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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. RIP Kevin. Affectionate tribute in Mojo, I thought, and interesting to see my alma mater described as "a hotbed for teenage avant-garderie". It still was when I went there, although not quite so much. Formative stuff for me and we looked up to those guys, although the Head did his best to discourage those of us who were trying to get involved in 'pop group playing' as he put it, perhaps as a consequence of seeing so many promising young school careers ruined!
  2. Dude has it right. Do you want tab or dots?
  3. Hi Harry, This looks like a URetro 4-knob delux, with an extra stack in place of the passive tone control. Is that right, and if so what does the extra control do?
  4. I thought that if you bought an item like this in the UK, there's a legal requirement to supply you with a UK mains lead. Could be wrong though.
  5. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1361134177' post='1981700'] No point in 'calling it F' it *isn't F - you can't just swap D# minor for Eb minor, they aint the same thing... [/quote] In this modern tempered world that the rest of us live in, it is.
  6. I think the early ones had a 3-point bridge which was prone to failure - something it shared with the MM3. I had a later MM3, which had a MusicMan pattern and 5 fixing points.
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1361125017' post='1981440'] Still no idea where the double sharp (E##) comes in but I will look for the next 25 years [/quote] Aint Nobody is in the relative minor of F#, which is D# minor. Since you already have an F# and a D#. and according to some arcane rule of musical theory you're only allowed to use each letter once, you end up with E## rather than F . If you want to call it F, you'll have to play it in Eb minor instead. Given the above, you can understand the modern fashion which is to write everything in the 'home' key of C and label each and every accidental.
  8. I've been using my Tecamp Puma 110 as a monitor for me and the drummer for some time now. Front of House is DI'd off my V-Bass unit. We started out with the Puma in front of us, between me and the kit, pointing at the back wall. In some venues we had a lot of issues with reflected sound hitting the vocal mikes and causing weird things to happen. What I do now is put the Puma on an amp stand, behind me and pointing at the drummer across the stage like a side-fill. Still very audible and the issues with reflected sound off the back wall are gone.
  9. There's one for sale on this very forum at 300 quid. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/199170-fsft-as-new-peavey-5-string-cirrus-bxp-as-new-still-boxed-l300-inc-del/page__p__1977395__hl__peavey__fromsearch__1#entry1977395 Bargain if you ask me. Personally I couldn't adapt to a 16mm spacing, but lots of people can.
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1361119725' post='1981324'] People don't mind paying £800-1000 for a photographer but struggle to see that value in a band..?? [/quote] They'll be looking at the photos for the rest of their lives, but will forget the band after a few days.
  11. Here you go - 2x18 hope you've got the white plus fours and have been practicing the dance steps! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-huQAMPQA
  12. I think it's a 320. My 465 has a padauk top. Not that it matters, it's a nice bass whatever the model number. I had the 5-string version for a while and traded it to Skezza, I think he still has it.
  13. Put your pictures on flickr or photobbucket and include the IMG tags here. You need to state a trade value I'm afraid, forum rules and all that.
  14. I've said this before in similar threads, but, Vox Wyman. Weighed a ton, sounded horrible, was hateful to play, looked hideous. Wish I still had it, it would be worth a fortune.
  15. Forum rules say that you must state a price. And from a purely selfish point of view, I'd like to know how much because I'm looking for something like this.
  16. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1359572622' post='1956906'] Fair enough Happy Jack - let's agree that you are a very wide man indeed then.... [/quote] That's a bit harsh - he could work out more and cut down on the Dim Sum a bit, but he's not literally a Giant Of The Bass :-)
  17. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1359551509' post='1956434'] Wasn't the brass nut standard on the top end BC basses? I'm pretty sure the Pudak/Maple capped ones I drooled over in the Bass Centre had brass nuts. [/quote] The Rev is right. I can confirm that my SB465 has both a brass nut and a brass truss rod adjuster - haven't had the rod out so I don't know what the rest of it is made of.
  18. None of the above really, these days pretty much everything goes through the PA.
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1359068978' post='1949574'] Sorry Pete I thought everything was gone, feel like a dick right now. [/quote] No worries, sh*t happens!
  20. Think the answer is try loads until you find the one that's right for you. For me, Ernie Ball are a perfect fit on my thumb, and have a nice sharp point on the pick.
  21. That's good news Wayne, glad you're OK, I was beginning to fear the worst!
  22. Hi Joe, I'll take this if it's still available. Please pm me to sort out the details.
  23. What kind of trade value do you place on the xylophone-playing dolphin?
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