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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I played one of these in Wunjo's on Friday, they have two Candy Apple Red ones in stock, or at least they did on Friday, they have been flying out of the shop apparently. They sound fantastic and are very comfortable to play. If you're used to guitar you'll find it very natural. The neck pickup gives a very nice warm bass sound, the P90 on the bridge adds a lot of treble edginess, and the interim positions are interesting too. I was really taken with it , but am wondering what I'd do with one if I bought it. No issues with build quality:
  2. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1364136960' post='2022291'] Has the site not given you anything during those years? Were your 1355 posts there just for helping BC to attain a higher level of readworthiness? [/quote] In fairness to Monckyman, he has posted a lot of really valuable information about PAs and sound mixing into this forum, and I for one have found it most helpful and edifying. Hopefully the 'rethink' will include sticking around and contributing once more.
  3. There are loads of threads on this already. I have an Equinox set which is fine.
  4. Yes please if it's still available. Please PM me and we'll sort out the details.
  5. Hi Nige, still not come to your senses yet then? You HAD the nicest Japanese Jazz that money could buy, and didn't get on with it! If I were you I'd keep this and buy Ryan Cowell's Bass Collection II for half the price.
  6. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1363524067' post='2013577'] See speaker example above. Two 8-ohm cabs in parallel don't make a 2... [/quote] 2x 8 Ohm cabs make 16 Ohm in series and 4 ohms in parallel 2x 11K coils make 22K in series and 5.5 K in parallel
  7. 51m0n's blog post is here: [url="http://blog.basschat.co.uk/setting-up-a-compressor/#more-806"]http://blog.basschat...essor/#more-806[/url] There are plenty of cheap rack-based compressors kicking about, which usually have much better monitoring than foot pedals.
  8. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1363215392' post='2010086'] Incidentally, if you let the page fully load after viewing an item, it scrolls itself past the T&Cs area on it's own, or at least it does on my browser. [/quote] I'm using Firefox 19.0.2 on Windows 7 , and this doesn't happen for me. If you HAVE to do this, it would be trivial to set a cookie so that the page is only displayed once. I don't believe that it's necessary to inconvenience the majority of users in this way to protect a tiny minority who are too lazy to read the Ts and Cs .I've been on t'interweb for a little while now, and this is the first time I've seen a website inflict this kind of treatment on its users. I still don't understand either why it's necessary to single out the Effects pedal forum for this treatment. If you're going to do this, at least be consistent and apply it to all the For Sale forums.
  9. Don't do it Josh. Speaking as someone who sold a really nice instrument that he recieved as a 21st birthday present, I know you're going to regret this.
  10. Why just the effects forum? As an experiment, it's failed. File under 'stupid idea'. Please remove it immediately.
  11. Can you revert to Snow Leopard or whatever you were running before the upgrade?
  12. Yamaha Bex4 or Ibanez Artcore are a couple of others that might be worth checking out.
  13. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1362660482' post='2002868'] Flickr album from last night's gig: [url="http://www.flickr.com//photos/bluejay_my_photos/sets/72157632936213829/show/"]http://www.flickr.co...936213829/show/[/url] [/quote] Marvellous pics. Thank you.
  14. [quote name='wayne58' timestamp='1362683341' post='2003383'] My hopes are that it will be a great gig and that Wilko can stay well and pain free for as long as possible. [/quote] Big +1 to this.
  15. Did you try this with the B2M, and if so how well did it work?
  16. What better to do on St Patricks Day (Sunday 17th March) than to pop into Venue 77 in Ipswich for some lovingly recreated Pogues music by Waxies Dargle. PM me for more details, or come up and say hello. Not to the bass player, I'm on bouzouki/mandolin/banjo for this one.
  17. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1362326937' post='1998407'] I'm also confused by this, been meaning to drop into the bass centre to try one and find out exactly what the differences are. [/quote] That is no longer an option. It hasn't been a shop for several years. Have to say that if I were looking for a Jazz, Bass Collection or otherwise, there's only one contender: this Bass Collection II that ryancowell25 has for sale in the Bass Guitars forum. There's no comparison between this and the modern stuff. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200158-for-sale-price-drop-ns-bolin-5-l825-and-bass-collection-ii-jazz-l360-delivered-with-hard-cases/
  18. That's proper that is. I'm off to buy a lottery ticket.
  19. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1361652600' post='1988940'] I've got a tribal planet that I got with my first bass and it's still in pretty much perfect condition after... umm... about 8 years I think [/quote] I don't think Tribal Planet are trading any more, which is a pity. I've got one of their bags too. I have a Ritter which has a hanging hook, but I've had that a while and don't know what the modern ones have.
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361896952' post='1992664'] My only concern is that if only 4% of sellers want to pay a small amount for selling through BC then will there be a big drop-off in the number of items for sale? [/quote] I think there will definitely be less incentive to do one-off listings for things between £50 and £100. Bearing in mind that it's an up-front fee for a non-guaranteed sale, a point that bobbass4k made in the original thread. £7 is more than I was expecting - most of the concensus in the thread linked to by Hamster was for a fee of around £2 per listing. Also in that thread, Ped stated "Guys .. I've said a few times now, items under £100 or so will be free to list.". I'm a little disappointed that Ped hasn't stuck to this: lowering the limit to £50 quid is going to take a lot of things like effects pedals into that zone where it becomes a big gamble to list them.
  21. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1361823767' post='1991607'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0CdXaOS5_o[/media] [/quote] Priceless! Made my day :-)
  22. No problem, you're welcome. If anyone else would like a (free) copy, PM me!
  23. Richard Thompson - Electric , on Spotify. Going to see him tonight in Cambridge. I'm a lifelong fan and therefore somewhat biased, but I have to say this is really great stuff, strong songs, interesting and challenging and still recognisably Richard. Marvellous.
  24. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1361622397' post='1988382'] [url="http://www.soundindustry.co.uk/acatalog/W-Audio-1100W-1U-Amplifier-Horizon1100-AMP43.html"]http://www.soundindu...1100-AMP43.html[/url] [/quote] Not sure these are still available. This one says 'catalogue suspended. I'd be looking at the Peavey IPR1600.
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