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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I think you can now get DI boxes which work off a speaker output, though I've never used one.
  2. If all else fails batteries are relatively cheap
  3. [quote name='greenolive' timestamp='1423469506' post='2685004'] Bump I will look into postage options for this , given a little time I will see at suitable packaging materials etc [/quote] Check out your local cycle shop, they often have large quantities of quality cardboard boxes that they are happy to give away.
  4. None of these pedals are 110 - 240V, which is mains AC voltage. Pretty sure they're all 9V DC . If the brick you're using to power your pedals says 110 - 240V AC input, all you should need is an adaptor to convert the UK plug into a US one.
  5. I have a Roland AC60 acoustic combo which works brilliantly but wasnt cheap. I DI'd that into the PA and put it on a speaker pole as a monitor. If you have a pickup with a built in preamp it will be fine going into the desk. A piezo pickup without one will need a high impedance preamp. I bought a used Carlo Giordano electric fiddle off the bay for 40 quid which worked out to be the cheapest solution.
  6. I think it depends on the bass. I had a Bass Collection strung BEAD for a while and it didn't work so well, the B was a bit floppy which I put down to lack of stiffness in the construction, something that the 5 string version of the same bass doesn't suffer from. You might find that you need to widen the shots in the nut to take the larger gauges, particularly with a 130.
  7. Thanks for that Luke. Mine is 001176 so possibly 1977, which sounds about right I think it was a couple of years old when I got it.
  8. Mine wasn't bass-related but more to do with bad posture using keyboard and mouse. Solved by getting my chair in the right place, taking the keyboard off the desk and putting it lower down on a shelf, and using a trackball instead of a mouse. I had splints - didn't' do much during the day but gave useful support when sleeping. Good luck, hope you manage to find some relief.
  9. "Hey mate, that's a big fiddle - how do you get it under your chin?" "It's tricky. Could I borrow some of yours?" We had a great gig once when a drunk geezer was talking to our sound guy about how attractive our lead singer is. After a while, our guy says "Actually mate, that's my wife!" (which is true). Guy looks him up and down a couple of times and says "f***ing hell, you've done well for yourself!"
  10. Cool. Yamaha serial numbers from that period are notoriously difficult to make any sense out of, I was wondering how he'd definitely established it was a 1977. My BB800 has a lower number, and I bought that used in 1979.
  11. Well, that El Maya neck-through P went for £485 - more than I was expecting to see it go for.
  12. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1422608215' post='2674473'] The price of the pink guitar has gone down. It was £17.49, now it's £16.68. [/quote] Probably due to exchange rate fluctuations as the euro goes through the floor!
  13. Hey Ross, did I just see you playing this bass on the Celtic Connections highlights programme on BBC iPlayer?
  14. Sorry for being slow - I think it's because Annoying Twit has been seduced away from this thread and into the realms of Deko :-) I was tempted but no, no punting for me - I already have a nice Precision and a BB800, besides it looks just a bit too much like it's made from chopped-up coffee tables. You probably spotted this Cimar a long time ago too. Think this one is a bit overpriced - is that likely to be the original bridge? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CIMAR-VINTAGE-BASS-60s-70s-GREAT-COND-PLAYS-GREAT-EXPENSIVE-STINGS-FITTED/201256158914?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122125356%26meid%3D1831c35fa6204e5c9fd03258afd95e25%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D261743365819&rt=nc
  15. El Maya neck-through Precision. Don't think I've ever seen one of these before. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/El-Maya-Japanese-Vintage-1979-Electric-Bass-Guitar-MIJ-Collectable-/261743365819?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cf11ecebb"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3cf11ecebb[/url] Antoria EB3 copy, seen a few miles: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Antoria-bass-guitar-EB3-Sort-of-Ibanez-Gibson-copy-Lawsuit-era-/181649011554?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a4b1ff362
  16. Difficult to get that balance of the later years: according to Wikipedia, since Absolute Beginners in 1986, he's had only 2 top 10 hits, Jump They Say and Where Are They Now. Certainly while you are building up a following, you'll need to play things that the non-Bowie fans will be familiar with. That probably means including stuff like Dancing In The Street. How good are your vocalists? I'd love to have a crack at Under Pressure, but we don't have anyone who can sing the Bowie part.
  17. "Hard to find item" Presumably it only glows a little bit then?
  18. The medium scale version has been discontinued http://uk.yamaha.com/en/products/musical-instruments/guitars-basses/el-basses/rbxa2/?mode=series#tab=product_lineup&list=within&mode=paging
  19. Don't see many of these about: a flightcased Burman Pro 4000 and matching Burman 4x12 cab. Think the BIN is slightly optimistic, but who knows. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231440474340?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Just the thought of having to lift the cab makes me break out in a cold sweat!
  20. Any excuse to repost this link to the story of the Burman 4x18, posted by Kiwi, no. 46 in this thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/58420-show-us-your-burmans/page__st__30__p__972632__hl__bumper%20brown__fromsearch__1#entry972632
  21. I bought a Vintage VE300 for under 200 quid, mid-sized body, solid spruce top, plays and sounds great once I got it properly set up. Fishman pickup and pre-amp with tuner built in. Well worth trying one if you get the chance.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1421829945' post='2665359'] 90s sgc nanyo bass collection [/quote] This. There's a very nice example in the For Sale forum right now, for not a lot of money.
  23. Front edge of the G-D pickup, or the A-E one? Some Fenders and Yamahas swap them round too. Since the cases are different, it seems more engineering to use the pickup centreline as your measurement.
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