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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. That's brilliant timing, I've just got one of these and am looking to do the same thing. Do you use the compressors built into the recorder or add them during post processing?
  2. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1385231678' post='2285940'] I'm about to start gigging regularly with my Mesa Boogie 400+ and I was wondering what spares should I carry? [/quote] Markbass LMII works for me.
  3. TRB100J also has 19mm string spacing at the bridge and what looks to me like a wide fingerboard. If you didn't like the TRB5P you probably won't like this either. Maybe you should be looking at something with a 17.5mm spacing like a MusicMan, or something even narrower, maybe G&L?
  4. The blue one has now appeared in the For Sale forum.
  5. I was just idly wondering if anyone has tried a Red Witch Synthotron with a bass and if so what you thought of it.
  6. [quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1389183603' post='2330953'] I bet he gets laid every night though... [/quote] It doesn't count unless a second person is involved.
  7. Seen this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181295661725?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Every Ry Cooder fan needs one of these !
  8. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1389273047' post='2332164'] Another frighteningly common occurrence is the outer insulation of a mains cable no longer being held in the clamp in a plug.. [/quote] It's becoming less common due to the requirement to supply moulded plugs on leads. We hired a snow machine for a gig at Xmas, which was delivered with an IEC lead with a removable plug, covered in current PAT stickers. We plugged it in, and it tripped the circuit breaker on the socket AND the main breaker on the entire building supply. Cause was a short inside the plug. I think commercial companies hiring out gear should do better, personally. I've had conflicting stories about whether it's even possible to test things like laptop power supplies. At work, the technicians never did these because they said there was nothing that they could test. The last bloke who did our band gear (required for a gig) insisted on doing them, maybe because he was charging per item.
  9. Great choice. Don't forget to post some pictures!
  10. I'm just wondering what you were searching for when you stumbled across this ...
  11. I had a first generation TRB5P and only sold it to buy a BBNE2, which I think has a wider range of tones even without the piezo, the preamp is incredible.
  12. Could be wrong about this but I think the 1005 is a 35 inch scale.
  13. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1388965964' post='2328338'] I know about Electras and this isn't one [/quote] Awesome. Thanks Jon.
  14. Decent case included but how much will it cost you to collect it from Southampton?
  15. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1388931565' post='2327724'] Is that a Duesenberg Star Player bass? If so, do you have a separate thread on it, pictures, recordings? I can't pretend I'm likely to buy one, but the Duesenberg looks a very nice bass. [/quote] Yes it is, although it was called Star in 2007 when it was made. No separate thread other than Greene Kings for sale thread. It's a very nice bass with a dark sound. You were asking about Swaffham it's 16 miles SE of Kings Lynn you can probably see the lights on the wind turbine if you look out of the window!
  16. Electra Les Paul copy bass. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Electra-Bass-Guitar-MIJ-/131085139806?ssPageName=ADME:B:WNARL:GB:1123 Anyone know anything about these? It doesn't seem to have the tailpiece and wooden bridge setup that so many of these LP copies do and the headstock looks as though it ought to be familiar. At one time I'd have gone for this, but my GAS for short scale les paul basses has been well and truly satiated by my Duesenberg.
  17. Or maybe a rack multi fx unit these tend to have quite decent sounding reverbs in. Can be picked up cheaply.
  18. I think Dingus is on the money with talk of a pre-amp for the Yamaha. It's something you can try without huge expense or moving on your basses, and you'll probably get most of your money back if it doesn't work out. A VB99 or V-Bass is another suggestion. It will certainly give you a huge amount of variety in sound, although there are one or two downsides (complexity goes along with that variety, and you need the GK3B and associated flimsy-feeling data cable).
  19. [quote name='Torben Hedstrøm' timestamp='1388756775' post='2325653'] Can't find it [/quote] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-TRB5p-Fretless-5-string-bass-1991-Pat-Eggle-crafted-fretless-fingerboard-/291042991393?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43c3839d21
  20. There is a Yamaha TRB5P with an unmarked ebony board on eBay at the moment, which has been up a few times but attracted no bids.
  21. Schechter make a really nice neck-through 8 string but they are very rare. I had a play with the pitch shifters on the zoom ms60b and the mono one tracks well enough, but you only get the top note if you play a chord. VB99 nails it but that is a lot more expensive than a schecter:-)
  22. Got my bass back today after a slight delay caused by an unraveled A string - fortunately Beerofthebass saved the day. The back has been reattached with the right glue, a new end pin fitted and soundpost repositioned. Peter has also lowered the action by recutting the nut and lowering and thinning the bridge. The result is that the bass plays better than it ever has and I have a big smile on my face! Peter also showed me his latest creation, a violin which is ready for lacquering. It's beautiful work. Cost of the work was extremely reasonable, all in all a great experience and I am glad I didn't try and bodge it. Now all I need is somewhere to play it!
  23. Peter Messenger ME Strings 5 Lower Byfield Monks Eleigh Ipswich IP7 7JJ www.mestrings.co.uk Peter is a violin maker and restorer and is happy to do repairs on violas cellos and basses. He reattached the back to my German 70s plywood bass, fitted a new endpin, recut the nut, repositioned the soundpost and lowered and thinned the bridge. The bass now plays better than it ever has. Turn around was really quick and the price was extremely reasonable. And he is a really nice guy. Highly recommended.
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