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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Effective, in what way? What are you going to measure, and how are you going to measure it? It's going to be 100% effective in stopping anyone posting replies in the Wanted forum. People have already started posting quasi - for - sale ads in other forums, there was one in General Discussion this morning. Its impossible to completely eradicate. If you want to completely stamp this out, you'll need to stop anyone replying to any postings in any of the forums. Seems to me that you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. For the very small volume of people posting 'ads' in the Wanted section, you are taking away a whole load of useful functionality that paying contributors to the site are going to miss out on.
  2. And me - excellent tape, super fast service. Recommended.
  3. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1381222147' post='2235856'] There are subforums on this site that have 15 or 20 pins, and I have absolutely no problem reading them and finding my way around, on desktop and on a tablet. It's a matter of personal preference - I tend to find it far more tedious to have to jump in and out of subforums, especially on a tablet - in a word, scrolling has in my view the edge over navigating. [/quote] Up to a point. Since the number of threads on a basschat page cannot be increased, once you fill up the front page you cant scroll and are back to navigating. I don't believe you should be making changes to the forums based on your own personal preferences without having a discussion and a vote about the issue in 'Site Issues' first.
  4. I agree with BigRedX . In particular, the pinning is not going to work. The only thread in the forum which needs pinning is this one. There was nothing wrong in my view with the original concept of the forum, which was to announce gigs. A better solution would be to start a separate forum for photos, reviews etc for gigs, on a per-band basis.
  5. Since Hamster locked his thread, lets kick off discussion here. My view is that restricting replies to Wanted ads will be counter productive. People will simply reply in PM instead, mods will lose visibility of who is trying to circumvent the rules, and it will prevent the kind of interesting discussion around alternatives that frequently breaks out following these threads. Also, it penalises those of us who have paid to advertise items on the site, and prevents anyone posting a link to an item legitimately advertised in the 'For Sale' forums. Please reconsider.
  6. Don't try and fix something that isn't broken. There are plenty of other problems with the site that deserve attention.
  7. OK, someone has to ask - why do you think you need 5 strings? Without wishing to incur the wrath of the 5-string community (hey, I mostly play 5s myself), I'd have to say that life is a lot simpler and there are many more choices with 4. If I wasn't playing in a band with a singer who needs the pitch of songs dropped below the 4-string range, I wouldn't bother with 5s.
  8. According to this: http://www.geofex.com/article_folders/tstech/tsxtech.htm if the tone-suck is caused by the wah pedal having too low an impedance ,and consequently loading the pickups, one mod that might fix the problem is to add a tube screamer input buffer circuit. I've no idea whether this would work for your particular pedal, but at the cost of a few components it might be worth a punt to see if you can avoid major expense involved in buying a new pedal. Or as someone else said, stick it into a bypass loop, these are cheap enough.
  9. It depends on the flats. TIs have a lot less tension than most rounds.
  10. Pretty sure I had a 130 on the B of my OLP MM3 when I had it.
  11. I have a BB800 from probably 1978, bought S/H in 1979, love it dearly and intend to be buried with it. The BB1200 is even better - neck-through construction, Ebony board, usual Yamaha attention to detail. I don't think you can beat neck-through MIJ Yamahas. Precisions from the same era aren't even close, ironic when you consider they fetch a lot more money. Famous users include McCartney, Peter Hook, Chris Cross, at least one of those is likely to resonate :-)
  12. I have been doing some research into Duesenberg myself of late, as I now own a Star bass from 2007. The first thing to bear in mind is that 'rare' doesn't necessarily mean 'more valuable'. There might be a reason nobody bought them. If this is the single pickup model that someone has been trying to sell on Ebay recently I think the valuation there is a bit optimistic. As far as I can tell, the Violin bass is about the same cost as the Starplayer, around £1400 new at current prices. Also as far as I can tell, the single pickup Violin bass was in the catalogue for 2002 but had disappeared by 2005. I'd be thinking that £450 - £650 was more reasonable. So the valuation is probably around the same as for a re-issue Hofner Violin, which reduces the market somewhat since most people in that situation will probably opt for the Hofner. Which is a shame, because if it's anything like my Star bass, the build quality is absolutely excellent wherever the instrument was made, and the sound is absolutely fine and authentic.
  13. Your best bet in the UK is Eagle Music in Huddersfield: [url="http://www.eaglemusicshop.com/banjo-thumb-picks/norec"]http://www.eaglemusicshop.com/banjo-thumb-picks/norec[/url] I buy all my strings and picks from them, except for bass strings.
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1380538466' post='2226646'] Just a word to the wise ... don't take a DB/EUB to a jam session unless you're ready to play [i]Superstition [/i]on it. [/quote] Could be worse. Could have been Sir Duke!
  15. Is there anyone here who has an Epi Les Paul bass and the case that goes with it - I believe the model number is 940-ELPBCS ? I'm hoping to find someone who can take some measurements of the case. I have a similar-shaped bass and I'm hoping it will fit the Epi case, which is a lot cheaper than the alternative.
  16. The current crop of Bass Collections are nothing to do with the SGC Nanyo basses - it's the Bass Centre using the brand, that's all. I think the new stuff is made in China. The original SGC Nanyo operation, based in Japan, stopped making basses around '95 - 96. I've not seen or played one of the new ones so cannot comment on the quality.
  17. Not sure what this is, maybe Yamato/National ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Guitar-/290983559659?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43bff8c1eb My LP-shaped GAS is now firmly in check, so I'm not going to bid.
  18. Any suggestions for things to try on my newly acquired Duesenberg ? It's a short-scale bass requiring medium-length strings, which cuts the options down a bit. I'm thinking that it'll need at least 45-105 , looking for something to bring out the acoustic qualities whilst retaining some of the dark sound that it seems to have at the moment (has what look like 50-110 stainless rounds on at the moment).
  19. Matt bought my Diago Showman board - he turned up exactly when he said he would, paid cash. He's an extremely pleasant chap and a pleasure to deal with. Recommended.
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