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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Biggest difference is probably that most tuners will mute the signal if placed between the guitar and the amp - using the tuner out won't.
  2. Wonder what the spacing is on the 330, that has soapbars.
  3. [quote name='markinthegreen' timestamp='1373918351' post='2143211'] Im surprised no one recognises her from the Bass Cellar on Denmark St, She worked their for years. I got a couple of basses off her. [/quote] Oh, that Simone? That's really good news in that case, she was the most pleasant and helpful person in that shop by a million miles and it's good to see her having some success.
  4. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212137-portable-solution-for-busking-on-bass-new-amp-or-batteryinverter/page__pid__2142216__st__20#entry2142216
  5. Very nice, but where is the Surdo! Give my regards to Gione when you see him.
  6. Cheap invertor from Maplins will do the job. The problem is the battery - car batteries really don't like deep discharge cycles, you really need a leisure battery and these tend to be more expensive. I doubt that the volume setting of the amp will have a huge difference to the battery life - I'd be very surprised if the relationship was anything like linear.
  7. A Yamaha THD10 might fit the bill, it works off batteries and has the bass amp modelling that apparently makes it sound OK with bass, unlike the THD 5. I say apparently - I've not tried one in the flesh, went for a Bass Briefcase instead.
  8. I tried using 12" drivers, but they couldn't see over the dashboard or reach the pedals so I went back to the normal size. Well someone had to say it ...
  9. Is this a 4 Ohm cab or an 8 Ohm cab?
  10. Ah, my first bass - a Senator. paid £15 for mine in 1970 and sold it for the same about 3 years later. Very nice, the neck joint is the only real issue with these and if it's been properly fixed it'll be good to go for another 40 years or so. The headstock dates this to 1963. Mine had the dagger shape inlay, which was 1964.
  11. Many moons ago, my guitarist mate and I had a gig backing a local C&W singer / guitarist. It was fun while it lasted, but we both were awarded the DCM (Don't Come Monday!) after switching to the reggae version half-way through a particularly maudlin performance of "Help me make it through the night" .
  12. I guess you have to decide which is more important: having a 33.5" bass with the markers in the right place, or a 34" with them slightly out of line. I suspect the difference between 33.5 and 34 isn't going to be much tonally or in terms of string tension, and there are no intonation issues with a fretless (other than those introduced by the player!)
  13. I've answered this in 'Obscure Musical Backwaters in more detail, but mine's 34" dead. This is looking really good. I'm just beginning to wonder whether my SB310 would benefit from similar treatment, except with a Stingray pickup in the sweet spot. Just put a Nordy pre-amp in my SB465 and I'm very happy with the results.
  14. OK, fair enough. Apologies for being flippant, I should have just got the tape measure out rather than trying to be clever. Blame it on the shiraz! The distance from the nut to the string saddle break point on the 'G' of my factory fretless SB320 is exactly 34 inches, and the intonation is spot on. The saddle is almost as far 'forward' (ie towards the pickups) as it will go. The distance from the nut to the centre-line of the two dot position markers at the 12th fret is 17". Could it be that the fret markers on your bass are in the correct position for a fretted fingerboard? On my fretted SB310, it's 16.5 inches from nut to the centre-line of the dot markers, 16 3/4 inch to the furthest one from the nut.
  15. [quote name='bjelkeman' timestamp='1372284503' post='2123953'] Yeah, a lot of us in Sweden are going with the local speaker mfg TKS and his best selling boxes are based around 12s. [/quote] Hi Bjelkeman, Would be interesting to get your thoughts on EBS. I've been using an EBS Neo 2x12 for several years and haven't heard anything that I would change it for.
  16. Markbass LMII, EBS Neo 2x12, Gramma pad. Mind ewe we've been running everything through the PA for quite a while now and I've been using a small combo as a monitor.
  17. Rays are fine, but remember Bernard also used a Precision and gawd help us a BC Rich Eagle, and still sounded like Bernard. To me that was an absolutely top-class performance by great musicians at the very top of their game. I agree with nottswarwick.
  18. You could do a lot worse than read this blog from 51m0n: http://blog.basschat.co.uk/setting-up-a-compressor/
  19. What about a 5-string US Sterling? There's a nice one up for sale on the forum at the moment. I was thinking about it, but didn't like the string spacing, and I decided it wasn't ever going to be a match for my BBNE2 .
  20. Ste, well done to you for getting involved and promoting this excellent initiative. Do you just need bass strings, or is there a need for other instruments too?
  21. We are almost at the point of not having any backline. The only exception is my Puma 110, which goes on a stand so the drummer and I can hear it, but it's not loud enough to affect the FOH mix. We got this way as a result of a gig in a long thin building, where I couldn't hear my bass amp standing next to it, but it was massively loud 30 feet into the room. We're now at the point where the vocals go through one pair of monitors, keyboard player has a second mix through a floor monitor and the guitarist has in-ear monitors. Everything goes through the PA for FOH and we have a sound engineer/photographer who sorts the mix out. I love it. It's totally controllable and has drastically reduced the noise on stage. We have a very quiet drummer anyway, and now that we no longer have a massive valve guitar amp to compete with we go home from gigs without any tinnitis or deafness.
  22. I bought an amp from a dodgy bassworld seller called CrazyKiwi and he suggested I might like to check out the forum.
  23. ... bassist of Mumford and Sons. Blood clot on the brain. Could have been nasty. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/22862854"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/22862854[/url]
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