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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Love the look of these. What's the string spacing at the bridge please?
  2. What it says really - I can see why the ebay forum and off topic aren't visible to non logged in persons, but I don't understand why Build Diaries doesn't appear.
  3. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1376571495' post='2176213'] Eh? lol [/quote] Sorry, wasn't trying to be funny. I don't know enough about how digital modelling effects work to know whether they actually apply a compression algorithm to the signal, or whether they model the compression effect some other way. I do know that one of the models is an optical compressor. The DBX166 effect has no monitoring. So while the compression effects sound OK, they're not quite the same as having a real compressor. In that respect I think they're different from the distortion or flanging or other signal modification effects. I'm not having a go at your favourite pedal. I've got one and it is a useful swiss army knife, although only having 3 effects per patch is a bit disappointing if you need one of them to be amp modelling.
  4. It's still working in bypass mode, but nothing happens when you switch the pedal on and off, and the LED doesn't light. Reckon I'll drop www.pedalmods.com a note, they list the CS505 as something they have worked on so hopefully will have a bit of useful experience to bring to bear.
  5. My ancient Ibanez CS505 Chorus has stopped working. I can tell that the switch is working and there's 18v reaching the pcb, which is being regulated down to 12V inside the pedal, but that's about the limit of my diagnostic skills. Can someone recommend a repair person who might be able to take a look at this and fix it?
  6. Bear in mind though that these are modelling effects, not actual compressors.
  7. TFM for Ped's mixer is here: [url="http://www.behringer.com/assets/mx802A_P0032_M_en.pdf"]http://www.behringer.com/assets/mx802A_P0032_M_en.pdf[/url] Judging by this, it is possible to control the Aux send level for aux 1 and 2. Aux 2 would be the one to use since it's post-fader. However, a stompbox like this, particularly an old one, is looking for an instrument level, in the order of a few tens or hundreds of mV. The Aux Send out is a line level signal - specification of the mixer doesn't say, but this could be a couple of volts. You'd need to start with it on 0 and bring it up gradually. Another option might be to use the jack socket main out on the V-Bass floor unit and run that through the effect and back into a third channel on the mixer. Both these options will stuff up your stereo effects though: the aux send is a mono-out, so you'd get the combined stereo signal sent to the effect and then mixed back into both channels. And your envelope filter will be after all the other effects in the chain. Neither of these options will get the Envelope filter before the V-Bass effects. To do that, you'd have to run from the jack socket of the bass, through the effect, back into the GK3B. With the internal wiring in your bass I'm not sure that's possible.
  8. The original part for this is something else - Nathan East really is one of the best players I've ever heard and this is a fine piece of grooving, I don't think he plays anything the same way twice!
  9. Why don't you ask John himself? He seems very approachable and posts on here, or you could contact him via his website.
  10. Judging by the bridge its a very early one - the later ones had a redesigned bridge, same style fixings as a proper EB one.
  11. My Burman would sound immense through this. Psychoandy would be able to hear it from his house! Fancy a trade for an EBS Neo 2x12 ?
  12. I have a large Tribal Planet gig bag which I used to get the Epiphone Flying Vee into - that's a long body and a shorter neck but the overall length is pretty similar. These aren't made any more , but someone had one for sale in the misc for sale forum here, possibly warwickhunt?
  13. We had one of these - I can confirm that it was a rubber pad, factory fitment not an after-market bodge !
  14. What a lovely bass. Have a free bump on me. I wish I was doing enough fretless playing to justify this.
  15. Some rare and beautiful stuff there. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  16. Lovely. I'd say these are uber-rare even inJapan, and hard to price - CIJ Q serials date to 2002 - 2004 and this was likely a not-for-export model. I found a 2002 catalogue on line and it isn't listed, don't have a 2003 or 2004 catalogue. It doesn't seem that unreasonable to me. Tom Bowlus has one! http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/fender-tele-bass-368407/
  17. The very first response to a google search for 'jon camp double neck' returned this: http://renaissance-fanfare.net/forum/topics/jon-camp-interview-2012 which confirms that it was made by Dick Knight. Interesting interview.
  18. There's a thread in 'Amps and Cabs' , might be something in there. I'd be inclined to take it to Dave Lunt in Stockport, he's not so far away from you and really knows his stuff.
  19. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' timestamp='1374663570' post='2151419'] The Maplin one does not appear to specify the battery size, but a similar looking one on Amazon gives it as 17 Ah, so your 10 W rig should last half a day on that! [/quote] A bit of digging shows the Maplin one as having 2x 6v 5Ah batteries. Quite impressive to get a couple of hours out of that, for comparison the PJB Briefcase recommended fitment is a 12v 7.2 Ah battery, said to be good for approx 1 hour. I'll get one for mine eventually and do a proper test.
  20. I don't have a gig on the 21st yet, so I'm a distinct possible. Not sure what I have that people might find interesting - any requests from Yamaha BB NE2, Fender PB70US with East P-Retro, various Bass Collections Bass Briefcase, Burman Pro 4000, VB-99 (still trying to get my head around this so I'm not sure about demos!) Can also take people from Ipswich - Dave.c, if you're interested we can find room for the Vigier collection!
  21. The neck pocket won't be stamped US. The 'US' pickups are not made-in-USA items - they're Fender Japan's attempt to make a US-spec pickup, which isn't quite the same thing. There are no markings on the pickups to identify them. The bass looks kosher but I don't believe the shipping costs. There's a stickied thread somewhere about importing basses from Japan and you'd normally expect to add on roughly £100 to the price to cover costs of shipping and import duties. Edit: it's here. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/139-importing-guitars/
  22. [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1374002272' post='2144170'] Just to clarify, my follow up question was: When using my octave pedal on one of the channel effects loops, in mix mode (Shuttlemax amp), why do I get a delay/echo effect? [/quote] Because you have a parallel effects loop, and you're getting a blend of the clean and effected signal.
  23. Are we talking about the effects loop on an amp? Often these are set up in parallel, resulting in a blend of clean and effected signal. That way if the pedal chain dies you still get some signal. Some amps allow you to switch them to series, for instance if you want to modify all the signal all the time with something like a rack compressor : my Little Mark has a jumper inside.
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