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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I see. That's all very well, but when someone posts some useful information in response to a request, is it right that it should be lost too?
  2. Sorry to hear that, Brian. All the best and hope little and often works better.
  3. Can someone tell me why I can no longer view a thread in the Wanted forum, for a mandocaster? 'Search' still finds it, but tells me I don't have permission to see it.
  4. Second one is also called the Merry Blacksmith, this had completely slipped my mind: This and the last one are both available on http://thesession.org/ , just do a search and it will give you a link. Drops of Brandy is proving a bit harder to find.
  5. Company appears to be still in business. Based in Spain. How much research did you do? I think the 'double bass' tag is co-incidental and is more likely to refer to the cab having a pair of drivers. Nobody was making cabs for double basses in the 60's.
  6. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195660-image-display-in-your-listings-while-uploader-is-broken/
  7. Comfort Strapp ticks all those boxes except the 'soft leather' one. Just bought a new one today from Mark at Bassdirect.
  8. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1357296285' post='1920443'] With velcro I find that the glue on the back is usually the weakest link. I've superglued the stuff to a pedal more than once! [/quote] I use double-sided tape between the pedal and the velcro. What irritates me about the heavy duty stuff is that you have to buy loops and hooks together, and end up with a load of loops that you have to throw away. Plus, it's not cheap.
  9. As it seems to say everywhere else in the forum, the uploader is broken. Put your pictures on Photobucket or similar and include the IMG tag in your posting.
  10. How's this for the first tune? Play the top line twice, then the bottom line twice. Spaces on the stave are E A D G strings, starting from the bottom. The blot half way through the second line is supposed to be a '4' ! Edit: Drat, I've rotated the image on photobucket, but including the IMG doesn't seem to pick that up. The image URL is http://s46.beta.photobucket.com/user/cr0ut0n/media/LastNightsFunbasstab_zps400d3b6e.jpg.html If this is no good send me an email address and I'll email you scanned image.
  11. Also, learn to read the intervals not the actual notes.
  12. For CIJ/MIJ, you want a non-for-export version. These tend to have better hardware and ash or alder bodies rather than basswood.
  13. I've got the sheet music for this somewhere but a quick search of the music cupboard has failed to turn it up. Bugger. Dirty Linen is a medly of 4 tunes: Last Night's Fun, 2 part 9/8 (slip) jig - first part Am second part D, though Peggy mostly plays the melody. Paddy on the Railroad - a reel in D Drops of Brandy - 3 part 9/8 jig in G Poll Ha'penny - this is really a hornpipe but played in this set as a reel, mostly in the key of A You should be able to find all of these tunes noted at thesession.org , I've tabbed out the first tune, I'll try and scan it in and post it somewhere. I can probably tab other bits of it out if you're still stuck. Let me know which bits you're struggling with. Sounds like my kind of band, good luck with the audition.
  14. Mojo, what went wrong with yours? My PSU has just failed, taking the fuse in the mains lead with it. I've lodged a return with GAK but expect I will have to send the whole lot back.
  15. Been using my LMII (actually, probably nottswarwick's old one!) through an EBS 2x12 NEO and I'm very happy with the sound it makes.
  16. [quote name='electriccheese' timestamp='1355854981' post='1903752'] It have a chewing gum on it, it's the only remarcable flaw. I've been told that it's easy to remove (I think with hot water), but I didn't tried it... [/quote] Not hot water. Use ice. Freeze it solid, then it should just peel off.
  17. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1357065019' post='1917070'] EDT - why is the picture uploader not working? Neither basic nor advanced, just says "no file was selected for upload" when it was.... [/quote] It hasn't worked since the site was hacked. Put the piccies on Photobucket and include the IMG tags.
  18. Hondo 2, with some bizarre tuner butchery but otherwise looks quite tidy: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1970S-RARE-BASS-GUITAR-/121044990316?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c2ed7f96c
  19. I wish. One reason for getting into bands was to get away from watching that smug twat Jools and all his mates, recorded in the middle of November. Unfortunately our keyboard player visits his family in the Czech republic every new year, so no gig for me.
  20. I use a GK3B with V-Bass. GK3B is not midi. It is a set of very small humbuckers (one for each string). It works very well. The downside is that you have to have one fitted to each bass you use, and it uses a 13-pin audio cable which is (a) fragile and ( b ) expensive. Edited: Curse whoever decided that this editor replaces ( b ) without the spaces with an inane smiley face.
  21. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1356729888' post='1913087'] I'm intrigued to know whether there is a difference in the quality of amp sims and effects between the B3 and B9? With the B3 being the newer kid on the block I was thinking this may be the better option? Had my own thread on this but it seems as popular as a fart in a space suit. [/quote] I'd be surprised if many people posting in this thread had the option to compare the two: it mostly seems to be full of people who have bought a cheap B9 and are working out how to use it. If you have a B3, or know someone that does, why not find someone with a B9 near you and get together for a bake-off?
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1356791868' post='1913653'] Paul, i had exactly the same issue with the pole pieces with my P-Retro. It didnt seem to matter if the bass was in active or passive mode, touching the pole pieces gave me a loud hum. Even using a wireless system at gigs (im not sure if thats actually relevant though). As i play with a pick it wasnt really a big deal, but i did find it annoying that it could happen. [/quote] That same P-Retro is now in my japanese Precision . There's no hum, even if you touch the pole pieces. However there is a hum when you touch the active circuit knobs.
  23. I think he's more likely to be a banjo player. Only gets one gig a year!
  24. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1356393333' post='1910005'] Thanks for all the help. Just to narrow it down a bit - the reason I'd focused on Audi estates was because I'd ideally like a 4wd. [/quote] I have an Avant A6 Quattro. There is no chance of fitting 3 normal-length bass hard cases in the boot, you will have to put part of the rear seat down. Why 4WD? There's no way you'd want to take one of these off-road.
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