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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. Second hand OLP MM3 if you like a narrow spacing, or Bass Collection if you like a wide spacing - either of these should be under £200. If you want to spend a bit more and a narrow spacing is to your liking, you should be able to find a G&L 2500 Tribute for around £350.
  2. Mayonnaise is also very effective at removing sticker goo and won't damage the underlying finish or require you to handle everything with gloves on, unlike some of the solvents being suggested here. At least no-one has suggested trichloroethylene yet!
  3. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1334906882' post='1623158'] Al, do you have a website etc showing off your stuff? Or just this thread... [/quote] Ha ha ha ha, check out http://kitchenchannel.org/pedal/ .
  4. [quote name='eubassix' timestamp='1334847728' post='1622300'] Thanks / as expected: collated and to be forwarded. Latest Q:- [i]Is there any way to secure the money into the bank and tell them about this bass and if this is fraud they can refund the money and sent this guy to the court ?[/i] !!!!!! [/quote] Just a hunch, but when you travel on the bus, does the nutter always sit down next to you? Not sure what you've done to deserve it.
  5. Ki0gon, I'm not sure what that link you posted is supposed to demonstrate, but when I followed it I got 40 pages of search results. The problem is this - go to the Feedback forum, type in 'pete.young' and it brings up one thread - the one tom1946 started when he couldn't find the original thread (started by Higgie in 2007 on the old forum).
  6. Where Hadrian went wrong was not building a second wall from the Wash to the Bristol Channel.
  7. Hi, Someone has just pointed out that the search engine doesn't pick up my feedback thread. Could someone take a look at this please? Kind regards, Pete
  8. ziggydolphinboy - North East usually starts at Middlesbrough and goes North. A bit far from Essex I would have thought.
  9. [quote name='BT!' timestamp='1334621546' post='1618852'] Anyone christen their vans with any good names? Ours is called halen obviously [/quote] Some friends of mine had a sick Transit, which was called Gloria Monday.
  10. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1334404376' post='1615721'] What about the stuff for fixing rear window demisters on your motor? [/quote] Good shout for fixing a break in a track, but I don't think I can solder a USB socket to it?
  11. Does anyone know of a schematic for a power supply, to power effects pedals?
  12. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1334531275' post='1617400'] Speaking of headphones, anyone know if it's ok to run an amp without connecting it to a cab? [/quote] It depends on the amp. Generally speaking, anything with power valves and transformers can't be run without a load of some kind, either a cab or a dummy load such as a power brake. Most amps with solid-state power stages don't mind, but it's worth reading the small print in the manual and maybe checking with the manufacturer.
  13. Hi, I'll take this if it's still available. Please pm me to sort out the details.
  14. Banzai music has them, but at 7 euros plus shipping they're probably no cheaper than Bobs. http://www.banzaimusic.com/Hammond-1590A.html
  15. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1334488553' post='1616723'] Maybe the line out of the amp was connected to a mic preamp on the FOH desk. A line level signal will drive a mic preamp pretty hard (would almost definitely need padding). [/quote] This. I normally have the opposite problem with my LMII, the DI signal is feeble in comparison to the signal from the V-Bass. As someone else said the level is set by the gain control. Either that, or a case of PEBDAC (Problem Exists Between Desk And Chair).
  16. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1334311483' post='1614170'] Darn, it seems like a 34" scale 19mm string spacing bass is just not out there! I dont mind buying one that does not sound like a Ken smith and modding it to make it be! [/quote] The early Mk1 Yamaha TRB 5P (and presumably 5) has 34" scae and 19mm spacing. There's one in the for sale forum at the moment with an Aguilar pre-amp added, which I think would get you very close to what you want. The original electrics are pretty good too. SGC Nanyo Bass Collection 5s also have 34" scale and 19mm spacing, but you would definitely need to give some attention to the stock pre-amp, and maybe the pickups.
  17. Thanks Al, It gets worse :-( It appears that when the original USB socket got damaged, it also damaged the tracks. Not sure I'm able to repair that, so a couple of short jumper wires will be in order. Why is everything so small!!!!! Mechanically I think it will be OK - there are two pins which locate the socket and it has a foot in each corner which is soldered to the board, so it should be fixed well enough. Once it's in it's new enclosure, I'll use a short lead to connect it to another external socket so it won't be subject to having things plugged in and unplugged out repeatedly.
  18. Check out http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156589-couriers-packing/ and http://basschat.co.uk/topic/36625-courier-points-system-and-courier-issues/ Current hot favourite seems to be UPS via interparcel.
  19. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1334400796' post='1615640'] What's a bass player to do ? [/quote] Go to an actual music shop and try an actual amp?
  20. [quote name='stefBclef' timestamp='1334328574' post='1614698'] Ok...can you please explain where you are getting that "the amplifier requires a 20 amp power supply" from. Also I thought it would work on any voltage from 11V - 16V, just that 14 is optimum. [/quote] From your earlier posting: [size=3][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][b]Current Draw @ Max Power: [/b] 21.3 amps @ 4 ohms[/font][/color][/size]
  21. Ibanez http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1973-Bass-Guitar-/221000694575?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3374aafb2f
  22. [quote name='stefBclef' timestamp='1334320161' post='1614432'] Re powering the thing, can anyone tell me if a power supply with the following specs would do the trick: [/quote] Probably not. You have a 12V 10 ampere power supply and the amplifier requries a 14V 20 amp power supply. It's short on both voltage and power.
  23. I dunno, I think that's a pretty good price for a MIM jazz, even if it is an unusual colour.
  24. We have a project on the go here to mount a Korg nano kontrol in a box. The donor kontrol has a mini-usb socket missing from the pcb. I have a new surface-mount mini-usb socket to fit. The 4 corners of the socket are soldered onto the board, which match up the 5 contacts at the rear of the socket with the 5 tracks on the board. My question is whether just soldering the socket in place in the 4 corners will make a sufficiently good contact with the tracks, or will it be necessary to solder the individual connectors to the tracks too. I was wondering if any of the resident gurus have any comments.
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