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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. [quote name='razze06' timestamp='1328617937' post='1529994'] No less than three bands (including ours - guilty as charged) were practicing this last night, and that's just at the practice room place we use (The Depot in Edinburgh). [/quote] What took you so long? We learnt it for a music festival last summer. Still use it for the odd party gig, the punters seem to like it. I think it's quite enjoyable to play, secret is not to overdo it.
  2. Some of that gear is pretty rare and recognisable. I take it they've done the usual things with contacting Cash Converters and all the local music shops?
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1328555771' post='1529065'] For some reason, it never occurred to me that you could play a violin and do BV's at the same time. [/quote] If you have enough double chins anything is possible, just ask Iain Telfer of Oysterband. Alex, great performance under the circs and I really hope you get your stuff back.
  4. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198-recommended-amp-techs/
  5. An eventful evening in the wilds of Suffolk. Sound check - guitarist sounds fine until he picks up his strat, it starts feeding back and making unpleasant noises. I plug in my bass, and the bass amp starts broadcasting the background noise, and then feeds back too. WTF? After a bit of headscratching - inspiration - there must be an inductive loop somewhere, causing the single coils in my bass and the strat to behave like hearing aids! Sure enough, I found the culprit and turned it off, and normality was restored. Thank you basschatters, I'm sure my deductive powers were a result of a half-remembered conversation on this forum. Gig was great - journey home was interesting in the snow. Fire up the Quattro, Polly!!
  6. My Markbass head has a dual speakon/jack speaker output, so I would imagine they fit the same things to the speaker cabs.
  7. My Bass Collections don't have them, and neither did the Dean B2. I don't think the TRB5P does either, though I'd have to take it out of the case and check to be certain - shows how much I rely on them. I've only come unstuck once, and that was on a very very dark stage with the Dean, when I couldn't see the side dots either. Didnt play any more wrong notes than usual, but it was a half-a-crown thruppenny-bit moment.
  8. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1327517847' post='1512817'] Richard Sinclair, I think. [/quote] You are correct. If the music shops in Kent are to be believed, Richard Sinclair has owned more basses than Beedster! Every single second-hand bass in the county has passed through his hands.
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1328203577' post='1523668'] I have a mandolin clamp that just clips to the mic stand, job done. I can't see them on EBay etc right now but worth hunting around for one. This is the closest I can find right now [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fantastic-stand-mandolins-violins-guitars-banjos-/300525905070?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Access_RL&hash=item45f8bd64ae#ht_500wt_922"]http://www.ebay.co.u...ae#ht_500wt_922[/url] [/quote] If I've understood this correctly, these are for holding the mandolin when you're not playing it. Monckyman is looking for something to hold the mandolin while you are playing it. Mind you those old bowl backs are so cheap on Ebay it might be worth just buying one, drilling a hole in the side and fitting a speaker pole socket to it :-)
  10. Ha ha! Yes, they are a bit dear. I have an Epiphone Mandobird which worked pretty well as a cheap fix until I got a decent pickup in my main mando. An Mbrace stand should fit a mandolin, judging by the comments on mandolin cafe, but it probably won't work with a bowl-back.
  11. Does anyone know of a way to donate some money to Mr. Rainey that doesn't involve using Paypal?
  12. [quote name='Faithless' timestamp='1328097877' post='1521668'] Maybe there was a lithuanian tune, similar to some tune you may know? [/quote] We are the winners, of Eurovision! Pure genius!!
  13. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1328053598' post='1521247'] Because of the round back of the Mando, I don`t think they`ll be suitable,but....I`m thinking I can make something similar for a bow back. [/quote] Bowl back, schmowl back - you need one of these: http://www.almuse.co.uk/mandolin_gallery.html
  14. In one sense you can't go wrong: there are many satisfied users of different makes of 2x12 cabs on here, and every time this comes up they all say "mine's the best" or words to that effect. I think the " 4 ohm to get the full power out of my amp" bit is a complete red herring though. I don't believe the difference in volume is noticeable, and If you want to make more noise you are better off with an 8 ohm so you can add another one at a later date. Moving twice as much air IS going to be noticeably louder.
  15. Thank you Clarky, you've made an old man very happy. Bernard's playing on 'Forbidden Lover' is one of his finest moments. It's tabbed in Stu's book, so there goes my Sunday afternoon! I used to think these guys were pretty good too, though it predates most of this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsVsxr-JYBQ As for what we were doing in 1977, I remember driving past a gig somewhere in south Manchester on my way to an irish music session, wondering why there were so many people queuing up to see a band I'd never heard of. The Police. What a stupid name for a band, they'll never catch on, I thought.
  16. Yes, that was me. Don't remember it being noisy, but then my ears are probably not what they used to be!
  17. Is that the red one? I put an Artec 3-band in my 465 and that seems to work pretty well. It was a big improvement on the original. You need to open out the holes for the stacked pots, other than that fitting it is pretty straight forward, keep the original Jack.
  18. The Tonmeister course at the University of Surrey is probably the best in the country, although the jobs market at which it is aimed (big studios, places like the BBC) seems to be shrinking faster than a fast thing. It's a proper engineering course, so you'll need good A levels in Maths, Physics and Music Tech plus a Grade 8 standard on your main instrument.
  19. I think the rest of the band have made some other arrangements in the interim. I'll check and let you know.
  20. I'd have taken it for £450 if you'ld been able to charge me to ship it. I don't have a spare 2 days to drive to Lanark and back and the diesel alone would cost £150.
  21. Tricky isn't it, there are so many worthy causes. I like the approach of charging a full fee and then making a donation once you've been paid.
  22. I have a Gold Tone tenor in Irish tuning and a Windsor Premier 5-string old-time banjo. I also have a Cammeyer zither banjo which is currently for sale in the London branch of Hobgoblin.
  23. Lovely Antoria fretless Precision http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-1978-MIJ-Antoria-2367B-Fretless-Precision-Bass-Copy-Ibanez-Fujigen-/160720913993?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item256bb68649
  24. How does it sound, Wayne? I'm in Milton Keynes myself on Tuesday for work!
  25. Stuart Clayton's book Ultimate Slap Bass is really good if you can find a copy - unfortunately it seems to be out of print at the moment but maybe a 'Wanted' ad will do the trick.
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