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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Buy one of those horrible old heavy unreliable valve amps and use it as a paperweight ☺
  2. My experience was that the i2M tracks a lot better than the B2M.
  3. [quote name='thegom' timestamp='1430141979' post='2758332'] Thank you all for the answers, that's really helpful. I would use it mainly for my always on effects, ie a bit compression, tube grit and chorus, plus distortion here and there. The smaller MS60b was another thing I considered for that purpose. How easy or difficult is it to change patches on this little pedal in a live situation ? [/quote] There are a couple of ways to skin this particular cat on an MS60B. One way is to set up a couple of patches: one could have compression, tube grit and chorus. The second you could add distortion. Then you can tag the patches in the memory list, select the memory list function, and the footswitch will let you scroll between them. The other way is to load the second patch and select the effect in the chain that you want to turn on and off (ie distortion). You can then use the footswitch to turn the distortion on and off. The second method is fine if you have a few things that are always on and you only want to switch one on and off. Anything more than that, you're better off building a scrollable list.
  4. Second hand Japanese mij or cij not-for-export model.
  5. Yes, its still for sale. Send me a pm if you want to chat, or email me, pete.young at btinternet.com .
  6. What's the budget? I think you could be looking at the Ibanez BTB675 or maybe the Peavey Grind 5, Ibanez is just under 17mm not sure about the spacing on the Peavey. Another option might be the SRFF805. Until you mentioned the spacing, I was going to say forget about neck-through and look for an MTD Kingston. I've just picked one up from the forum and the low B is immense!
  7. Think your dimensions might be an order of magnitude out. 630 cm is 6.3 metres . that's one hell of a combo! I
  8. I just got back from a trip to patrikmarky in the wilds of Norfolk, to try out and buy a very nice MTD Kingston from him. Patrick made me very welcome, allowed me plenty of time to try out the bass and admire the view from his studio, and even made me a nice cup of coffee. Thanks Patrick - recommended.
  9. pete.young


    Chis just bought a VB99 from me. Excellent communications, fast payment, sorry that we weren't able to meet up for a handover in person, that's the only thing that I wish had happened differently! Recommended.
  10. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1429292640' post='2750195'] And Ivory? [/quote] Got a lot of basses with ivory fretboards, have you? If the folklore that ebony boards sit between maple and rosewood in terms of brightness is true, that blows away the hardness argument since ebony is a lot harder and more dense than either rosewood or maple. Beedster you need to get some otherwise identical necks made up with different board materials and test them all on the same body with the same brand of strings to eliminate as many sources of error as possible.
  11. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1429284067' post='2750051'] So are those peak hour times CamdenRob mentions accurate? Seems a bit restrictive. [/quote] Depends on the line. He's spot on for the Central line.
  12. [indent=1]I have bought several things from them over the years and always had excellent service and a really fast delivery. Recommended.[/indent]
  13. [quote name='tomuks79' timestamp='1429036020' post='2747283'] Account No: xxxxxxxx Sort code xxxxxx Bank NatWest [/quote]According to the sort code finder that is a NatWest branch in De Havilland Way, Horwich, Bolton. So not a fake western union account.
  14. String spacing on the Ibanez SR series is 16.5 mm about as tight as it gets. The Yamaha is streets ahead of everything on your list quality wise. It you just want a great quality backup with a similar string spacing to your Carvin there is a Bass Collection SB315 in the classified for a bargain price.
  15. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428526741' post='2742233'] A metal kettle. But the most metally is John Kettley. [size=3][b]Kettley[/b]: Not Bob Carolgees[/size] [/quote] And so is Michael Fish!! Is it time to post the Russ Andrews link again? Always good for a laugh - http://www.russandrews.com/default.asp
  16. The SGC Nanyo Bass Collection 4 strings are 7.5lbs and balance very well.
  17. OK - I'm not much of a guitarist, but here's a warts-n-all rendition of Somewhere In the Night by Michael Chapman, recorded with the mikes on my Zoom H4N https://soundcloud.com/eteoung/somewhere-in-the-night
  18. Nothing to do with SGC Nanyo I'm afraid -these are a much more recent thing, probably made in Indonesia. I think these are one of the better copies, so I'm not surprised it fetched a decent amount.
  19. This cab is now sold. Thanks everyone for the interest.
  20. How about Noteflight ? https://www.noteflight.com/login
  21. Thanks guys, it is indeed a monster cab. Bigwan, it would work very nicely with your Burmans - I ran a Pro 4000 through it and it sounded immense! Easter-type bump.
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