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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Oli Foxen used to do this kind of thing. Not sure what happened to him, don't think he's posted here for a while.
  2. [quote name='jgmh315' timestamp='1402337914' post='2472412'] [url="http://www.guitarbitz.com/guitars-c48/electro-acoustic-guitars-c82/ashton-acb100ceq-electro-acoustic-bass-p1982"]http://www.guitarbit...stic-bass-p1982[/url] [/quote] That appears to be a link to an acoustic bass. I'm looking for a guitar. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1402346960' post='2472560'] For a few quid more, the Ibanez Talman range is amazing. Worth a look. [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/ag_series14.php?series_id=91&area_id=3&year=2014&cat_id=3"]http://www.ibanez.co...r=2014&cat_id=3[/url] [/quote] Nice idea, but I need something that looks a bit more traditional.
  3. Best way for pics is to put them on photobucket or similar, then include the <IMG> tags in the basschat posting.
  4. So, I have a new gig playing a bit of upright bass and a bit of acoustic guitar in an old-time band. We had a festival gig last weekend and I took my guitar. It's a Fylde that I bought in 1977, and it's more important to me than any of my other instruments. It doesn't have a pickup, and I spent most of the time crapping myself worrying about it getting damaged, overheated in the sun, tripped over by drunks etc. I'm now thinking that I need something less expensive, more disposable and with electronics built-in. Thoman have a Harley Benton model, solid spruce top, rosewood back, sides and fingerboard, mahogany neck, Fishman electronics for £180, which is the same price that Wunjo's quoted to fit a pickup to my Fylde. Anyone have any experience of the more expensive end of the Harley Benton guitar range? I guess it's pretty low risk with their returns policy, I can send it back at not much cost if it turns out to be a dog.
  5. I think the best of the synth patches is Z-Syn, which I believe is an emulation of a Korg G5 . I'd give the sawtooth wave form on that one a go and play with the frequency section. You can add octave down with the pitch shifter and maybe a bit of distortion too.
  6. I've had best results with the one called Z-syn, it's an emulation of the Korg G5 i believe. You could also try using one of the envelope filters with a bit of distortion as Bigwan suggests. Another think I've found useful is adding a bit of chorus downstream, that fattens the sound out a bit.
  7. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1401710669' post='2466003'] I think at that price and those tunings he'd be better off getting a four string and tuning it with the lowest four strings from a five string set. [/quote] In my experience, that won't make a lot of difference. I did this with a Bass Collection, a reasonably decent bass by 4 string construction standards, and the low B was still too flappy. I'd suggest he looks for something which is either 35" scale, neck-through construction or both. He might pick up a Peavey Grind or and Ibanez BTB for that sort of price.
  8. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1401436665' post='2463513'] Or are you looking to test like for like eg. Squire v Yamaha etc. [/quote] BB2024 owners form an orderly queue please!
  9. I keep looking at this, but I have a BBNE2. How could I justify owning both? Have a free bump on me.
  10. For cheap, either a Digitech Bass Synth Wah, which is a much better octave down pedal than it is a synth pedal, or one of the new Zoom B1on pedals - this has a octave down pedal and pitch shifters to go an octave up or down. I guess it might also be possible to put one after the other and achieve octave up and down at the same time through juggling the blend controls, but I haven't tried it. Might have a go tonight.. You can also put a compressor before the effect which will improve the tracking.
  11. I was thinking about this, but my band has just been confirmed for Ipswich Music Day which is also on the 6th July, so have a nice time and see some of you at the SE bash.
  12. Lat time I saw Colin Hodgkinson he was using a Markbass 2x10 and it sounded fantastic. Mind you he would sound fantastic through a pile of old tin boxes. A good alternative would be the second-hand Puma 2x12 that's in the For Sale forum at the moment.
  13. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165553-dirty-banjo-habit/ Might be worth asking the mods to move this into 'Other Instruments' .
  14. Bargains: there are a couple of Bass Collection SB 315s in the For Sale forum for a lot less than 500 quid. If you feel you have to spend that much, Yamaha trbx or a used bb1025 would be worth a look.
  15. Petition signed, but you do realise that there is no chance of winning this in the long game, due to the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Milton Keynes Speedway stadium.
  16. Just in case any of the preamp builders missed this thread from Repairs and Technical http://basschat.co.uk/topic/237582-diy-bass-preamp-my-present-to-you/ ...
  17. [quote name='flippyfloop' timestamp='1400844652' post='2457438'] Great basses for the money. Would love to hear the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]Ki0gon upgrade as the stock pre is a bit lacking.[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] If it is a 301 it won't have a stock pre, they are passive. So more than a bit lacking!
  18. Some good acts to see there. I'll be at Red Rooster at Euston Hall near Thetford - sitting in with an old-time band on double bass http://redrooster.org.uk
  19. I'd go with the neck stamps. I don't think the 75 re-issue was around in '85. There are other examples of people finding these basses hard to date, including this one: [font=georgia,palatino][size=4]"Serial numbers can also be tricky when trying to get an accurate date. I once had a Japanese Fender '75 reissue [url="http://fenderbassplayer.com/117-fender-jazz-bass"]Jazz Bass[/url] that I bought used and according to the serial number I looked up, was made around 1985. I was suspicious because I didn't think they made the '75 reissue that early on, so I popped the neck off and it had a date stamp of 1998. It turned out that this was a case of overlapping serial numbers used by Fender Japan on different models. Lesson here is that until you see the date stamp on either the neck or body, the serial number is only a [b]guess[/b].[/size][/font]" From http://fenderbassplayer.com/152-properly-dating-a-fender-bass
  20. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1399537107' post='2445059'] So putting the pedal before the input will combine the tone on the pedal first,with that of the amp in an additive way, or.. by inserting into the FX loop you are feeding the tone of the amp eq into the pedal and the combined tone then gets amplified. [/quote] Monckyman is right as usual. The other thing to know, is whether your effects loop is serial or parallel. Some amps are wired in parallel, sometimes there's a blend control and sometimes there's a 50/50 split. If this is the case and you plug your bass into the input with the pedal in the loop, you'll get a blend of clean signal from the input and effected signal from the pedal. There's also the question of output signal: most loops will be expecting a line-level signal such as you would get from a 19" rack effects unit, and don't take kindly to instrument-level signals produced by some pedals. All you can really do is try the various combinations and see if any of them work for you.
  21. Very nice. This is an SB330 model. To the OP, by the way, you have the G and E strings wrapped round the wrong side of the tuners.
  22. Check out the "Obscure Musical Backwaters" thread for Bass Collection love.
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