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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I couldn't find anyone in London who could respond quickly, so I ended up sending my pedal to Martin Owen in Manchester, who diagnosed the fault, fixed it and sent it back extremely quickly.
  2. Ah so that's what happened to the thread. Any particular reason why the guitars forum is not visible unless you are logged in but the other three groups are visible to the world?
  3. pete.young

    Zoom b3

    I don't think you can do that on a B3. I never did while I had mine, and it's not mentioned in the manual. You can scroll through patches one at a time or jump from one bank to the next but I don't think there's a pick-and-mix function to put your favourites into a chain. It is possible to do that sort of thing in 'Edit and Share' with the MS60B though - perhaps you're getting the two confused? To the OP - havling looked at A5, it uses two effects, SansAmp and Punch Factory, to achieve the sound - try replacing the EQ on the userland patch with a delay and switch it off after the first few bars.
  4. Think you will find that all EBS Neo 2x12 are 4 Ohm. The only cab listed by EBS at 8Ohm is the 1x12 - looks like the 1x10 may have been discontinued. Bump for a brilliant and very lightweight cab at a cracking price.
  5. pete.young

    Zoom b3

    Can't remember which effects are in a5 but if there is one that you don't use or need replace that with the delay and save your new patch on top of one that you don't use.
  6. Think the amp is running a line level effects loop. That will be giving the pedal a much higher voltage than the instrument level signal it is expecting. That may cause distortion and might not do the pedal much good long term. Best to run it between bass and amp. Effects loops are really aimed at rack gear which is expecting to see a line level signal.
  7. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1384868888' post='2281615'] OK well the news I was going to share is that we DID have a developer lined up and poised to sign a contract but he pulled out literally at the last minute. This is turning into a f***ing joke but, personally I've stopped laughing. We've got interest from two more however and we're waiting to hear back on a price. Part of the problem appears to be that there's not enough work for them to be seriously interested. So...in the meantime, we have talked about setting up a sub forum on here to at least get something kicked off. However, there is a caveat... One of the features we'll install with the next Invision upgrade is a single sign in to Basschat, Guitarchat and Drumchat. What we don't know yet is whether the administration behind the scenes is done from a single location or from a location for each of the websites. It would make it kind of simpler if it was one, which would also mean that when we do get the other sites up we could transfer threads between forums. BUT... ...we don't know that yet. So if we do set up a sub forum, there is a risk that we may not be able to transfer threads over to the other sites. That's no reason to not kick things off quietly though. Its enough of a struggle right now to get the thing set up...baby steps first, Pete! I plan on consulting with the core of interested members on what they would like to see once we've achieved lift off. [/quote] You misunderstand me. I am not interested in even the baby steps of setting up guitar chat. I would prefer to see you concentrate on improving your core business.
  8. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1384827516' post='2281282'] The replacement blog software (it wasn't part of the core software) has been chosen. AFAIK there are no plans to restore the Wiki as it's minimal use didn't warrant keeping or maintaining it. I have no idea what you mean by 'backlog'. [/quote] I am glad to see that there are plans to get the blog going again. Be it blog or wiki we need something to provide a home for less ephemeral items, thinking particularly of 51m0ns wisdom on compressors etc but there are loads of other examples. By backlog I meant all the development jobs that have been put on hold due to lack of development resource, just like in agile software development. Speaking as someone contributing to the upkeep of the forum, I would rather see improvement to Basschat than creation of Guitarchat, something in which I have little interest.
  9. I'd quite like to hear about some plans to develop this forum, for example what you are hoping to do to make the blog work again, restore the wiki and take a look at the backlog.
  10. Waxies Dargle are playing the newly-refurbished KC's Bar and Nightclub (formerly Betty's) on Sunday 24th November. Come on down for an evening of music by the Pogues.
