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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1333565802' post='1603725'] Any trades? [/quote] Sorry, but no. I can't think of anything else I need at the moment.
  2. That Korg Wavestation was so rare, it didn't actually exist then?
  3. Weird. I get an immense signal off the standard pickups in my TRB5P. How recent is the battery?
  4. I have JJ Tesla in my Burmans - KT77s rather than EL34s, though JJ make both. The KT77s are really good valves, might be worth giving them a try instead of the EL34s. Conventional shape rather than fat bottles.
  5. BST is Bangladesh Standard Time. At least, as far as Sun Microsystems were concerned. I've noticed this before when not logged in. Might have been on the old forum though.
  6. [quote name='TheG' timestamp='1332776262' post='1592948'] I did also hear of someone getting his double bass and amp etc into a mini, someone was telling me a few years back. [/quote] Mini van and it was a piece of cake. I had no problems fitting my 3/4 inside my Austin A.30, and it still left room for a drumkit in the boot and a drummer in the back seat.
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1332758241' post='1592512'] I would warn against them. They are cheap, an attractive trait obviously, but they are very small and lack credibility as professional instruments. [/quote] Well it depends. When I was about 11 years old, my father found a Chamber Bass - effectively this was a half-size DB, intended for use in chamber music. No issues with credibility. Eventually we sold it when I outgrew it , and bought a 3/4 size bass which I still have. Said 3/4 size bass is now in a gig-bag that I can comfortably carry on my back. At the time though, I mostly used public transport and carried the bass with me. Most buses and trains can cope with the size and a 3/4 bass isn't very heavy (certainly less than a lightweight 2x10 cabinet). So although it's not impossible to find decent quality small basses, I'd challenge your assertion that a 3/4 is out of the question just because you don't have a car.
  8. I went into Wunjo's second shop a couple of days ago (why oh why didn't they call it Twojo's, I hate missed opportunities!) . Friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff, expecially the chap from Australia/New Zealand (apologies, I can't tell between the accents unless I hear them both together). Good experience. Will be going back soon to buy.
  9. [quote name='TorVic' timestamp='1332946680' post='1595300'] That's a very interesting bass. Are there any audio recording available? Thanks. [/quote] Not yet. I'm a little busy with work at the moment, but I'll try and get some done over the weekend.
  10. Many thanks for the kind words, chaps. [quote name='KevG' timestamp='1332618963' post='1590867'] Quite fancy this. Got an Epiphone Jack Casady if you're interested. [/quote] Thanks for the offer, but not really.
  11. Check out LaurenceH's Bass Collection SB330 . I have an SB320 unlined fretless that you are welcome to come round and try if you're worried about buying unseen.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331655573' post='1576677'] I have an LM250 with no pre/post switch, and Markbass tell me the DI is post EQ. [/quote] Bit off-topic, but if it's like the LMII you can change it to pre EQ by moving a jumper inside the case.
  13. For Sale - Epiphone Mandobird 4-string electric mandolin in Seafoam Green. You could also string this up as a Ukelele if you were so minded - I think there are some videos on youtube explaining what to do. [IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f123/cr0ut0n/Mandobird/2012-03-24105227.jpg[/IMG] This instrument is as-new, with one exception - a tiny hairline crack in the finish between the neck pocket and the pickup rout. It doesn't affect playabilty or stability, and is not really noticeable until you look closely. [IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f123/cr0ut0n/Mandobird/2012-03-24105258.jpg[/IMG] £90 plus shipping, including the original Epiphone-branded soft gig bag.
  14. Up for sale or possible trade is this 4-string headless singlecut bass by Paul Rose. Body is Spanish cedar, neck maple/rosewood, ABM hardware and two Bellcat humbuckers with individual volume controls and pull-push coil taps which give a wide and very useable range of sounds. The bass is designed to have the neck removed and replaced, so uses threaded inserts and pin-indexes to make it very simple to take the neck off and put it back in the same position. I'm told it'll fit in an airplane overhead locker like this, but it's pretty compact even when assembled. Some pics: I bought this because I was doing a lot of travelling for work, and wanted a small light portable bass to take on the road with me. A job change means that I'm no longer travelling, and since I mostly play 5s anyway I thought I'd put this up for sale to see if there was any interest. Paul Rose originally made this for wrinklygit and his original review can be found here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/140689-prose-karuna-headless-4/"]http://basschat.co.u...una-headless-4/[/url] Price, including a brand-new Madarozzo headless bass gigbag (like Status use) is £325 plus shipping. I'd prefer to sell it, but willing to listen to trade offers too.
  15. A Peavey 450 into two 410TVXs wasn't loud enough? Wow. I had one of those cabs and it was plenty loud for anything I wanted to do with it, the only problem with it was the weight. There must be more to this than meets the eye. Definitely have a look at EQ, both you and the guitarist. If that sorts things out, it's a cheap option.
  16. Like this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hagstrom-Futurama-Coronado-6-string-baritone-bass-1963-1964-Vintage-/270920652575?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f1421171f Tough call, they're obviously worth something in original condition.
  17. Haha, Webby the drum doctor - he is everywhere!!
  18. But you couldn't resist a plug, all the same.
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1332173411' post='1584274'] I think it is a case of manufactured over organic. If the impetus comes from the creativity of individuals who are in the bands, then there is a level of integrity that is missing when the 'band' are the front for a corporate hit making machine. [/quote] Not good news for Motown then?
  20. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1327302972' post='1508924'] Oh is that you'rs? I saw that one when I was trying to find info about my Cammeyer. do you have any Pics of it? [/quote] It was! I went into the shop today to find out what had become of it, and they sold it earlier this month. Unfortunately no pictures.
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