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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Some very nice playing on that clip. Good luck with the sale.
  2. I just wanted to make sure you're aware that the P-Retro doesn't give you a full active tone stack for the treble and bass controls. It uses the passive treble and bass controls as an input to the active circuit. That allows you to boost the mids, boost treble and bass together (I find it easier to think of this as a mid-cut) and have a bass frequency boost or bright boost.. It's a great bit of kit which really adds a lot to a standard precision, but if you want full active treble and bass you might be better off with a U-retro, or an external pre-amp.
  3. For sale: One Fishman BP100 double bass pickup. It's in good working order but is missing the felted clips, which are no loss. I'll supply it with some K&K Sound micro-thin double sided tape, which works perfectly. [s]£50 Now £40[/s] Now £35 shipped.
  4. If you have any singing teachers near you, talk to them - they may have a student who is ready to make the move to a live band.
  5. I had an EBS Neo 2x12 for several years which stood up to pub gigging and handled everything I could throw at it.
  6. Yes please Clarky. Please pm me to sort out the details.
  7. Put your pictures on photo bucket and include the <IMG> tags here.
  8. That hole will be for the LED on a John East P-Retro. I'd have had this if I thought it would fit my CIJ !
  9. We are at the excellent Bay Horse in Sudbury, for the third year running. They go to great lengths to decorate the pub and bands and customers are expected to turn up in fancy dress. Last year the barmaid spent 4 hours making up her face to look like it had all started to fall off - fantastic. We love it, it's a top night and a great gig. Some images from last year: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153387675220524.1073741832.342366270523&type=1
  10. I have Status half round on my duesenberg star short scale, really good sound, not completely dead but not zingy in the slightest. Medium length because of the tailpiece. A bit more tension than the ti flats I had on my precision but not as much as chromes.
  11. [quote name='bobpalt' timestamp='1413827839' post='2582480'] Yep, the blue one is, disregard the green one! I have been having problems posting my pictures as they all seem to be too big and I cant easily resize them. Every time I post a picture I have to delete another one from one of my other adverts..... [/quote] Put them on Photobucket and include the <IMG> tags in your posting.
  12. A used Yamaha BBNE2 would be within your budget. I have one and it has completely cured my 5-string GAS.
  13. Xilddx used one of these as the basis for his Lion of Judah build. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217816-the-xilddx-zulu-bass-now-finished/page__hl__jaguar
  14. Bellowhead seem to manage OK with cello and bass , OK helicon but the same principle applies. Cello doesn't have to play bass lines!
  15. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1412421065' post='2568776'] I believe there is a built in rechargeable battery. It is black and comes with the leather (look?) cover. [/quote] Its pretty easy to tell. Does it keep working when you unplug the mains lead?
  16. Nice article, thanks for the link. RIP Rory, much missed.
  17. Yes, he should have told you. Advertising is one thing, what turns up to the audition is another matter. Either you are out, or back in with a stronger hand in negotiations! If you were the real Sting though, you would be used to being called a w***er, and far worse :-)
  18. Battery life with a battery in decent condition is around one hour. Great bits of kit these, surprisingly loud and beautifully made.
  19. 12XLR is quite a lot - if you can manage with 10 the Yamaha MG166CX would be a good choice. I have the MG206C which has 16, but no built-in effects.
  20. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1411061308' post='2556134'] All is well again. Life is beautiful. Thanks again, kind BC community. [/quote] I love it when there's a happy ending.
  21. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions. I have a Puma 110 combo, so I might give that a go and see how it copes. I've been trying to buy other pickups, but always seem to be too slow out of the blocks.
  22. If anyone is looking to upgrade and wants to move on an old-style one, please let me know. It's a last resort to getting a decent sound out of my BP-100, having pretty much failed with an ADI21 and a Phil Jones Briefcase.
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