  11. [quote name='paul h' ] Putting an 80's cover band together is starting to appeal to me so I thought I would see who here has experience of them. [/quote] My band does quite a lot of '80s material and we have done the odd '80s-only night. You are going to need a really good keyboard player, someone who is more than a converted piano player, if you want to get the sound right.
  12. There are lots of brass bands in south Wales, from the Championship section all the way down to the 4th.
  13. Jas very kindly brought this round for me to try out on his way to practice last night. It is lovely bass in as new condition and sounds magnificent. Free bump for a nice bass and a splendid chap.
  14. Sorry but that coincided with a rehearsal. Besides which Rob, who could possibly step into your shoes? What kind of jazz and do you work from dots, chord charts or by ear? All these things would help to make a decision. Generally with jazz I don't have the chops to play what I like and wouldn't touch the stuff I can play with a 10 foot bargepole!
  15. If you are happy with EBS you should consider their 2x12 Neo. Only 24kg, an easy one handed lift. Great sounding cabs, I had one for years and only sold it because I was seduced by the lure of a 4x12!
  16. Just read his comments about using a heat sink for transistors and diodes when soldering. Whoops. I seem to have got away with that one until now. What do people do for this, clip a croc clip onto the wire or something?
  17. That looks nice Si. Is that the Big Beefy? (Can't quite figure out some of Poodle's naming conventions!)
  18. Thanks Si - not sure what I'm going to use it for, it was one of those things where the journey was more important than arriving at the destination. I might plug the bouzouki into it and see if I can do a PIL impression. It's the standard kit with no mods: both buffers and one diode for symmetric clipping.
  19. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1382810145' post='2256885'] That bit sounds like an NE1 at least doesn't it ? [/quote] I'm getting a bit confused here :-) I'm not quite sure where the NE1 fits into the scheme of things, or what elements of that circuit are common to the basses. The original Nathan East Signature bass had controls for bass boost/cut, treble boost/cut and a 3 position mid selector (and also blend and vol). The BBNE2 has a 3-band EQ (Bass, Treble, Mids all boost/cut) plus an additional mid-cut frequency control and a switch to turn it on and off. The NE1 pedal seems to be a combination of the two. There is a circuit for the NE1 pedal and a veroboard design produced by paulatlabs, and I think Max at SilentFly published some mods to it in the Affiliates forum, but I've not seen a design for either of the bass guitar pre-amps.
  20. That looks marvellous. Well done Xilddx and uncle Horrid.
  21. Spent this afternoon finishing off the Pedalparts TS808 kit that I got from Bigwan . Here's the circuit: [URL=http://s46.photobucket.com/user/cr0ut0n/media/IMG_20131017_183251_zps87eb08c9.jpg.html][IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f123/cr0ut0n/IMG_20131017_183251_zps87eb08c9.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Apologies, a bit out of focus. Guts and finished pedal: [URL=http://s46.photobucket.com/user/cr0ut0n/media/IMG_20131027_165846_zpsccd45f8c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f123/cr0ut0n/IMG_20131027_165846_zpsccd45f8c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s46.photobucket.com/user/cr0ut0n/media/IMG_20131027_170226_zps56189359.jpg.html][IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f123/cr0ut0n/IMG_20131027_170226_zps56189359.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The kit didn't include a battery clip or a stereo socket as per the instructions, and I can see why now: there isn't room in the enclosure for a battery. Other than that, no problems putting it together, everything went like a dream. Thanks to Tom for helping me with the info about pots.
  22. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1382787139' post='2256534'] Isn't the Yamaha NE1 just the pedal version of his pre? Or just the mid-shape? (Not looked at the bass layout) Si [/quote] The NE1, I have no idea. The NE2 pre-amp is different - it has 3-band EQ plus a mid-cut frequency that you can switch in and out.
  23. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1382769401' post='2256335'] I'd gig it! [/quote] I think it's only fair to point out that you did buy that green Yamaha because you liked the colour, to add a bit of balance :-) Seriously, I think this bass looks stunning and if I could cope with the full-on nature of these basses, it wouldn't bother me a bit. I once had a go on Kiwi's Sonic Hammer, and boy did that thing have a serious attitude! Someone will be along in a minute to tell you it'll look much nicer with a tortoiseshell scratch plate.
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