  19. Accordion in a Pogues covers band. Authentic arrangements. We draw the line at having our teeth unfixed.
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