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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='lastnotleast' timestamp='1358691857' post='1943393'] Keep a limited budget in mind, please. I [i]will [/i]spend more if worthwhile but, ordinarily, I want to say in the $200 to $300 range. [/quote] I'm out. No idea about US prices.
  2. [quote name='lastnotleast' timestamp='1358605855' post='1942084'] However, from a cursory research, I believe that parallel effects loops are relatively new and typically equipped with a "blend" control knob. [/quote] My Markbass LMII must be getting on for 10 years old by now, and has a parallel loop with no blend control. However it also has a jumper inside the case that allows it to be switched to serial.
  3. This looks very nice. What's the string spacing at the bridge, please?
  4. Effects loops are normally connected in parallel with the clean signal, so you get a blend between the loop and the un-effected signal (and if the effect in the loop fails, you still get sound). To maximise (no pun indended for once) the benefit of your Sonic Maximiser, which is really a serial device, you might want to make sure your effects loop is set to serial. I'm not sure from a quick scan of the manual for your amp whether the effects path is serial or parallel - might be worth a detailed read or a quick email to Acoustic.
  5. Fair point. I'm not convinced that this forum is responsible, but I will hold off posting these until the listing is completed in future. The downside to that of course is that posting something here might allow a basschatter interested in an auction to make contact with the seller before the ad gets pulled.
  6. And before anybody says it, no I am not! - 11 stone tops :-)
  7. Westminster. Never come across that particular branding before - looks like a nice axe and hopefully will go full term. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221175642084?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  8. Mine has just gone back because of a dead PSU, but before it went I also discovered this switch. It won't switch by hand, but if you are standing on the foot pedal and put some body weight on it, it switches just fine.
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1358337484' post='1937141'] I opened the link and had to retrieve my jaw from the floor - that PB70-US/ASH is gorgeous. It'd go very nicely with my own PB70-US that I have in black. [/quote] Lovely, isn't it. I've got one just like it, except that mine now sports a P-Retro and a Nordstrand NP4.
  10. Was that the one that required you to learn 'Dirty Linen'? Commiserations, you worked pretty hard on that.
  11. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1358269097' post='1936034'] 22 Slow Dancing In A Burning Room 04:02 [/quote] Tru dat. A work of genius. I'm surprised that 'The Chain' isn't in the top 10 bad ones. I've seen first-hand what that can do to a normally sentient rational being, and it wasn't pretty!
  12. The battery won't make any difference to the accuracy. It'll either light up the display, or not. Probably technique. Try taking the measurement with the jaws as close to parallel, rather than perpendicular, so you're measuring a length of the string.
  13. Some more clarification - the Microvoxes we have are the M305 bar-mounted jobs - these won't work for a cajun accordion because it has no front grill, just exposed pads and levers! Also, we've used the feedback destroyer in between the accordion and the mixer, because we can never tell if the monitors or the front of house is going to go first! Take Hubrad's point about the EQ being more controllable, but it depends on you having a monitor engineer, and him having a clue. We have neither! Hubrad, I will be in Clecky for the folk festival in May. If you are around the shop it would be good to have a chat and maybe go for a pint!
  14. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195660-image-display-in-your-listings-while-uploader-is-broken/ The first, pinned, listing. How hard can it be?
  15. [quote name='phagor' timestamp='1358169881' post='1934081'] That's a lovely bass synth sound, but quite mild - mostly just a sine wave. Dincz advice is spot on for this track. In general, there's lots of us trying to get a synth sound from our basses (search for 'synth bass' here or on Talkbass to find a zillion threads). The main ways are: 1) Use a keyboard! 2) Use a synth pedal, like the Boss SYB5, Ibanez SB7, EHX Bass Micro Synth, Markbass Super Synth, Korg G5, Akai Deep Impact 3) Use a combination of pedals, often octaver -> fuzz -> envelope filter [/quote] 4) Roland V-Bass
  16. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1357606614' post='1925411'] Not a good idea to post relevant usable information on a instrument in "items wanted" [/quote] Yup, I won't be making that mistake again.
  17. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1358088521' post='1932830'] They are available as a diatonic instrument but they're big and unwieldly and the air button just doesn't suck enough. [/quote] Coo, so they are - launched in January 2011. Well I never.
  18. Yes, great clip by the way, I bet the choice of song would have upset some of the purists!
  19. I have a Microvox on one of my accordions and the box player in our pogues band also uses one, and yes they do feed back a lot at higher volumes. We have had some success taming it by running it through a feedback destroyer - this is far superior to a graphic IMO, because all you have to do is press a button and off it goes. Another alternative is to find a PZM on ebay, take off the plate, and fix the rest of it to one of the reed blocks. The Tandy/Realistic ones are perfect for this, but since they were discontinued some time ago they tend to fetch quite a high price. Tie clip microphones can also be used inside the instrument. I got mine from Jessops - probably the last thing I bought there. The absolute best solution is a Roland V-Accordion, but not a solution for you, it's not available as a diatonic instrument. Plus they are quite expensive.
  20. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1357590099' post='1925059'] I'd really like to hear you play and perhaps this year I'll make the trip to Ipswich if you are playing at the festival again? [/quote] Hi Brian, We're still sorting out bookings and things for this year, so don't know what's happening with festivals yet. I'll let you know.
  21. Wow, that was quick! Very nice too - If you get any more of these, I know somebody local to us who is looking for one.
  22. Does anyone know what happened to Purple Turtle music in Stockport? Judging by the ebay feedback they stopped trading around the end of September last year. Some local knowledge would be cool.
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1357752450' post='1927887'] Yes, I found my 5-string a bit disappointing. They do have 19mm spacing but I like that and I'm not fussed by wide necks, I was more concerned at the rather flobadob B-string. [/quote] Mine is fine with a 130 gauge string.
  24. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195660-image-display-in-your-listings-while-uploader-is-broken/
  25. Neck through. All the TRB xP Mk 1s were made in Japan with a through neck, the two dark stripes you can see it from the last picture run all the way up the neck.
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