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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1367360599' post='2064814'] oooh, and this one has a blue light! I love blue lights! [/quote] 2 blue lights - there's another one for the mute switch. It doesn't get any better :-)
  2. To get you back on topic, I have been using a TecAmp Puma 110 as a personal monitor, with DI to the PA, for about 6 months now and it works very well. I put it on a combo stand to get it a bit closer to the ear, but it can also be angled back using the rod support that comes with it for that purpose. It is smaller, lighter, easier to carry and very very much louder than the A100 that it replaced. It will also drive another 8 Ohm cab for a bit more volume.
  3. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1366907709' post='2058928'] There is a facebook page 'Jazz East t The Fludyers'.Please get it out there as much as you can. [/quote] Can't seem to find the facebook page, maybe it's not live yet.<p>Make sure that you get in touch with Gill Burgoyne at the Grapevine, www.grapevineweb.co.uk - she writes a monthly Jazz column and you might get some good publicity. Also get the gigs in the gig guide.<p>This is just about within cycling range for me, so I can bike over if the weather is nice.<p>This is a Sunday gig - Lunchtime, evening or mid-afternoon?
  4. Top quality information in this thread - any chance we can get it stickied?
  5. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1366582364' post='2054578'] The joy of the forum software is that the figures are a matter of public record - should be all the information you need in the forum, Pete. [/quote] I wasn't aware that there were any stats published - where can I find them? I could go to the forum and count the postings, life is too short and that method isn't likely to be very accurate. It would be very easy for the hosting site to offer stats based on the log files, but I don't know whether this info is readily available.In the absence of any statistics, it's much easier for me to just claim that the numbers of postings have gone down, and then someone else can compile the evidence :-) Edit - I now find myself having to edit raw html - hadn't noticed this before, guess I'm doing something wrong as usual
  6. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1366396896' post='2052145'] Like i always listen to the bassline closer than i used to when listening to music [/quote] Hold on to this as long as possible. Eventually, you will find yourself listening to the drums more closely. It's inevitable, and madness follows soon afterwards :-)
  7. I would like to see the figures - it seems to me that there are fewer postings in the for sale forms now than there were before the charge was introduced.
  8. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1366541570' post='2053660'] Ive had a few gigs that have led to sex, so I reckon they go hand in hand. [/quote] Ha ha ha, a happy choice of phrase. It doesn't count unless a second person is involved!
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1366502182' post='2053373'] He plays and sings so naturally ... [/quote] So naturally apart from the irritating utterly bogus faux-Jamaican accent.
  10. Anyone in the Ipswich area in need of some top-quality cardboard box suitable for packing basses? I have just bought a new push-bike so I have a cycle delivery carton - I'll hang on to it for a few more days before it goes to the tip so please let me know if you can use it. Also have a box for a Fender Hotrod Deluxe if that's of any use.Edit: Now gone
  11. Did the ebay sale fall through? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Rbx-A2-Bass-Guitar-/271184267383?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f23d78877&nma=true&si=3ndENQDgXcomgLg3hpMxTM8MkGg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  12. I've had a straight one and an angled one fail, so I don't think there's much to choose. Unfortunately I didn't realise they have a lifetime guarantee and binned the bits. I've been using an angled one for about a year now and it's been OK, but it's only had light use. If I could get away without one, I wouldn't bother.
  13. It could be because I'm too mean to spend real money! The other thing to bear in mind is that I'm trying to amplify the banjo to be loud enough in a very loud punk-folk band with a heavy-handed drummer. If you're not looking for the same levels of volume, you might find more things will work for you.
  14. I've tried a few pickups with varying degrees of success. Contact mikes attached to the vellum don't work very well in my experience. So far I've not found personally found anything that gives a decent signal without a pre-amp. I have a Shadow bridge pickup on the Tenor, which works well with a pre-amp but does make the rest of the banjo very live: if you play with your fingers on the head you get a percussive 'pop' along with the note. I have a Tesla pickup on the 5-string. It fits inside the banjo clamped to the rods, and the transducer bit goes under the head. I find I get much better results with the pickup actually touching the head, under the bridge, but it does compromise the acoustic sound. This sounds really good and produces a decent signal with a pre-amp, and wasn't too expensive. Be aware though that if your tensioning rods are a long way from the head, the pickup might not reach all the way. With both of these I use the Behringer AD121 Acoustic Guitar pre-amp which works well, certainly well enough that I wouldn't consider spending 100 quid on a Fishman pre-amp. The other banjo player in the band uses a Schatten passive pickup, which does seem to give out a really big signal. It's the next thing on my list to try, although it's quite expensive. He tried one of the Goldtone electric banjos, but sent it back straight away - it sounds like a jazz guitar, not a banjo tone at all.
