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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Cool. Don't forget to tick the 'Always do this from now on' button on the first dialog, and it'll work next time too. Sorry, I forgot to put that in the original response. Doh!
  2. Please can someone with some tech smarts fix the bug which causes Adobe Postscript .pdf files to be uploaded with the filename extension .ipb .
  3. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1341440873' post='1719286'] Then why isn't it a .pdf? Firefox doesn't know what to do with it. Acrobat Reader is not offered as an option. [/quote] If you left-click on it , select the Open With radio button and click Browse, then click Browse again in the next dialog box, then navigate your way to the location of Acrobat Reader (probably somewhere like Program Files -> Adobe -> Reader 10.0 -> Reader -> AcroRd32) Firefox will open it.
  4. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1342832819' post='1741792'] ご希望の方には、フジゲンカタログの送付もさせて頂いております。ご住所とお名前を書いたメモと円分の切手を同封し、下記までお送りください。折り返し担当より送付させて頂きます。 [/quote] Ha ha ha, brilliant stuff. There's some great information in this thread, many thanks to everyone. I have a CIJ Precision with a P + 5 digit number which I've assumed was a 99-02 . I didn't buy it new but it was in such incredible condition when I got it that it couldn't possibly have been a 93-94.
  5. Thanks for the explanation Tauzero, hopefully someone else will find it useful!
  6. My powerblock died a death quite quickly, and Foxen is now using it for spares. The only way I got it to sound half-decent as a bass amp was to use a pre-amp and go in through the effects return: the gain brings on distortion so quickly that it's essentiallly useless if you need a clean sound through the main input. I bought a markbass head to use as a backup for my unreliable valve head, and ended up using the markbass head as my main amp. Eventually I acquired a Puma 110 and now that goes everywhere as a backup/di/monitor just in case. I might actually now be in a position to run bass through the PA without using backline, but I'll still be carrying the Puma as a just-in-case measure for the forseeable future.
  7. I had a Columbus Jazz bought second hand in the late 1970s, happily I don't have any pictures of it to jog unpleasant memories and I don't recall what happened to it once I got my hands on a Yamaha BB800 (which I still have) in about 1979.
  8. Yes, there's an input gain. Perhaps I'm being too fussy, but it was quite an expensive bit of kit and I don't want to break it through not knowing what I should be doing!
  9. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this year, due to gigs + 'er indoors being away for the weekend. Have a good one!
  10. This seems like the same guy. Something very strange going in his head! http://www.gumtree.com/p/community/bass-player-wanted-for-gigging-blues-funk-rock-band-female-bassplayer-welcome/106262943
  11. No PAD switch unfortunately, but the guitarist's pre-amp does have a -10dB setting so we'll go with that.
  12. Thanks Bert, much appreciated especially the bit about feedback from the compressors. Will use sparingly. I now understand how the guitar stuff works a bit better, and I think it'll be OK - there's some control over the signal strength so we can back it off at both ends if necessary.
  13. [quote name='Skezza' timestamp='1341568633' post='1721005'] here are the phots with a picture of my rig the last bass gig I did in April in a marquee (including a 5 string bass collection which will soon be up for sale) [/quote] I might be interested in having the Bass Collection back again, let me know what you decide to do. Sounds like major-league life-changing stuff, hope it works out for you.
  14. Have a free bump from a fellow Fylde electric owner - someone needs to snap this up.
  15. No, it sold years ago. Will mark the thread accordingly. I wish I'd kept it :-(
  16. I've just bought a new mixer (Yamaha MG206C) because the band has outgrown it's old one, and it's occurred to me that I'd better get my head around how it works, for self-preservation purposes. Guitarist uses a system which is baffling in it's complexity, but seemingly involves him giving me a stereo left and right signal via a pair of balanced cables with XLR connections. He's demanding to use 2 mono channels (based on wanting to plug XLRs into the desk). I think he actually needs a single stereo channel, which has two 6mm unbalanced jack inputs. It seems to me that if I obtain a couple of Jack - XLR adaptors I can plug these into the jack sockets for the stereo channel, and connect his left and right signal XLRs to the adaptoprs - job done . Is this right? If so, can I use a TRS-type stereo jack adaptor, which would put the 'hot' signal from pin 2 onto the tip of the adaptor? If i were to humour him and allow him to plug into the 'mic' inputs on two mono channels, would I be right in thinking that this would be bad for the mixer, since I'd be putting a line-level voltage into a mic pre-amp designed for a much lower signal? It seems to me it'd be better to plug him into the 'line' input, which is a TRS balanced Jack - so I'd need the adaptors as above, or a balanced cable with a TRS jack on it instead of an XLR. Is this correct? What about keyboards? Any reason why I can't just use two unbalanced jack-jack connecters to plug one into a stero channel? What about DI-boxes for bass, acoustic guitars etc - should these also go into the TRS line input or is it OK to connect these to a mic pre-amp input? My brain hurts, think I'll take an asprin and lie down in a darkened room!
  17. And all of it is filtered through whatever speakers and soundcards you're using on your PCs. So everyone's experience will be different.
  18. Someone got a pretty good deal with this. I'd have bought it myself, but couldn't face a trip to Reading. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251101232264?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Anybody here get this?
  19. Wood? How primitive. If you must use materials from the last century, what is the most sustainable? If this involves actually cutting down real trees, I'll take something sustainable and replantable over exotic jungle hardwoods every day of the week.
  20. [quote name='bassmanady' timestamp='1340996943' post='1712765'] In a word "superior"...BUMP [/quote] Ha ha, brilliant answer, definitely worth another bump. Unfortunately the band needs a mixer more than I need this lovely bass so get thee behind me, Santa!
  21. OK, thanks for being candid. In that case I withdraw my interest in the desk. Hope you don't mind me saying that if you're going into the PA hire business, you might want to think about buying a flightcase for some of that stuff, particularly the desk.
  22. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1340557242' post='1706172'] I'll update soon. [/quote] What news of the Spaniards?
  23. [quote name='bassmanady' timestamp='1338163264' post='1670382'] I recently acquired one of these,.and liking it alot, .have a bump for these superb basses [/quote] Ady, how does it compare to the TRB5P ? (Bump)
  24. How do you know that it's MIJ, the seller tell you? It's not stated in the ad. If 'MPN' in the ad refers to the serial number, a 'T' followed by 6 digits would be right for a MIJ from 1994-1995.
  25. [quote name='Cjd191' timestamp='1340525742' post='1705498'] ... the last trip ended up at Thomann and took in the Nurburgring on the way back. [/quote] Best lap time for a Vauxhall Corsa with an 8x10 in the back?
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