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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Probably cheaper to buy a Squier VMJ Jaguar than have the routing work done, get a custom scratch plate made and buy another pickup.
  2. Yamaha's are not all narrow necked - the TRB5P that oopsdabassist has is 19mm at the bridge and my NE2 is about 18. TRBX 505 and 305 are 18mm which is not particularly narrow. Vigier would be a good choice, at the other end of the cost scale the OLP MM3 is around 16.5mm . But it's not all about pure narrowness of neck, the thickness is important too. I found the TRB5P to be much more playable than a G&L L2500 tribute, which has a spacing of around 17.5mm but a deep neck front-to-back. Ibanez SR505 is very comfortable too, not sure what the width is but it's very playable.
  3. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370859458' post='2106300'] As others have pointed out, acoustic basses are pretty much a complete waste of time. [/quote] Yup, the double bass is the size it is for a reason.
  4. [quote name='mildmanofrock' timestamp='1370864230' post='2106425'] Hi folks, apologies if this has been asked/discussed before. I'm going to Italy on Wednesday and would like to practice tracks in the hotel room. I have Mp3 files of the tracks - for iPod/CD. Can anyone recommend a really titchy amp/practicing/play along solution? [/quote] Tascam MP-BT1
  5. Damn! I tried to get a ticket for that and failed, it was sold out long before I found out about the tour :-( I've been an admirer of Bonnie's work since 1977, there is no-one else quite like her.
  6. Thanks for that - a bit narrow for me, good luck with the sale.
  7. I just pick up my spare bass.
  8. Shops like that are best avoided! This is a cracking price for a great amp, can't believe it's still here.
  9. I just put a Nordstrand 2-band 4-knob into my SB465, it is active/passive (though why you'd want the passive I don't know) and fits easily into the cavity. You may need to open out the holes in the top with a round file though, because the pot threads are slightly bigger than the original SGC Nanyo. It's not unusual for the original preamps to go wrong: I replaced mine with an Artec 3-band, but the Nordy sounds a lot better.
  10. It is 500W into a 4 Ohm load, about 370 into an 8 Ohm load. The 600W on the back refers to the amount of electrical power drawn from the mains, not the output of the amplifier.
  11. Grenn precision copy. Not heard of Grenn before. Wonder what's lurking under that ash tray? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Grenn-bass-guitar-MIJ-made-in-japan-1970s-vintage-copy-clone-Precision-Bass-/300915045925?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item460fef3625
  12. Whereabouts are you, and what is the string spacing at the bridge please?
  13. I might be able to do this, but I'm not going to contact Michael to ask him when the gig is. I think at the very least you have to give us the date, so that we don't waste his or our time.
  14. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1370259493' post='2098138'] There are several "rules" when building studios and rehearsal rooms The main ones being mass is very important in helping with soundproofing or more accurately, noise reduction. Sound is passed through walls by vibration, so the more solid the walls the better. [/quote] That's why the shed-in-a-shed has a massive paving slab floor resting on 100mm of Jabloc - it's effectively a very heavy mass on a spring, which acts as a vibration absorber - hence the walls don't have to be massively rigid to prevent the vibration. Sounds bizarre, but it works well.
  15. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1370193382' post='2097423'] Thank you, this set would be going on a Jazz so thats very helpful. I agree about the Precision requiring a heavy set, which actually confused me too as I read that these come on the Pino P - Bass, can't account for personal taste though can you! [/quote] Well each to his own, but I disagree - i think they sound great on my Precision.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1370031858' post='2095911'] Tell you what ... you choose: [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Just%20Stuff/Music%20and%20Musicians/NickOliveri.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] For Sale: Fender Precision De Luxe, Candy Apple Red, Rosewood f'b, slight buckle rash ...
  17. Friend of mine made a shed-within-a-shed in his garden. Despite comments on here about the ineffectiveness of stud walls, it works really well. You can stand outside the shed and hold a conversation in a normal voice even if someone inside the shed is playing the drums at max volume. The inner booth has a floor made of paving slabs, which sit on 100mm thick Jabloc - this drastically reduces the amount of sound going out through the floor. There's some info on materials and design used here: http://www.ashbysoft.com/wiki/moin.cgi/TheShed/PartII
  18. [quote name='thegreenman555' timestamp='1370015690' post='2095610'] I think its cos you said at the top of your original post 'Price or Trade Value' - so I assumed you might be open for a trade, but sadly not. Hey ho. [/quote] It's the board software that does that, not the advertisers. Just wanted to add my name to the list of people who've owned one of these, and regretted selling it. I seem to recall that BassBunny warned me at the time.
  19. Think the big question is whether there is room in the cavity for the battery. I seem to recall that neipheid had to route out a space for a separate battery holder when he pimped his OLP.
  20. I would love one of these, but I don't think 'er indoors would be impressed. The jacket and boots are optional: http://www.flickr.com/photos/peroleh/6804268708/lightbox/
  21. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1369643744' post='2091058'] Watched Bruno Mars on bbc3 last night, live at Derry. Wow. His band is amazing. Tight as and they all look like they are having a great time. I haven't seen a performance as raw and earthy as that for years. [/quote] I enjoyed that too. As someone said, shades of James Brown and Treasure reminds me a little bit of Earth Wind and Fire. Would love to see them live. It should be on iPlayer for the next week or so, check it out if you missed it.
  22. Those horrible Rotosound black nylon tapewound things were quite popular as I recall.
  23. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1369479549' post='2089637'] I did a cover (well two variants) of this four years ago and the original, as Gunsfreddy has said is Eb. The bubble bit's just octave jumping Eb-Oct-Eb-Oct on a synth - I used a Roland Jupiter 6 and a Yamaha DX7 on this one: [url="https://soundcloud.com/eight-spiders/nobody-electronic"]https://soundcloud.c...body-electronic[/url] [/quote] It's the bit before this , notes seem to be roughly Bb Db Eb repeated but with a bunch of swirly effects.
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1369426496' post='2089284'] The run up through the C# D E octaves sounds tasty imo, glad its not just me, maybe if we had a synth player who was handling the lower register it would be ok without the erb but as we don't it wouldn't be in our set on a standard tuned 4, the version in my link plays across and up and down the neck too so not really an option for a B bass either. [/quote] I use a 5-string and a Synth voice on the V-Bass. Think the original part was a synth, Greg Phillinganes played it with one hand!
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