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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Ive never heard any professionals say "on sea". Its always "at sea". That would have been the first clue for me.
  2. It seems extremely unlikely to me. Output transformers won't care about the audio signal anyway. Its a moot point - if the desk has broken twice you need to replace it with something more reliable.
  3. I have some Status Half-Rounds in a short scale length and a medium length on a short-scale bass. Very happy with them.
  4. For years and years, my double bass (a german factory bass) was transported to gigs on the roof rack of my old mans car, in a gig bag and wrapped in a tarpaulin, tied to the rack with ropes and bungees. It survived the exposure intact. Someone else we knew, who also transported his bass this way, made the mistake of driving his car straight into the garage with predictable results, but that wasn't a problem for us as our garage was always full of junk and there was no room to fit a car. In those days the roof box didn't exist. Nowadays you might find one big enough to put a DB in.
  5. I guess that since the OP appears to be in Norway his options for trying out guitars are limited, and he can't even hop onto the Bergen ferry these days. There is a TRBX505 in the For Sale forum at very tempting price. Can't go wrong with Yamaha.
  6. I think this thread has definitely taken a term for the wurst.
  7. And it's back! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-TRB5P-Translucent-Blue-5-String-Bass-guitar-/161254876620?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item258b8a25cc I didn't bid in the end - I foolishly tried to leave it until the last minute and bid on a mobile, and lost my signal so it was sold to someone else. Who couldn't pay for it, so the seller offered it to me before putting it up for sale again. My plans have changed, so I decided not to take him up on it. He seems like a really nice guy. The luthier who did the work was Martin at the Bass Gallery.
  8. Or stick it into a loop along with a clean boost pedal?
  9. Would you care to share the reply? I too have a briefcase which does the same ticking thing with the compressor. I am reasonably happy to turn the compressor off since it does seem to do much anyway, but it would be good to know if there is a reason or a fix.
  10. I have 3 Bass Collections. All have the original pickups in, but I've replaced the electronics in 2 of them. I used a cheap Artec SBP3 which worked fine, and an expensive Nordy which works a whole lot better.
  11. I have a TecAmp Puma 1x10 combo, which you list as one of your alternative choices. The 1x10 appears to be discontinued, but the 1x12 still exists, thoman have for more or less your budget depending on the exchange rate. [quote name='spaz91' timestamp='1394744870' post='2394801'] 1. Does the small cab size make it sound boxy and thin? [/quote] No, not at all. You can EQ loads of bass back into it. [quote] 2. Is it hand portable, in your opinion? [/quote] Yes, but I wouldn't want to carry it much more than a mile by hand. If you could put it into a rucsack or a set of straps and carry it on your back it would be fine. I've transported mine a short distance on the carrier of my Dahon folding bike, to prove it could be done more than anything. [quote] 3. Though the official website strictly prohibits it, is it possible to replace the amplifier with a different model? [/quote] No. You'd need to take it to bits. [quote] 4. Is 12" really enough speaker coverage to play with a drummer? [/quote] The 1x10 copes well enough, so the 12 will be fine.
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1394281338' post='2389821'] The Beatles [/quote] +1 Also, Jimmy Shand and the White Heather Club. Explains a lot really.
  13. That seller clearly doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. Stained top? Its Paduak, twinkletits!
  14. Looking at the bay, unmodded early ones are going for between 50 and 120 USD. One with a led added sold for 145 USD. So I am not convinced that it would lose money. I guess poodle probably has a kit which would be the cheapest of all?
  15. Martin Owen at Owen Electronics will probably be able to sort this for you and I would expect it to cost less than a second hand replica.
  16. Gah! Who put those ghastly chicken-head knobs on it!!
  17. Bass Collection, made in Japan by SGC Nanyo, are very well made instruments and pop up in the for sale forums here from time to time. They are very light weight - my SB320 fretless is around 7lb, and are available in a variety of finishes and colours. There's a sunburst one on the bay at the moment, but the price is a bit high. Edit: TheGreek, great minds think alike, eh?
  18. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1393878039' post='2385451'] Howard knew the official name for that colour as it came up in our discussion but it escapes me atm. [/quote] It looks to me like Sherwood green, but I have terrible eyesight!
  19. If this is rented accommodation, shouldn't you be having this conversation with the landlord and/or the letting agents? Possibly along the lines of damages to your valuable books caused by the damp, and the cost of hiring dehumidifiers to return the property to the state that you contracted to rent it in?
  20. I am amazed that this bass is still available and that people are lowballing you. The pickup alone would cost over a ton. These instruments are great value for money, have a free bump on me.
  21. How about an aby box between the guitar and sansamp, one output to the tuner the other to the sansamp?
  22. This was an interesting one. An as-new Vigier Excess, one-feedback seller demanding no paypal, zero-feedback buyer and a bargain price, if it all turns out all right on the night! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vigier-Excess-Bass-Guitar-Brand-New-With-Padded-Case-and-Stand-/261405436093?autorefresh=true&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cdcfa68bd&nma=true&si=jenh7CdvUMIp6cVH25Kp7YxL4aA%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  23. Aesthetic? I thought that was some kind of artificial limb. Listen to your inner wisdom!
  24. Call me odd fashioned if you like but I don't see the point of status updates anyway. What is this, Facebook? Besides which some of the usual mechanisms for the orderly running of the forum, such as the ability to report a status update for offensive content, are lacking. I give it until the first attempt to advertise something for sale without paying the listing fee before it is turned off, but I would be glad to see it turned off now.
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