  15. [quote name='Confyyy' timestamp='1365258087' post='2037315'] Hi guys. Looking for a little advice if you can help After playing bass for just over a year I'm finally ready to move to a half stack. I've got a Marshall MB450H head and looking to get either a 410 cab or 115 cab. I was wondering what you guys thought? I will get both eventually to be honest but on a very tight budget. I can get the 115 used for £100 or the 410 for new for £250. I would prefer the 410 but as I can't afford just right now I was thinking of getting just the 115 for now. Will this sound good enough for gigging small venues? As you have guessed kind of new to this so please go easy! Cheers guys [/quote] I'd be looking for a second-hand Peavey 410TX or 410TVX - you should be able to pick one up for around £100 and they are good sounding cabs if you don't mind a bit of weight.
  16. I changed the Fender Japan USA pickups in my not-for-export P for a Nordstrand NP4. I know Lozz didn't get on with his, but I really like the sound I get with mine. I've also got a P-Retro in my bass now. I'd say do the pickups first before you fit a pre-amp: if the pickup sound isn't to your taste then amplifying it further won't fix the problem.
  17. Moula Banda Rhythm Aces Although, the U2 gig would be a nice one to have.
  18. Bass Collection are very light. My SB310 weighs about 7lb.
  19. [quote name='Mark_Bass' timestamp='1364650761' post='2029222'] [left][size=4][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif][color=#000000]The site says that it can be used anywhere between bass and amp or pre-amp and amp (would that mean the fx loop?) [/color][/font][/size][/left] [/quote] No, it wouldn't mean the fx loop, unless your fx loop is wired in series. Most are wired in parallel (allowing a mix of the unaffected signal and the clean signal to go through to the power amp section). There would be no point in doing this with a low-pass filter such as the Thumpinator: you want to filter out all the harmful low frequencies, not half of them . It refers to the situation where you have a separate pre-amp and power amp: you could put the thumpinator in between them. Not sure why you've tagged this with 'compressor'. Thumpinator is a low-pass filter, not a compressor.
  20. [quote name='geoblog' timestamp='1364661017' post='2029371'] hi, do you have this bass now?or sold it? [/quote] Nearly 4 years after the last entry in the thread? What do you think??
  21. I seem to recall that Paul Rose made a fan-fret short scale bass, not sure what the length of the 'B' ended up as though.
  22. It aint worth it. Buy another 8 Ohm 2x10 instead and run 4 cabs, that will give you more cone volume and hence more noise.
  23. As someone else said, you can't really lose. Happy Jack let me have a go on his Mike Lull. Fantastic, utterly brilliant bass. With the Dingwall, you've got to try one. I was all fired up to buy one, but played one in the Bass Gallery and it became clear that it was not for me - the B is indeed fantastic, better than any I've ever heard by a long margin, but if you have small hands and tend to spend a lot of time down round the nut end, it's a struggle. At least it was for me. By the way, many thanks to Alex at the Bass Gallery for letting me try a Combustion, providing just the right amount of space and advice, and generally being a perfect host. Cue a stream of incoming from the Dingwall enthusiasts no doubt, but it doesn't work for everyone.
  24. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1364132857' post='2022208'] Odd. When I searched from my desktop I only found a couple of hits, but searching via my iPhone I found several of the ones you allude to? [/quote] I gave up using the search engine on this site ages ago, in favour of using "site:basschat.co.uk" in a google search.
  25. I used to have an EBS which tracked brilliantly and sounded good. The Digitech Bass Synth Wah is also a pretty good octave pedal, much better at that than being a synth pedal.
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